The Wealthy Affiliate Review
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Owners: Kyle and Carson
Price: $0.00 for Starter Membership
Rating: 98 out of 100
It really is easy to start working from home
Do you want to secure your financial future? I am sure you do, in fact, who doesn’t want to know that their financial needs can be met for the future?
You maybe thinking of starting your own online business. You see more and more opportunities springing up all over the internet, with claims from many people who have gone from rags to riches.
I am sure you want that for you and your family, working at home and never missing a moment of watching your kids growing up. And how about that feeling of never having to commute to work again? Your commute can now be as close as your computer.
But you start asking yourself, are any of these opportunities I am seeing online even true? Common sense tells you that some of the opportunities are legit, but common sense also tells you that many could be scams.
This was the big question going through my mind when I took the plunge and started my own online business. I tried and joined a couple of online business communities that even promised that I could become wealthy online. However once I joined there was hardly any support or guidance.
I had to follow a strict path that didn’t allow me to tap into my own creativity. I felt as though I could not have fun in what I was creating. I know that personally for me, I need to enjoy my work to want to get up and do it everyday.
Then I found Wealthy Affiliate and things became easier
Unlike all of the other so-called online communities out there that can promise you the moon, Wealthy Affiliate is truly in a class of its own. The other business “scam” opportunities will tell you how you can make thousands of dollars a month working from home by using their proven success program.
However Wealthy Affiliate never says that. Do you want to know why? Because Wealthy Affiliate is a learning platform community of currently successful online business entrepreneurs, who are more than happy to teach you what they know that works.
When you need to know how to start a work from home business, you do not need to look any further than Wealthy Affiliate. What they offer for such a low monthly price, still astounds me! Just by interacting within the community with other members, you can see why Wealthy Affiliate has been a HUGE success for the past 10 years.
I have been working on the internet for 15 years, mainly selling on eBay and a little bit with Amazon, but I was always looking for other ways to diversify and make more money. I do a lot of research into anything that I am going to personally try online. I do this because, as I said above, I have tried other online programs that did not deliver.
Doing research is very important to me because I do not want to get mislead again. I want to make sure I get a great return on investment. Here in The Wealthy Affiliate Review I will give you my personal experience in learning all of the training that is offered here.
Here is my Wealthy Affiliate Review
In my search for a new avenue to explore for an online business, I came across an ad for Wealthy Affiliate University also known as just Wealthy Affiliate or WA to its members.
I had never heard of Wealthy Affiliate and at that time, August 2013, I was looking for a way to build my very own website without having to pay someone else to build it for me. But there was something about the name Wealthy Affiliate University that made me click the link and find out who they were.
Did you ever have that feeling, what you were reading just seemed legitimate and open about the facts? This is how I felt when I first stumbled on another review of Wealthy Affiliate I had read. Like what I am trying to express here in my review, the person who I now know from being a member, explained everything I had questions about.
After checking out what they had to offer I was quite impressed. I had never encountered anything as complete and all-inclusive as what I was seeing that Wealthy Affiliate was offering. What I was reading just blew my socks off! It sounded too good to be true.
What impressed me the most was that their start up price was 100% free. Who doesn’t like free offers? If you were offered a chance to make money online and start for free, wouldn’t you take that chance? Opportunity doesn’t always come knocking and it could be the answer to your financial dreams!
So I took the plunge and joined Wealthy Affiliate. I figured that if it were free I had nothing to lose. Because when you think about it, if they were so confident that what they offered actually worked, giving people a free test drive would prove its legitimacy.
Now when I joined the Free Starter Membership I knew there was also a Paid Premium Membership, but to their credibility I was never pushed to join it. Matter of fact I was encouraged to not start as a paid member and to begin the training for free, another great sign of the legitimacy of Wealthy Affiliate.
It was my intention to see what I could get out of the Free Starter Membership for two weeks. If I really felt it was worth it, I would upgrade to Premium and if not I would stay as a Free Starter Member for as long as I could.
Needless to say I was REALLY impressed at the training, the resources, the support, and the positive atmosphere of the community of members. I had to upgrade and see where I could take this new adventure and I am so happy I did! It is now 2015 and I am having great success! I know you will also have success just like so many others!
