Site Rubix – The Best Free Website Builder
It is very important to have your own website if you want to make money online. To help, I will tell you about the best free website builder available today. There are a couple of other website builders out there, that help to make it easy to build a website. Weebly is one of them, but it is not a platform I would recommend anyone use for their online business. Why is that? Because WordPress is more professional.
What are the Benefits of WordPress?

The WordPress Logo
When you are having a website represent your brand online, you want it to look as professional as possible. WordPress gives you that advantage and it is the most supported CMS (Content Management System) in use today. Many website owners from Newbies to Professionals, use WordPress because of its ease in building and updating of your website content.
Being that WordPress is highly supported with over 2,900 different Free Theme Templates (the Look of your website) and over 35,000 different Free Plugins (add-ons that enhance website performance), there is no better choice for building a website. Plus WordPress is easy to use and is fully supported by many, including Google.
Easy & Fast to build a website with Site Rubix
Now you know that WordPress is the best way to go when choosing a website platform, but how do you build it and make it easy? Are you going to have to learn programming? Do you even want to? Personally for me I did not want to, and I found that with the Site Rubix website builder, I did not have to.
There are those words again, Site Rubix. What is the Site Rubix website builder and where can I find it? Well the answer to the first part of your question, is easy to explain and show you in the short video below. When you want to know what is the best free website builder, the #1 recommended builder is Site Rubix. The video by my friend Jay will show you how to use it.
Wasn’t that amazingly easy and fast? A website fully built, minus content of course, within the 3 minutes of that video. Now to answer the second part of your question above, you can find the best WordPress website builder exclusively at Wealthy Affiliate with your Free Starter Membership.
Free Builder, Free Websites & Free Membership
Let’s face the fact, that in order for you to build a website beyond the quick and easy process of having Site Rubix program it for you, you will need some training in how to fill it correctly with content. You could spend a couple of thousands of dollars and take a college course learning old and out dated training, or you can learn directly from current internet marketers.
These marketers are all up to date on the currently successful techniques at building a website filled with content. This is extremely beneficial should you want to make money from your website, and who doesn’t? Just like it takes time to be successful in a regular job, the same is true with an online business. This is why the training must be current and complete.
What you can get for Free
When you become a Free Starter Member of Wealthy Affiliate you will get the Free Site Rubix website builder, 1 Free WordPress website to build, and 10 Free Training Lessons that will teach you how to build an online business in whatever your passion is. Whatever you like, you can make money with it and these 10 lessons will tell you how. Click the image to the right to see what those 10 Free Lessons are.
If you want to take your training and your income to a higher level, there is training at a very low monthly payment of only $49. However you can stay a Free Starter Member with your free websites and the best free website builder for as long as you want. To get started you can join by clicking on the Wealthy Affiliate University banner above/right or join from The Wealthy Affiliate Review page.
If you would like to see how you can make money online with your website, check out my post called The Easiest Way to Make Money Online. On that post is a video training lesson from the Wealthy Affiliate instructor. If after watching the video you decide you would like to try the free training, you can join from that video too. If you have any questions, please leave them below. a free websiteVideobest free website builder,wealthy affiliate,website creation,wordpress
your website builder makes very good reading and is informative. I appreciate the easy to follow videos, however, I have a few questions:
1) What would be the benefit for me staying a starter member?
2) Would I be able to make money online at the starter level? and,
3) Would there be a cut off period where I could no longer remain a starter with your organization?.
Would be great if you could provide answers to these questions.
Best regards
Thanks MazieD for your questions which I will answer below..
1) Eventually you will need to upgrade to get access to the better and more advanced training as well as having the ability to ask anyone a question. But if someone wishes to stay as a Starter Member for a while until they save up money to begin Premium at only $19 for the first month and $49 for every month after the first, they can do so and still remain an active member.
2) If you are resourceful a person and can recommend things of value to other people, yes, you can make money as a Starter Member.
3) No. There is no cutoff period for being a Starter Member. Once you become a Starter Member you are a member for life. I have seen many Starter Members become Premium Members a year or more after first joining and eventually going on to making a lot of money as an affiliate marketer.
I hope my answers have helped you in your quest for knowledge from my post here. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me and I will reply with my answers. Thank you.
I have zero knowledge on building a website when I decided to join Wealthy Affiliate. I never imagined that I can easily do it in my own through Site Rubix. Before all of this, what I knew was that I had to hire an IT or web professionals to start making my own website but Site Rubix changed all that. It was actually exciting for me to do the short process but it wouldn’t be possible without joining Wealthy Affiliate. Aside from the website builder, I had the best opportunity to acquire the free training. It’s the reason why I decided to go premium because I felt that Wealthy Affiliate is very supportive to offer a lot to its members. Thanks for the thorough explanation on the functionality of Word press, site rubix and Wealthy affiliate. I hope more members could join because this is a great opportunity for everyone.
It was the same for me prior to joining Wealthy Affiliate. I came here to learn how to build my own website so I could build an e-commerce website to do drop shipping with.
Once I found out how quick and easy it was to build a website using Site Rubix AND how profitable affiliate marketing was, I have gone on to create three, soon to be four, money making websites.
When I discovered Site Rubix it completely changed my experience of website creating. When you’re starting out, just choosing a domain can be a tricky decision but with Site Rubix you can always adjust this later when you upgrade so no need to get hung up at the start.
Another great post Robert and so easy and enjoyable to read. Thank you!
Thank you Janice! Site Rubix sure does have a bunch of great benefits beyond just that of being the easiest WordPress website builder. The choosing of the domain name is simple, if you make a mistake you can always delete the website and start another one for no cost. It truly is the best and most cost and time effective way to build a website for both newbies and experienced creators.
Great review of SiteRubix Robert! I use SiteRubix a lot and it is truly one of the easiest and best website builder especially for people who want to use the site for affiliate marketing.
Love the video!
Correct Jane. Site Rubix is truly the easiest and best WordPress website builder I have ever reviewed and use. I have used it for both Affiliate Marketing and Direct Marketing websites and it is fantastic!
Hey Robert, thanks so much for a fantastic post!
I already have two Site Rubix websites and they work very well for me. Site Rubix and Wealthy Affiliate work together hand in hand as you get to use two very valuable training platforms and an extremely slick looking website to get your business off the ground quickly.
I agree with you Peter. Both Site Rubix and Wealthy Affiliate work great together, they basically compliment each other. The training program is unmatched with any other training online and Site Rubix is there to help get your business going.
Really useful and thorough info on here, thank you!
You are welcome Murph! I am happy you found the information useful. Thank you for your comment!
This is a great post Robert. Great job explaining about wordpress and why its the best. If someone doesnt know about wordpress and why its so popular this would be a great start
Thank you Harmony for your comment. WordPress is really not as hard as people make it out to be. It is mostly like a very robust MS Word but you use it to create and manage the content of your website. One of the purposes of my website is to help people build their own website.
Great post Robert!
Site Rubix and Wealthy Affiliate sounds like an awesome way to get started online.
With such huge value from the free membership, I am sure the premium upgrade would be well worth the money!
It is John, on all accounts. The partnership of Site Rubix and Wealthy Affiliate give the user a really easy way to start and run their own online business. Because not only do you get a free website with a state of the art high speed cloud hosting but you also get every single aspect and tool you need to run a fully functional WordPress website and online business all in one place at Wealthy Affiliate. They are un-matched with everything they offer.