How The Mandalorian Can Make You Money – This Is The Way
Are you a fan of The Mandalorian? I am and I want to show you how The Mandalorian can make you money. In fact any Star Wars show can. How? Have you considered the very popular, profitable and inexpensive form of online marketing known as affiliate marketing?
Mandalorian Collectibles through Affiliate Marketing.
With the surging popularity of the Mandalorian TV series, people are clamoring for anything to collect. I personally know people who are buying anything and everything related to the show, but the Mandalorian The Child collectibles are especially popular among fans.
When he first appeared on the show, the little character fondly known as Baby Yoda, who is of the same kind of species as Yoda the Jedi Master, was a fan favorite. He was equally if not just a little more popular than the Mandalorian Din Djarin, played by Pedro Pascal.
The intense interest surrounding the TV series and especially Grogu, baby Yoda’s real name, is going to continue for the foreseeable future. Even with Din Djarin being the lead role in the show, people like myself have fallen in love with Grogu. Must be those big eyes.
This is why creating an affiliate marketing website business in the very popular Star Wars niche, and focusing it on the Mandalorian’s two most popular characters, can be quite profitable. Plus think of the fun you will have at writing about your favorite scenes and show theories.
Did you know that 84% of bloggers prefer using affiliate marketing to monetize their content? It was shown in a study done by Rakuten Advertising, the largest affiliate marketing service provider. This is an ideal way to earn passive income for writing about the Mandalorian.
How to begin this money making opportunity?
I am now going to break down in four simple terms what you will need to do in order to start making money promoting Mandalorian collectibles. I will also provide you with ideas for your blogging content and information where you can put all of this together. “I have spoken.”
- You will need a blog / website. This is a lot easier to obtain and manage than most people think. In fact I know of one place where you can get a programmed-for-you website that comes with a blog, email, secured high-speed hosting, 24/7 tech support, plus much more, that is super inexpensive. I will give you details in just a bit.
- You will need some education in how to properly operate an online affiliate marketing business. Let’s face it. Though the concept of making money in affiliate marketing is really simple, you need to know what not to do just as much as knowing what to do. You can get this easy-to-understand education at the same place you get your blog / website.
- You will need to choose what specifically your business will be about. In other words, what specific products will you be promoting and making money on. By being specific you will be able to rise above the other websites selling all kinds of Mandalorian merchandise. For example, choosing only Din Djarin and Grogu is specific.
- You will need to become an affiliate or partner with an online company that sells all kinds of Mandalorian collectibles and merchandise. Becoming an affiliate is ALWAYS FREE, but you do need a blog / website to be accepted. These companies want to make sure you are a legit way to help them make sales and you are getting paid for your efforts.
The four steps listed above are only effective in earning you an income, after you put everything together. This is not that hard to do, but it can be a tiny bit time consuming, which is why you need to be diligent and thorough in your approach to building your website business.
Like I often tell newbie affiliate marketers, ‘you cannot build a strong effective skyscraper building without a foundation.’ That blog / website and the education needed in how an affiliate marketing business will work without spending thousands of dollars, is that foundation.

The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) and The Child / Baby Yoda (Grogu)
The following is what I would do. You can do the same.
Going forward I am going to explain what I would do if I were creating an affiliate marketing business focused solely on the Din Djarin and Grogu characters. Feel free to copy these ideas for your own online marketing website in the Star Wars The Mandalorian niche.
First off you cannot make any money without attracting visitors to your website. These visitors, also known as traffic, are what you need to succeed. So how can you get traffic coming to your website for free? By using what are known as keywords in your blogging content.
What are keywords? Simply put they are the words you type into a search engine to find the answer. Example. If you went to Google and typed, Baby Yoda calendar, then clicked on search, that search term is considered a keyword, even though it is more than one word.
To attract traffic you want the keywords you use to have a low competition result. This can be accomplished by using a keyword research tool, like the Jaaxy tool I use. You want to find keywords with high monthly searches (above 50) and low monthly competition (below 100).
Using Jaaxy is like using Google. You just type in a search term and get the research results. This makes it super easy and fast to find the right keywords to use without having to search each word in Google one-by-one. The below image is from a Jaaxy search I did.

Keyword Research Results for the keyword Baby Yoda Calendar
The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda keywords
Here are some keywords specific to the Mandalorian (Din Djarin) and Grogu (Baby Yoda) that can attract traffic through Google searches. The numbers provided represent amounts in Monthly Searches / Monthly Traffic / and Monthly Competition (the lower the better).
- Mandalorian Baby Yoda plush – 128 / 22 / 100
- Mandalorian action figures – 321 / 55 / 74
- Mandalorian Baby Yoda hoodie – 88 / 15 / 71
- Star Wars Mandalorian characters – 153 / 27 / 63
- Baby Yoda calendar – 128 / 22 / 60
- Mandalorian Baby Yoda toy – 185 / 32 / 54
- Star Wars Mandalorian action figure – 144 / 25 / 53
- Mandalorian Baby Yoda action figure – 64 / 11 / 48
- Funko Pop Mandalorian Child – 153 / 27 / 46
- Star Wars The Mandalorian action figures – 274 / 47 / 45
- Mandalorian Christmas ornaments – 210 / 36 / 42
- Mandalorian Baby Yoda sale – 72 / 13 / 0
I would then choose one of the above keywords I had researched and use it as the basis of the blog content I write. That content could be either a review of a specific product or part of the context in the topic I write about. Let’s say I write a blog about a Mandalorian Christmas.