Pros & Cons
PROS: First the Pros and there are many of them. Wealthy Affiliate is the best I have ever experienced anywhere online.
• 50 Certification Courses – (5 Levels, 10 Courses each)
• 74 Additional Affiliate Boot Camp Courses
• 13 Interactive Classrooms consisting of many topics
• Video and Tutorial Training Courses
• New and Updated LIVE Weekly Training Classrooms
• Very Easy Website Building – NO Programming Required See the video on my Site Rubix post.
• Extensive Website Building Tools
• FREE Keyword Research Tool
• Automated Website Creation
• State of the Art Fast Web Hosting
• 1,000,000+ Members from All Over the World and all educational backgrounds
• 24/7 Live Chat for 24/7 Help and Support
• Personal Blog and Private Messaging
• Q&A and Discussion Boards for Additional Help
• A Strict NO Spamming Environment – (You Spam, You’re Gone)
• UP TO 10 Websites Can be Hosted for Premium Members at No Additional Cost
• Discounted Premium Membership Prices
• 1 FREE Website for Starter Members built on the SiteRubix website builder platform
• $0.00 Starter Membership Price – (TOTALLY FREE – NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED)
CONS: Now for the Cons, actually there are just two cons.
• The Premium grace period is only one week. – When you join as a Starter member for the first 7 days you will have total access to the entire website and community as if you were a Premium Member. After the first 7 days you can still continue with the free membership, free training, and the free website. But you will not have the 24/7 Live Chat, Direct Commenting with community, and robust support. So when you become a Starter Member make sure to take full advantage during those first 7 days.
• Information Overload! – Your email address gets flooded with all of the course updates and new training and blog posts that are a constant every day activity at Wealthy Affiliate. But you quickly learn to ignore it and just focus on the step-by-step training courses. You can read them later if you like or disable the email notification feature.
An overview of what you will get
Wealthy Affiliate is the best online training course I have ever experienced anywhere. When you take into consideration how much it cost to go to a college or vocational school to learn anything having to do with building websites and an online business, you will quickly understand why Wealthy Affiliate is the best there is.
Yes the training is way above board, but what also makes the learning experience so fruitful is the extensive help you get from the Wealthy Affiliate online community, INCLUDING the co-owners Kyle and Carson who are always there to offer help and guidance.
If you want to know how to build fully functional WordPress websites and do it correctly, you will get that training at Wealthy Affiliate.
If you want to learn the latest in Keyword Research and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), so your websites can get indexed and ranked into Google and other search engines, you will get the training for that too.
Basically EVERYTHING you will ever need to build a successful website is all located at Wealthy Affiliate. For the couple things that you will have to go outside for, such as free affiliate program sign up with companies like Amazon and others or image resources, Wealthy Affiliate will provide you with the link to send you in the right direction. All of the worry has been taken out of the equation.
Who can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate
In a nutshell, everyone! Yes everyone can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate, your ticket to online success in your own business. It does not matter if you are tech savvy or not that great around computers, the training is designed to be user friendly to all.
If you are unemployed, retired, disabled, a minimum wage earner, someone who is tired with their present employer, a college student, a stay at home mom or dad, a business owner, someone in the military, a struggling artist, just anyone who has access to the internet can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.
Think about what that can mean. You no longer need a college education to start your own internet job from home. All you need is a computer with an internet connection and your desire to succeed. THAT IS IT!
Everything else – the training, the websites, the website builder, the free high speed hosting, free SSL Certificates, domain registration, the support from successful online business owners, and all of the other resources are provided for you at Wealthy Affiliate.
But I’m not that smart, I do not know programming
That is one of the many beauties of Wealthy Affiliate, you do not need to know programming to build a website. I have never learned how to program and I still do not know it, yet I have five fully functioning websites.
Wealthy Affiliate uses their exclusive WordPress Express CMS (Content Management System) which does all of the work for you based off of the SiteRubix website builder platform. Everything is automated, fast and easy to use and understand. Even THIS website you are reading was created with WordPress Express.
It literally takes only 30 seconds for the website builder to program you a website! Once you have your website you can start to build your online business and start making some money. Over time you will be able to earn more money and at all hours of the day and night!
