How to Get on Page 1 of Google
Many internet marketers want to know how to get on page 1 of Google. In this post I will tell you how I have achieved this goal many times and what you should expect. Too many times I have read comments from website owners thinking that getting on page 1 is an exact formula and a quick process.
One thing you need to understand is that there is a lot of misinformation online about how you can improve the SEO of your website for better rankings. I am not saying that all of it is false but what I am saying is that a lot of it is outdated information.
The Evolution of Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is constantly evolving. What used to work two and three years ago, most likely does not work now. In some cases, like using multiple keywords, it can even hurt your rankings within the search engines.
And just for the record of this post, when I talk about search engine algorithms and SEO, I am talking mainly about Google. They are the major player when it comes to anything having to do with search engine rankings. They own more than 70% of all search traffic, making them the largest search engine.
Let me also clarify that SEO is not something you can do and then forget about it. That is not how it works. It has to be an ongoing process of many different factors, all aimed at keeping up with the evolution of SEO.
Google uses about 200 different factors when determining the ranking of website content and about 10% of those factors change every year and sometimes bi yearly too. This is one of the reasons why it is tough to nail down the exact formula for getting perfect SEO all the time. You must constantly work at it.
Why is SEO so complicated?
I believe that it needs to be complicated so that everyone seeking it starts off on an even playing field. If SEO were easy and a one-time affair, everyone would be doing great in the search engine rankings. If that were true, we all would be getting many of those spammy websites in search results. Do you want that?
By making the process of getting on to Google page one a tough and complicated feat, the small internet marketer can compete with the big boys too. But there are some basic guidelines that Google has provided in which everyone can follow, and over time if implemented correctly WILL yield results.
I personally follow these guidelines and have had great success. Not perfect success, but definitely above average success and that makes me very happy, with a sense of OH YEAH – I CAN DO THIS! What are these guidelines? Like I said there are many, but the below infographic will provide you many of the common ones. Click on the Infographic to enlarge.
Infographic used with permission from Search Engine Land.
Google Page One of this website
Currently as of this writing, May 13, 2015, I have a combined 17 pages/posts of this website on Google page 1. Five of them in the number 1 position based on certain search queries. I make sure that I use well researched long tail low competition keywords and place them in my titles and descriptions.
Would you like some proof? Do a check yourself. Open up another website browser window, go to Google and type in these search queries. These pages should appear in the number one position. You can validate it by my website URL or click the link and you will see this website you are currently on.
• how to stay clear of online scams
• review of cgp gallery
• my online business empire review
• ds domination monopoly
• are adsense revenue sharing websites legit
These are just 5 of the 17 pages and posts from this website that are on page one. Even though Google’s ranking algorithm is quite complicated and I certainly do not know all of their ranking factors (does anyone other than Google know?), I am still able to achieve the coveted goal of page one rankings.
Content is King & Keywords are Queen
I am sure you have heard that saying before, that Content is King. Well I always add on to that by saying, Keywords are Queen. This basically boils down to that without targeted keywords in your content, it will be harder to rank well in the search engines.

Content is King & Keywords are Queen
But before you start racing off to “stuff” your content with keywords, just stop and keep reading. There was a time a couple of years ago where the more keywords your content had the better. However that is not the case anymore. More is definitely NOT better. More keywords can get your content into SEO trouble.
This is called Keyword Stuffing and Google does not look kindly on Keyword Stuffing. So when it comes to using keywords, I will use the targeted keyword in the page or post title, then once again within the first 140 to 155 character spaces of my content and then one more time near the end of my content. If I can get it into a Heading Tag, that would be ideal. If not, then anywhere near the end is fine.
There is no need to repeat the targeted keyword any more within the content. Google’s algorithm, for knowing what the targeted keyword is, has become much smarter than it was a couple of years ago. Just make sure the keyword is in the title, in the beginning of the content, and again near the end. That is it!
No need to stuff anymore keywords into your content because it will not help with your SEO and will actually hurt it. When Googlebot crawls your content, it wants to read it as though it was a real person. A great User Experience will lead you to better SEO every single time.
Google Page 1
You are probably saying to yourself, all of this information is helpful but how do I get on to page one of Google? Here is the quick step-by-step answer.
• By doing what I do and write quality content based on long tail and low competition keywords
• Using the keywords in the 3 appropriate spots – Title, Description & near the End of Content
• Share the link on every social media network multiple times per month every month
• Continue to add quality relevant content on a consistent schedule
• Make sure you are using and submit a Sitemap
• Make sure you have Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools installed and registered
• Be patient and WAIT!
It will take time, weeks and even months, for Google to truly rank you high up in the search results. Now you may see your page or post ranking fairly high shortly after you have published it, but that is not a true indication of its rank. All new content, if it is well written, gets a brief encounter with high rankings.
I have heard several people call it the “Google Dance” where you are ranking highly with a new post and then it drops like a rock a couple days later, only to come up a little in a week or two. There are so many factors that go into how Google ranks a website that the only thing you really can do is follow the guidelines and wait it out.
Freshness Matters
While you are waiting you need to consistently continue to add content because Google wants to see fresh new content being indexed on a regular bases. When they see this happening they will take notice and basically say, this website is active with new content, we must reward them with a boost in rankings.

