Online Freelance Writing Job – Get Paid to Write from Home

Freelance Writing From Home
Many people who love to write, would like to make money doing what they love. This post will help you find an online freelance writing job. One where you can work from the comfort of your home, doing various content writing jobs for money. But before you can type your way into literary income, you need to know some facts.
With all writing jobs you need some form of experience. But do not worry, there are some easy ways to get around that, especially if you have a talent for communicating your thoughts. I remember saying to myself, how can I get experience if no one will hire me without it? Many if not all writing job applications, request that you send a sample of your work.
A Fun & Profitable Solution
Though this fun solution is not a slam dunk in getting you the job, it is your best option of getting your foot in the door, so to speak. This solution will require you to do a lot of writing, but at the same time it will bring you a lot of writing practice. Like many things in life, the more you write the better you will get at it.
What is this fun & profitable solution? Not something I first thought of when I started, but I am glad I decided to try it. The solution is building your own website and targeting the written content of that website to a specific thing. But before you start getting thoughts of procrastination, I promise that you will not have to learn programming to have your own website.
Your Website Can Seal the Deal

Google Page 1, Position 1
Your own WordPress website will benefit you in many ways, from the knowledge you will gain from building it to the actual creation of the content, and later to the marketing. But here are just a few.
EXPOSURE: Having your own website gives your written content exposure on the world-wide-web. When your content is on the internet, and more importantly indexed into Google, it is seen by potential employers as published content. You now have a writing sample. And if you can get it ranked on Google Page 1, Position 1, like my review of DS Domination Monopoly in the picture to the right, you will get maximum exposure.
HONING OF YOUR WRITING: Because your own website will require constant updating of new content to push you higher in the search engine rankings, this will give you the opportunity to hone your writing skills. I personally update my website once a week with either a new page or blog post. You can update more than once a week if you like. I prefer to pace myself.
BUILDS AUTHORITY: When you are writing website content for a specific item or category, it showcases your talents as someone who can write in a focused authoritative manner. YOU GAIN KNOWLEDGE: By creating your own website you gain knowledge in how to build one from scratch. Thus you can now make money from that knowledge by creating websites and written website content for other people.
YOU CAN MAKE MONEY: Once you have your own website you can use it to make money in a variety of ways. You can write eBooks and sell them on your website. You can sell your own products or write about and promote any product on the Amazon website and Affiliate Market for them. People read your product review, like it, go to Amazon to buy it, Amazon ships it to them, and pays you a commission. I learned all of this and what is above at the online training of Wealthy Affiliate University.
A Website is Your Online Resume
In addition to those benefits above, a website will also act as your online resume. When applying for a Freelance or Full Time online writing job, when the potential employer asks for writing samples or your published work, you can now offer them a link to your website or a specific page or blog post.