No more money worries, no more going to a job and helping someone else get rich while you make pennies. It really is simple to make money online once you have your website, and the below 8:44 video explains the easy process. Matter of fact the below video is one of the video lessons offered at Wealthy Affiliate. Click on the image below and take a FREE sneak peak at it now!
How can Wealthy Affiliate make me money?
As the above video has shown, it is really simple to make money online. Wealthy Affiliate will first train you how to build a website because let’s face it, there is no legitimate way to have your own online business and make money without having a website.
After you have your website up and running and indexed into Google, you will learn how you can monetize it through various methods of online marketing, one of them being Affiliate Marketing. What is Affiliate Marketing?
You have been exposed to it every time you go up on the internet. Affiliate Marketing is promoting a product from a company or store, like I do on my video game website in the image below, and make a commission on the total sale of all purchases.
Do you know who is the largest affiliate marketer in the world? Amazon is the largest. What other well-known companies engage in Affiliate Marketing? Practically every company that sells on the internet. This is why Affiliate Marketing is a ONE BILLION Dollar a year industry, operated mostly by work at home individuals.
Here is one of my other websites I built at Wealthy Affiliate
The picture on the right is from one of the websites I have created with the training and resources at Wealthy Affiliate. You can click the picture to see what kind of website I was able to build using the training I received.
This website was actually my 2nd website and I was able to build the framework, get 3 pages and 2 blog posts up and running in 15 hours, working 3 hours a day for 5 days.
This was possible because I already had the knowledge from building my first website which took twice as long. But my point is that once you can master the super easy instructions to build your website along with many of the automatic creation tools, building a website is quite fun.
You will learn Affiliate Marketing plus other forms of internet marketing from Wealthy Affiliate. For example as you can see on the right side of the picture I have Affiliate Marketing ads for Grand Theft Auto 5 and NHL 14. Those affiliate ads are free for me to place there from Amazon and EA and others.
Is Affiliate Marketing Easy?
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to find and sign up to various free Affiliate Marketing Networks. Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to make money online. You can even make money while you sleep.
Now don’t confuse Affiliate Marketing with Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing. None of these well-known companies will ever be associated with an MLM because it is not a traditional form of marketing. There are some legit MLM companies, though a lot of Multi-Level is a scam whereas Affiliate Marketing is totally legitimate and always FREE.

Amazon is the world’s largest Affiliate Marketer
This is another reason why Wealthy Affiliate is an ever growing community of over 1,000,000 online entrepreneurs from all over the world. They will teach and guide you to join these well-known companies so you can become part of their Affiliate Marketing programs, and you can join as many as you like, they are all free!
Amazon is free and so are Best Buy, Sony, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Nike, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Geico, Apple, Fila, Kohl’s, Barnes & Noble, and so many others.
And Affiliate Marketing is fun because all you do is select something you enjoy or know about, then promote it on your website, and get paid a commission for every sale you generate.
The price
Starter Membership $0.00
Premium Membership $49.00 / Month OR $495.00 / Year (Less than $1.36/day)
Start your own online business. Join today.
STARTER MEMBERSHIP: As I have said above it is totally free to get started at Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member. You will also get 1 Free Website that you can build along with enough training and resources to get it fully functional and indexed into Google.
PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP: As a Premium Member you get full access 24/7, 365 days per year, of every training video, every training tutorial, up to 10 free websites and websites hosted under your own domain names. This means if you have Wealthy Affiliate host 1 websites or 10 websites you would still pay the same monthly fee and get the same great high-speed hosting service.
***** How to Claim your Bonus Offers *****
When you sign up for the Premium membership within the first 7 days, in addition to the discounted price that Wealthy Affiliate offers, you will be offered two more free offers. (Hint: One of them will help you earn while you learn). But in order to receive these bonus offers you have to act before 7 days and join the Premium membership.
Why you should take action now!
With the economy still limping back and employment still shaky, there is no time like the present to get started in an online business. It will take some time before you can start making some serious money.
Like any business you have to lay the foundation through education and learn what to do, how to do it, and when. This will take time and that is why you need to start sooner rather than later.