Continue to write content
Now of course you must be following the guidelines for that boost to happen. You cannot just be throwing up poorly written and created content. Like I said above, if your keyword is in the Title, early in the first paragraph, and then one more time near the end of the content, then those are the first key steps that will help you to achieve your goal of page 1 rankings.
Another factor of fresh content is comment engagement. Google considers the comments being left on a website as new content. Comment engagement from your website readers is yet another ranking factor that will contribute to higher rankings within the search engines, so make sure you are providing relevant and compelling content that gets people to engage.
A Mature Authority
Like I said earlier, there are about 200 Google ranking factors and two others are Maturity and Authority. Let me briefly explain maturity because there is not much to say on this factor. The more mature in age your website is, the quicker it will get ranked. However this maturity also works hand-in-hand with authority.
Over time your website will gain authority in your respective niche because of the continued increase of quality informative website content, and the engagement of said content by your website readers which include comments and sharing (see below).
By providing a good User Experience for your website readers, you build authority and after all, your website content is written for your readers and not the search engines. Those who write for the search engines will not do well with SEO.
Sharing is caring

One of my Google Page 1 posts on this website
I can go on and on about the many ranking factors, but the last thing I want to touch on has to do with sharing. When you provide valuable informative content on your website, there is a good possibility that your website readers may want to share it. This is why having Social Media Share Buttons on your pages and posts are valuable to have.
Google will also look at the social signals, those are the amount of times a unique user has clicked on that social media button to share the content. The more social shares the more engaging the content is, at least that is the theory.
Google loves the sharing of content, and another way that this will help your SEO and thus better Google rankings, is to share your own content by interlinking your blog posts with other relevant pages and posts on your website. Internal linking is far superior to external linking. By sharing your own website content you are telling Google, hey, my content is worth sharing.
So now that you know how to get on Page 1 of Google, with several of the ranking factors I have shared with you in this article, it is time for you to take action. Share this page of content with people on Social Media so they can benefit from the knowledge too.
If you would like to learn more about Keyword Research, SEO and how to build a WordPress website for either personal or business uses, I invite you to join the online community that has taught me almost everything I have shared with you here. This place is called Wealthy Affiliate, also known as Wealthy Affiliate University as seen in the banner above right.
They have a Free Starter Membership that will teach you the basics to what I have shared with you here as well as provide you with many options to start your own online business. The all-inclusive monthly cost for this online education is extremely inexpensive, yet the knowledge you gain is valuable! For more information, check out my FAQ Page. – If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I will reply back.
Robert, I have a zero presents on social media! I see your strategies call for submitting on all your social media sites regularly. I might have a combined 15 to 20 followers on SM. Can this strategy still work with no following?
You really should start cultivating social media followers but you cannot effectively do so without first sharing engaging and interesting posts on your SM profiles. Then you need to like, share and comment on the posts of those who you would like to follow you. Follow them first and many times they will follow you back.
i understood clearly about seo,what you have written in this web site, as i am new to blogging
now i am so much interested in joining the wealthy affiliate program, and i am from india can i earn WA ppc program.without blogging just reffering people to that website.
Yes, you can earn monthly recurring passive income from Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate program for just referring people. But you first have to become a Premium member which costs $47 per month. Then all you need to do is refer 3 people to Premium and that will earn you $67.50 ($22.50 per referral), which will pay for your monthly fee and give you $20.50 extra in your pocket. Naturally the more you refer, the more you will make every month.
I’m going into my fifth month with Wealthy Affiliate. I think if I were younger (I’m just turning 76) this would all go faster, but WA has enabled me to put up a website; thus, through them I found your wonderful website here. I know I’ll never understand even all these basics, but step by step there are lights shining. Your content that I’m perusing is helping me understand SEO; it’s definitely step by step. My web designer son tells me I have one advantage – I can write. And so can you! Content IS king. More difficult (for me) is using the social media, though I did learn to use Blogger five years ago when I got a publishing contract that said I had to. Through that I’ve discovered how many wonderful people/writers/bloggers there are “out there.” It’s been a fun journey.
I just want to close by saying you are one of those excellent writers, as I can tell from your content. And again – you have an excellent site. So much helpful information. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Ann for your kind words. I believe in helping people and the best way to do this is through easy to understand content, even if the subject matter is a bit technical. As you have stated and is surely true, content is king and with quality content you can better educate your website readers and give them a better user experience (UX). When you can provide a good UX Google will see it as a plus for your over all rankings and SEO because Google wants to see what your website visitors want to see.
I understand about starting something when you are older but the more you expand your mind with knowledge the sharper your mind will be in the long run, providing you live a relatively healthy lifestyle. The nice thing about the training at Wealthy Affilite is that it allows you to learn and absorb at your own pace. When you are not rushed your mind can retain knowledge way better and you will be able to remember things that will help you to learn more things. – All the best to you Ann.
Hi Robert, some great insights into getting your post ranked on the No.1 spot.
You mentioned using the KW 3 times may I suggest that putting an image in the post with the same keyword is also beneficial.