I could choose the above keyword – Mandalorian Christmas Ornaments – 210 / 36 / 42. It has a high monthly search volume of 210 and a low monthly competition of 42. I would then create my blog post title “Mandalorian Christmas Ornaments – Din Djarin & Grogu” and create content.
That content could be about the different types of Christmas ornaments I find to be of the highest quality and lowest cost, based on research I have done. How you create the narrative of your content is totally up to you. You have complete flexibility in what and how you write.
What kind of products can you promote and where to find them?
Seeing how my website business is focused solely on “Mando” (Din Djarin) and “The Child” (Grogu), I would seek out collectibles and merchandise based only on those two characters. To best do this I would first look for the companies that sell these products I can affiliate with.
There are five company websites I would recommend in joining their affiliate programs. Remember, it is always free to join an affiliate program. Always make sure to not only check out what products they have available concerning Mando & Grogu but their program requirements.
- Amazon – 1% – 10% Commission with a 24-Hour Cookie. Seeing how Amazon sells practically everything and has the largest affiliate program, they are a good one to join. NOTE: Always choose an additional company because Amazon’s commission percentages can be lower than others.
- Things From Another World – This company sells some really higher end Mandolorian collectibles with a commission percentage up to 14% Commission with a 90-Day Cookie. With products ranging between $2.19 to $280.00, this is a good affiliate program to join.
- Super Hero Stuff – Plenty of clothing, caps, jewelry, accessories, and collectibles. They start with 10% Commission and a 30-Day Cookie. Based on monthly sales performance the Commission can be raised to 15%.
- Sideshow – This website has a lot, up to 313 Mandalorian collectibles, many with both high price tag and high quality workmanship. Click the link to their online store and you will see what I mean. They have dome highly detailed figurines that would look great in any collection showcase.
- Shop Disney – It should be no surprise that another affiliate program to join would be from Disney, they are after all the owners of Lucasfilm Ltd and all os the Star Wars franchises. As is expected with Disney the Mandalorian merchandise is top quality and is yet another affiliate program worth checking out.
There are so many products one could use to monetize their blog and website content about The Mandalorian TV series. Season 3 will not start until Early 2022 and already there is a buzz about what the storyline will be about, not to mention the spinoff shows to be released. The excitement is AMAZING!
Where to get your programmed-for-you website and get started.
OK…Now you know all of the different products you can promote to monetize your blog content that pertain specifically to the Mandalorian Din Djarin and the Child Grogu. All you need is your passion for the TV series to create content and the education plus tools to put it together.
For only $50.17 per month you can not only create, build and fully operate your affiliate marketing website, but you can get all of the education and free access to website building tools you will ever need. Actually you get more than you need, but it’s nice to know you have it.
If you search the internet for affiliate marketing training you will find a few programs that either offer you training but no tools for a lot of money or building tools and hardly any training for little money. There is only one place that provides you with EVERYTHING you need.
My #1 Recommendation in affiliate marketing training and tools, plus a free website builder and the Jaaxy keyword research tool I mentioned earlier, is known as Wealthy Affiliate. They are a One-Stop solution in the creation of a successful digital marketing business.
Think of it this way. The amount of $50.17 per month comes out to roughly $1.61 per day. How much do you spend everyday on a cup of coffee or a big bottle of soda? For the cost of a 20 oz Coca-Cola everyday, you can operate a money making Mandalorian website business.
So if you are interested in making this a reality and start earning an income by sharing your love and knowledge for the characters of Din Djarin and Grogu (or any other character) while promoting Mandalorian collectibles, I invite you to Join Wealthy Affiliate Free Today! Home JobsMoney Making IdeasVideoInexpensive startup home based internet business,Make Money with Mandalorian Collectibles,The Mandalorian niche
Such an amazing article explained the concept of affiliate marketing in an interesting way. A clear niche and focusing on popular characters is profitable, and fun to do. The process of starting as an affiliate marketer is commendable as you mentioned each step so clearly, what kind of keywords should be used, the best websites to begin with, and their commission percentages. The price package offered is helpful as it not only creates or builds websites but also provides free access to website building tools, unlike others. Thanks truly informative article and business ideas!
You are welcome. Happy to have provided some guidance and ideas.
Great post and REALLY great title. I really like the Mandalorian tv show, so when I read your title that I could make money with it I was intrigued. Great business idea, I do affiliate marketing so I am familiar with the concept, but a really neat niche I never thought of. Cheers man, keep up the great work. Enjoyed your blog.
Thank you Robb. When I was looking online for some Mandalorian collectibles, I noticed a couple of the websites I was searching had affiliate programs. I then said to myself, any fan of The Mandalorian TV show that is just as excited about it as I am, would want to get their hands on these collectibles too. That is when I came up with the idea and title of this blog post. The Star Wars niche is a HUGE one!