Look at Jeff Bezos, the billionaire Founder & CEO of Amazon. It took him two years before he made enough money to break even and then another 5 years before he became fully profitable.
He started out just like you and I, with a dream of making it big on the internet. From his humble beginnings in his garage in Seattle, WA with a computer hooked up to the brand new internet, he made it work.
Like all Entrepreneurs he took that first step and kept stepping and now look how successful Amazon is! He knew that making a lot of money in an online business would take time and he got started on his long journey towards success.
The point is, you need to prepare for your financial future and having the ability to learn how to start your own online business and start it for FREE, should be a no-brainer. When you have your own online business you have a store front that is not just visible to your local community but to the entire world.
Thank you for reading The Wealthy Affiliate Review. If you would like to read more Wealthy Affiliate reviews, you can read them here. Please don’t leave this review page if you still have questions. You can leave any comments or questions below and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Become one of the many people who enjoy working at home and having to commute only to their computer. Think of how great that would be for you and your family! Wealthy Affiliate Review - Your Ticket to Online Success & 2015ReviewsVideoaffiliate marketing,the wealthy affiliate review,wealthy affiliate,wordpress
What does WA teach for those who are unsure about the type of product or business to build a website for?
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you many ways to make money with your own website. They also teach you how to create content that can get Google page one rankings and attract lots of free organic traffic.
Finding a product or service to build a website business around is really quite simple, but the majority of the people tend to over think the process. Finding your own unique niche is easy once you know how.
Inside WA there are not just the standard training courses to help members find their own niche ideas, but also additional training by members like myself to help simplify further the process of finding a niche.
Hello I really want to do this but I’m not very tech savvy. I want to know who tells us we can promote the business with these Web sights to make the money. Please help me. Cj
You do not need to be tech savvy at all. This is so simple because it is designed for the complete beginner who is not tech savvy. As for the companies you can promote products with, that is totally up to you to choose which ones you want to affiliate with. All are free to join and you can join as many as you want. It all depends on what ever product or service you decide to promote, and there are hundreds to choose from.
Hello Robert;
I actually joined wealthy affiliates a few months ago but then moved on with other opportunities only to have found the trail lead me back to wealthy affiliates again! I did not lose a lot of money with the many many Scams or border line scams out there because I do research and I’m very protective of my money. That being said I have done nothing with WA yet but would like to be signed under you because I find you to be very knowledgeable about this and would be a good coach. Can you assist me on what to do from here. All I got done was to create a user name and password for WA but did not start anything yet but I am ready now!! Thanks for anything you can do for me.
Hello Wayne,
If you have already joined all you need to do is to start taking the training. Go through the entire training course and you will have everything you need to create a successful online affiliate marketing business in any niche you want and get paid by major retail companies like Amazon. As for signing up under me, it is not needed. You are already a member and you can have access to me and all of my training and advice just by asking me within the training community.
Well-done!I appreciate your info, but how would I enjoy this life opportunity since I am from Nigeria.I had fallen victim of my of them like Doneforpay, please help me. Thanks.
You can do affiliate marketing anywhere in the world because all you are doing is writing about products and services you enjoy that others do too. Then you become affiliates of real companies like Amazon, Sony, Apple, and thousands more online retailers. Through the promotion of the products that they sell and that you are writing about, for every customer that goes to these companies you are affiliated with and buys products, these companies will pay you directly a commission on the total order.
In order to be able to make money with these companies you will first need a website and write content on whatever it is that you decide that your website will be about. Through the Wealthy Affiliate program you will get absolutely everything you will ever need to succeed in affiliate marketing with these major companies. You will get pre-programmed websites, multiple levels of training, 24/7 help and support, and many ways to join as many free affiliate programs as you want.
However because you live in Nigeria, there is no free signup. There are 7 countries where the free signup is unavailable because of high incidence of fraud. So the only way to join is as a Premium member which is $47 USD per month. That price is well worth it for everything you will get! And the price will not go any higher because everything is included with that price.