I use it all the time and find I get traffic to the posts through the image as well.
Thank you Mark. I am glad you liked my post on getting ranked on page 1 of Google.
Yes, using the targeted keyword in the Alt text and the file name of an image is also beneficial for SEO.
Thanks for sharing Robert, wow so much to learn. However you do explain it well ;))
Thank you Joseph. I try to be as clear as possible when explaining the process because though many may find it complicated, it really is simplistic once you understand the few basic guidelines to follow.
Thanks for the tips. Ill take note of this in order to attain the number 1 spot in google.
You are welcome Keye. I hope this information helps you to get to Page 1 in Google.
Hello! Your website is really impressive! This was a great post! Getting on Google’s page 1 is truly difficult. Wealthy affiliate greatly helped me with building my website and learning more on how to make it successful!
Thank you for sharing!
You are welcome Katerina! Yes getting on to Page 1 of Google can be tough, but thanks to the awesome training at Wealthy Affiliate, we members have a slight advantage over those who are not members because we have the TRUE information about how to get there.
Hey, Robert.
I always learn something when I visit one of your writings.
I started earlier this year in January of this year and do have or try to have keyword(s) in my title, within the first paragraph and just now hearing I should include it to the bottom.
I average around 750 words per page/post. Some of my writings are less than 500 words. One or two of my pages are around 1500 words, something I’m happy about here.
I have one post about electronic tuners that hit Google’s #1 page and it’s the fourth one down.
I really need to learn more about SEO and how it works it seems. Looks like you’re the go-to guy.
Thanks for being there, Robert. Look forward to more of your reading.
P.S. Your SEO pic, did you forget to hit “none” in the “Link To” before uploading this pic. It takes me away from your site.
Thank you Larry. Yes SEO is a tricky concept to get a handle on and it took me a while to understand it, still about 5% I am trying to master, but like many things in life, the more you do them and practice them, the better you become at them.
Yes, my SEO picture I forgot to select “None” as the link to selection. I have since fixed that.
dang, now that makes quit a bit of sense. Very well done my friend. You have some serious skill in writing.
Thank you Alex. I am happy you like my writing style. It comes from many years of practice. 🙂
Having a very new site (about 3 months in existence), I am exhilarated when one of my pages rank Google Page 1, Rank 1…who wouldn’t be?
It means that Google believes my content is quality and well written!
To me, such rankings are harbingers of success.
I am very much interested however, in knowing ways to maintain high rank. So, thanks for the info!
You are welcome Roslyn. Yes getting on Google Page 1 is great but the other big task is getting it to rank in the number 1 position and stay there. Just because a web page or post makes it to Google Page 1 does not mean it will stay there. But if you can get it to rank within the top 3 spots, there is a much better chance that it will remain there on page one.
Thanks so much for this! You have really “distilled” the factors that get you on page one of Google so that anyone can follow. I really like the periodic table! I had never seen that before. I know lots of people will share this amazing info. Good luck!
Thank you Dianne. I am glad you enjoyed the periodic table of SEO ranking factors I provided. It really is a nice breakdown of the key factors we can all follow to produce better rankings. I do hope people will find this article worth sharing with others so they too can benefit from the knowledge. Thanks for your comment.
Great information, I have been kind of upset of lately because it seems like I’m not ranking in googles search engine, but you shared a few things with me that I might need to go back and check. Plus my website is only 3 months old should I be seeing some good rankings yet?
Hi Tavis and thank you. I am happy you found this information helpful. To answer your question – No. Your website is still too young to see really good rankings. Unless you are writing high quality well optimized content with a lot of reader engagement, you could see some positive results in 3 months but normally you need to wait a couple of more months to see some results. High website rankings take months and sometimes don’t even happen that often. You just have to keep trying and be PATIENT!
hey man! Really like the advice! The periodic graph is a bit overloaded for me but I know Im posting a lot of good content and sharing, like you suggest. I’d assume Im getting some action on google here more soon too!
thanks for this!
Matt TheDopestMatrix
You are welcome Matt. As for the graph being overloaded…yes it is kind of but you really only need to make sure you are doing (+3) and not doing (-3) any of the factors that are rated with a number 3 (+ or -). If you follow those guidelines, continue to add quality content on a continual consistent schedule, and you have patience and wait, you will see success eventually.
As always, more great information from Robert! I love your website Robert. You always have great information and even if it’s something I already know it serves as reinforcement.
These are great SEO factors that really work. Unfortunately the one people seem to have a hard time with is patients. Like you said we all need to have patients. Without it there is no chance of success in this business.
We live in a world of instant this and instant that. People are used to getting what they want when they want it and if we enter into the world of online marketing with this attitude we’re finished before we start.
Thanks for the great info and I for one will be sticking to your advise.
Exactly Wayne! This is probably the biggest reason why people fail at becoming successful in an online business and that is because they do not know how to wait! They say patience is a virtue and it is extremely important if you want to have success with SEO, especially if you follow the guidelines, which is also the most important thing that needs to be done first and foremost.
Thank you for your comment and for being a loyal follower of my website. I am happy you enjoyed my article on SEO and I hope it helps you in your endeavors.