Hello Robert, so I have been trying to make money online for over 15 years. I have spent so much money with the start-up fees and the seller telling me it’s free. I have been in Empower Network I have done Weber and so many other get rich quick programs. I have been reading your information now for about 1 hour. I have been clicking on the links and they lead me to other reading and articles. I may be just about convinced but I have a few questions. I have a Web hosting program now with HostGator. I pay a monthly fee for hosting. (Unltd sites and space) Do I have to get another or can it work for me? I understand that I have 7 days in which to review the program. After that I can join for a monthly fee of $47. I HAVE TO ASK in another month or two am I going to have to pay more money ANY more money? (Burn me once….) I used to have a website many years ago and I put links on my website for affiliate marketing. One of those Affiliates was Amazon. So I strongly believe in Affiliate marketing. My major issue was traffic, I could not get enough traffic to my site. How will Wealthy Affiliates help me with traffic to the website? Because no matter how many websites you build if you get no traffic you make no sales. Also I work a full-time job, 8 to 9 hours a day will this program be like another 8 to 9 hours a day? I’m not afraid of working hard if it’s all worth it in the end. Thanks for taking the time to answer any questions I have!
Anita, thank you for your comment and questions. There are so many members of Wealthy Affiliate who were ripped off or went nowhere by programs like Empower Network, MOBE/MTTB and others, mainly because you don’t learn anything of real value and you keep getting upsells of more and more money they make you think you need to spend to succeed. That last part is why I said “ripped off” because spending more DOES NOT mean success will follow. The answers to your questions are as follows.
1) No, you can stay with HostGator if you want but any website you build at Wealthy Affiliate will be hosted on the WA servers for NO extra cost. And if what you have hosted at HostGator is a WordPress website/blog, you can also move it to the WA servers for NO cost. All paid WA members can have up to 25 paid websites and 25 free subdomain websites hosted for free.
2) NO, $47 is the most you will have to spend for membership. There are NO upsells at Wealthy Affiliate. This is how the payments work at WA. Join for free and start the training and building a website business of your own choosing. After 7 days upgrade from Free Starter Membership to Premium Membership for $19 for the first month. Wealthy Affiliate gives you a 59% discount on the first month. Then from month 2 and beyond it is $47 per month and that includes ALL training and hosting for ALL websites. The ONLY extra charge is for a paid domain name which is an all-inclusive price of $13.99 for a year (roughly $1.17 per month), and that is it. NO MORE PRICE INCREASES.
3) Wealthy Affiliate is AWESOME at teaching proven legitimate techniques for getting traffic. Plus the entire community shares the techniques we all use ourselves that has worked. The best way is through content creation which brings on higher search engine rankings which brings on traffic, which brings on sales. At WA you learn all of this and more and all for the price of $47 per month.
4) The Wealthy Affiliate program can be done at any time you like on your own schedule at your own pace 24/7/365. And if you need help there are always active members logged in and available for help because WA has members from all over the world. Plus their tech support is also staffed 24/7/365. Many of us have other outside jobs and work this around our schedules.
I hope I have answered your questions Anita. If not ask me more.
As i said in previous comment – want to sign up with your organisation if you have facts not story’s – I need help if you have that i am all in and i need a web site
There are plenty of facts available George on this website and joining Wealthy Affiliate and building up to 2 WordPress websites is absolutely FREE! This way you can try out the training program and fully understand how you will make money with one or both of your websites. And building your own website is super simple, no programming required. It literally takes less than a few minutes to build a website and get it hosted at Wealthy Affiliate.
To learn more about what is Wealthy Affiliate about and what you get as a Free Starter Member or Paid Premium Member, in addition to how you will get paid, check out my FAQ page in the above menu. If you still need more facts after viewing the FAQ page, you could join for free and see them firsthand without spending 1 cent, and if it is not for you, then you lose nothing because you didn’t need a cedit card to join. If you need proof now about being able to have your own website in a matter of minutes, take a look at the 3 minute YouTube video on my blog post at this link. –
why is it that wealthy affiliate does not take nigerians?
People who want to join Wealthy Affiliate from the following countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, and Vietnam, cannot join as a free starter member. These people can only join as a $47 per month premium member. The reason for this is because there are a lot of fraud and spam issues from these countries.
Hi Robert,
I have already read some of your articles and i’m interested to it.From what i understood i will take products from other companies(amazon) and sell them in E-BAY.But is it legal???Or have i to take licence from them(amazon) and then sell it???Also i am not so good in programming and i don’t know well how amazon or E-bay work..Do i have opportunities to succed??? I am from Greece and i am soory for my English..
Thank you a lot
Hi Nikos, No that is not what you do and no programming is required! You are thinking of that somewhat illegal program known as DS Domination where you copy from Amazon and paste it into eBay. That is not really legal and NOT what I would recommend anyone doing.
What you will be doing at Wealthy Affiliate is learning how to write about and promote various products on the Amazon website, and from many other retailers too. Amazon and these other retailers will give you free ads to place on your pre-programmed website.
When someone comes to your website, likes what you have to say about which ever products you decide to promote, they will click on the Amazon ad and buy it directly from Amazon. Then Amazon pays you a commission on the total cost of the sale, even if the customer decides to purchase something else, you still get paid!
So if i take an ad of a product whitch costes 100$ how many dollors will i be paid???From whom will i be paid??from buyer or from amazon???whitch ads can i take from amazon to put them into my website??
Thanks for your information
Hi Nikos, First off you will always be paid by the company your are affiliated with whether that is Amazon, Best Buy, Sony, Apple, Foot Locker,… As for the ads you can use, it depends on what niche (kind of product) you choose to sell/promote. I did a website about in the niche of video games so Amazon gave me free ads to every kind of video games, game consoles, and accessories that they sell. I also became an affiliate of some of the game companies as well and got free ads from them too.
As for how much you will be paid, every company pays different rates. The commission payment percentages range from as little as 2% to as much as 75%. You commission also depends on buyer purchases. Let us say you are promoting a video game that cost $50. Your website visitor buys this game from Amazon and also purchases another video game, a plasma TV, an iPhone case, and a couple of DVD movies. You will be paid a commission on ALL of those items, on the TOTAL amount of the order, even if you did not promote that product.
So by using your example of a $100 product, depending on where the product is being purchased from, you could make as little as $2.00 or as much as $75.00 from one purchaser. The nice thing about affiliate marketing is that once your website is up and running you do not have to do much to it and it is available to make you money 24/7. This is why many affiliate marketers like myself have more than one type of niche because once you do one niche affiliate marketing website, it is easier to do others and would only cost an additional 92 cents per month per website.
The website says,’sorry free account is not available in your country but we would like you to join in premium account.
I am not sure,what really should I do now?
Also need to say that I am really very new in online and never did any online job.
I am from Bangladesh.I was wondering if you could help me before joining with premium account.
Facebook: Dighli Rubel
So sorry but yes, what you are seeing is correct. For payment security reasons there are a few countries (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Philippines) where the Free Option is not available.
I totally understand your concern about joining premium account. So let me give you some more information about what you would be paying for.
Wealthy Affiliate is an online training and internet marketing business building platform. You will be paying for the training (which is pretty easy) that will teach you and show you how to make money with your very own WordPress website that you get pre-programmed for you. So you do not have to learn any kind of programming or technical stuff. This is why it is quite easy.
Though the free option is not available in your country and in the other 4 countries I listed above, there are still many members from those countries that are premium members of Wealthy Affiliate and are growing their online businesses here. Almost everyone that joins starts with no knowledge in how this works and after about a week has their own website indexed into Google and starting to grow.
When you join Premium you can pay monthly and it is only $47.00 USD per month. If you feel that it is not for you, then you can decide to cancel your membership and no further payments will be made. To give you a better understanding of how you can make money with the training offered at Wealthy Affiliate, read my blog post at the following link and inside is an image showing one of the ways you can make money being affiliated with Amazon.
If you have any further questions, just ask it here.
Thanks for finally talking about > The Wealthy Affiliate Review – Your Ticket to Online Success – The Best Legitimate Job From Home < Loved it!
Thank you! There is no better place than Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to build and grow your own online business. Please share my review with others!
Hello! Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with us so I came to take a look.
I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers!
Fantastic blog and wonderful style and design.
Thank you Lilia and please do share this information to your followers on Twitter. Wealthy Affiliate can definitely help ANYONE to succeed in an online internet marketing business of their choice. Thank you for your comment and please come again.
Excellent overview of the incredible platform that Wealthy Affiliate offers, both for free members and for premium members as well.
Thanks for giving us a peek at another one of your websites that you created. Shows the versatility of the service … big time!
Best to you,
You are welcome Scott and thanks for stopping by. The training at Wealthy Affiliate definitely helps to spur creativity because they offer different ways that you can go about selecting a niche and then monetizing your websites. So either member (Free or Paid) has the ability to choose their own path for their own website creation.
Great Review! Making money online does take serious time, but it is so worth it! I find it amazing that something a comprehensive as Wealthy Affiliate exists for normal, average users!
Thank you for your comment Renee. Any type of business takes work and time to grow. But the rewards of having your own business are amazing. I feel the same way about Wealthy Affiliate because when I first joined I knew nothing about building my own website for my own internet marketing business. And now one year later I’m doing well in my new online business, all thanks to the great training, resources and support that WA provides for all of its members whether they are advanced or average users.
Thanks for all of the great information! I didn’t have any programming experience either, but after signing up for Wealthy Affiliate, I found out that it was really easy to create your own website. I love that the WA community is so helpful too. Thanks again for your helpful review!
You are welcome Dallen. Many people still think that it takes knowledge in programming to build a website and blog when in fact it doesn’t anymore. This is why there have been many of these website building companies springing up all over the place lately. If people really realized that they could build their own without the help of another person, more would probably do it themselves. That is why Wealthy Affiliate is so great. You not only start for free with 2 free websites but you get training into how you would make everything work along with superior support.
Great review! Lots of helpful information.
Thank you William, I am happy you found the information helpful. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
it is true that the WA is the leading online marketing business ever the fact that you can start without paying a penny. well done your review is great.
Wealthy Affiliate is much more than a leading online marketing business. It is first and foremost the absolute best online training program available anywhere on the internet. It is also better than any kind of course offered by any college because you get your training from real successful online business professionals and not some teacher who teaches the art of business. Plus the training is up-to-date because website design techniques are changing every year and courses taught in college cannot and do not keep up with the changes in training. – Thank you for your comment zanele.
Hi there Robert,
I surely am learning a lot of ideas from your review as i start my own. Your one of my hero’s in WA, for your always there supporting and offering ideas to us newbies!
Have a blessed day!
That is very kind of you to say Burnz. If my website and blogs can help you with your training then and your future business online, then I will be more than happy. If you need any future help you know how to reach me. 🙂
Wealthy Affiliate is the best and I would vouch this for anyone. I’ve been in Wealthy Affiliate for a few months now and loving the education and community here. Everyone is so positive and encouraging, there’s no way you can NOT succeed
I agree Riaz! Unlike every other so-called online business opportunity, Wealthy Affiliate is the only one that offers not just text and video training but live weekly training, training by other experts in the community, and one-on-one coach by the owners themselves either via the community comment board, a private message, a blog post, or on live chat. Education and success is the prime directive at WA and no other opportunity out there goes as far as WA in accomplishing those directives. – Thank you for your comment.
Excellent review! I have been with WA for a short time and I am blown away with the amazing training and support. If anyone is questioning whether or not to join, just do it!
I agree Liz! After I first saw the reviews and then noticed that Wealthy Affiliate offers a true Free Trial of the entire first 10 lesson course for absolutely free, I knew I had nothing to lose, especially since I didn’t need to give them any credit card or banking information to start that training. I am so glad I did and that I didn’t think it was a scam without first trying it. Wealthy Affiliate is hands down the best online training platform in the internet marketing industry. I guess that is why they are highly rated on Google and have over 190,000 members worldwide.
I joined Wealthy Affiliate about a year ago and I just have not stopped learning. The thing that really keeps me there is the constant updates to the training. It is great to know that the training is current and that we are not being taught old techniques that no longer work.
And the WA community… nothing to match it anywhere else. I would have given up on building an online business long ago if it was not for the advice, support and encouragement from the members themselves.
Hey Les! Sorry for the late reply but your comment ended up in my Spam Comments folder. I always check my folder the first of every month and I just saw this comment today.
Yes the WA community is one of Wealthy Affiliates great features. There is no better community out on the internet that is more helpful and supportive than the one at WA. I too have been here for a year and there is so much to learn that I probably couldn’t even learn it all within another year. 🙂
Plus the fact that every Friday evening there is current up to date training being added via the Live Classroom Training by Jay (magistudios), the learning and training never ends and I LOVE THAT ABOUT WA!
This is a great post. Wealthy Affiliate is where I started my online business too. Looking back – joining Wealthy Affiliate was the best online decision I ever made. I highly recommend it.
I joined Wealthy Affiliate in July 2013. Since then with the awesome Training Tools and Support I have learned and built a very successful website. I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate.
Thank you Pauric, I definitely agree with you. Wealthy Affiliate is the best thing for anyone looking to build an online business either from scratch or to expand an already established business. The training, website building tools, the free keyword search, and the overwhelming support from the community make it the best place I have ever received an education…even better than college.
I’m so glad I found your site! I’ve been searching SO long for a decent, honest program that would just teach me how to do online business… SERIOUSLY… THANK YOU!
You are welcome Steve! Wealthy Affiliate is truly the BEST online training program that will not only teach you how to build an online business but you will learn how to build a free website without programming it, you will learn the correct way to use keywords and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Plus you will also get 24/7 help and support from a world-wide community and many more great benefits. Zero dollars to start. Only pay when you are ready to upgrade.
This is a high quality, extremely professional review. It demonstrates in appropriate fashion exactly what WA is all about. The community stands head and shoulders above anything else I have experienced and you can be justly proud of your part in its success.
Life just gets better!
Though Wealthy Affiliate has the best training in the world for the price, the quality of the updated weekly training, and all of the resources available in one place, the community is what binds everything together like glue and makes WA the only place I want to be a part of. I love to share knowledge that will help others succeed and that is another reason for this website. Not just to inform people about the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate but to help and compliment the training that one receives at WA.
Great update Robert. I have been working with Wealthy Affiliate for a few month now after trying other programs. Not only does WA have some of the best training. The community inside Wealthy Affiliate is full of like minded people all will to help each other succeed in achieving the goals.
Thank you Ken for your comment. I have to agree with you. I have never experienced a better or higher quality education anywhere else in website design or training in current SEO. Sure you can get this in a college but they charge you thousands of dollars for information that is already out dated. Wealthy Affiliate on the other hand is constantly updating their training to match the ever changing aspects of website creation and SEO techniques for less than $360 per year. I don’t know of any other kind of training platform that can match WA and I have searched for them. And if that’s not enough good features of WA, there is also the ever present support of the online community of members.
Great review of Wealthy affiliate. Explains all the parts the start, the features and who can benefit. If you are looking for supporting community, tools to build your website and one of the best training there is then WA is your choice.
I agree Andrew. Wealthy Affiliate is the BEST training platform there is to learn up to date SEO, PPC, keyword research, and everything else you need to build a successful online business. Anything and everything you can think of that is needed is all right here. There’s no better place to learn how to build a successful website.
Absolutely a beautiful review! Clean precise and to the point. Love it! Your gaming website is extremely nice too. I too am a Wealthy Affiliate member. All I can say is if you want to learn to make a business online, it will definitely teach you. If you are tech savvy, it will enhance all of your skills ten fold.
I was tech savvy when I came to Wealthy Affiliate but I will definitely say this, I learned a ton of stuff more than what I thought I had already known. This is one of the many beauties of Wealthy Affiliate, there is so much to learn here in addition to building your own website and online business. I guess if Wealthy Affiliate wasn’t so successful there wouldn’t be close to 200,000 members worldwide. Thanks for your comment Deb.
Nice work on your website. I am also a Wealthy Affiliate member. You can learn to start a website for free. I am a nontechie person, I found excellent step by step training and plenty of support if I got stuck on anything. The positive community support is fantastic. Wealthy Affiliate is the community to join if you want to apply the time to make money online.
There is definitely no other place both online or offline that I have ever experienced over that offers so much for so little money and yet is the best and most up-to-date training in both website design and building an internet marketing business. You cannot even come close to the quality and knowledge that Wealthy Affiliate offers at any college or university. I know because I’ve seen it first hand. – Thank you for your comment H.K.