An Online Version of a Written Resume
Having your own website is not only key for you to be considered for writing jobs that will pay by the hour or by the word, but it gives you the foundation to make money in other ways online by opening up other opportunities. You cannot build your writing business house without a foundation, and that is what your website provides.
Now do not be discouraged because building a website is very easy with the free WordPress website builder I used for this website. I have no knowledge about any kind of programming, yet I was able to build the beginnings of this website in less than a five minutes. To see how simple it is, watch this video training of the 4-step process.
How to Find Writing Jobs Online
To find paid online writing jobs you want to make sure they are legitimate. There are many different writing sites but those that just pay you pennies for views, likes, and comments are not jobs but rather just sites that can offer you a little bit of pocket change. Whereas a real writing job can pay you by the word, by the article, or by the hour.
What you want to do is look for legitimate freelance writing jobs online that will pay you in the terms I mentioned above. You want to avoid the job listings that have a limited writing budget or that require you to bid on writing jobs. The two links I supply below are resource directories of freelance writing opportunities. They will contain links to various job posting sites like the Craigslist freelance online writing jobs database.
Writing Job Listings
I personally use both of these links when searching for freelance work from home writing jobs that are not listed in my local area. The first one is called Freelance Writing Gigs and they display their top most current job listings on a day-to-day basis. The second one which is a bit more robust is called Freelance Writing. They have a large list of links to various online freelance writing job posts.
NOTE: You do NOT want to access the following directory links on that page: Calls for Submissions, Writer’s Guidelines Database, Freelancer(dot)com Writing Jobs, Writing Bids Writing Projects, eLance(dot)com Writing Jobs, oDesk(dot)com Writing Jobs, Guru(dot)com Writing Jobs, and iFreelance(dot)com Writing Jobs.
The reason I recommend that you avoid these job listing directories, is because they offer writing jobs with limited budgets and those you need to bid on, which basically means that they are not guaranteed. So there you have it! Like I said, I highly recommend you get your own website up and running for use as your online resume, published samples, and a way to make money from it. If you have any questions, please leave them below. & 2015At Home Jobsbest free website builder,website creation,wordpress
Hello Rob,
I try to scratch some dollars on , however my bids are always declined by advertisers. Did you ever write for before?
No Tippi, I have never written for PayPerPost mainly because I find that most places like that do not produce quality content that stands the test of time in the form of better paying and ongoing future work. I prefer writing for actual companies or individuals that want to hire freelance writers and that pay consistently. I am not a big fan of writing for content farms like PPP because they just don’t pay well and many times your work isn’t accepted because there is too much competition.
It pissed me off that PPP kept declining my bids. I would like to try to get writing job on freelance writing gigs, can I use free platform blog such and Tumblr?
The Freelance Writing Gigs website is an updated daily database of companies and individuals looking for writers for various products. You will be required to write on which ever way that particular company or individual needs the content. Some require that you know WordPress and some require you just submit your writing to them in a MS Word doc file.
I see. Thanks a lot for your information Rob.
You are welcome Tippi. Have a great day!
Hi Robert,
Thanks so much for sharing this information. I have been wanting to get into some freelance editing but wasn’t sure where to start. You have helped me out tremendously!
You are most welcome Tanya. It is still going to be a bit of a search to find what is write (pun intended) for you, but at least the links I provide are definitely great links to start your search from. These are the links I have successfully used to get most of my freelance work from.
Hi there,
Iv come over to your site from CGP and have really enjoyed reading your views here, you give some great tips. About starting your own website/blog I have literally just done that. I started it 2 weeks ago and its about my job in teaching english, I would love fpr you to check it out and let me know what you think.
Many thanks and I will be back to check your site in the future
Amy ♥
Looks good Amy. I know you are still in the process of building it, so I will not critique it here, but there are a few suggestions that I have that will help you with better SEO. I will email you directly. – Robert
Love this post! Congratulations on your ranks! I love the idea of freelance writing
Thank you Suzette! The best part about having your own website and the knowledge of how to write content for it, is that it prepares you to be able to become a Freelance Writer. Having published website content is a great platform that will show the potential writing client that you actually have published work. When they ask to see samples of your work or “published” work, all you have to do is give them a link to your website.
Great guide. I actually like the suggestion of creating your own website, it gives you a good chance to practice as well as offering a platform to showcase your work like you said.
How much can you typically earn from a job, or does it vary too much to give a general figure? Do you find that it works out to an acceptable ‘hourly wage’ if you break it down that way?
It varies depending on what it is that you are doing. I was building mini websites for $75 for 5 hours worth of work which comes out to $15 per hour and then there are times I make more or less for blog content. It all depends on what the project is.
What a fabulous article Robert with lots of great content and ideas. It always amazes me just how far anyone can take their ideas, get them online and run with it – such vast potential! Many writers struggle to their work ‘out there’ and perhaps lack some of the skills you are recommending here so this doubles as a great resource for them too!
All the best, Janice 🙂
Thank you Janice! I do believe that the more you write the better you can get at it. Then if you have the passion you can take your writing and apply it to many different forms of writing like website content, blogging, product websites, copy writing, resume, grant, author,… There are so many forms of writing and there are always people and companies that need writers.
Hi Robert- Your article “Online Freelance Writing Job – Get Paid to Write from Home” is very well done and nicely researched. This is certainly not something I would have thought of either, but I am glad you brought this to my attention as a viable option. The video presentation of how to build a website is useful as well and I hope many reading this article who have not already seen it will put that to good use. By the way nice job in getting page 1 ranking on your review of DS Domination Monopoly, and great advice on honing our websites! Also excellent advice when you talk about once you have developed your own website on how you can use it to make money in a variety of ways, such as writing eBooks and selling them on our website,as well as selling our own products or writing about and promoting any product on Amazon.(Affiliate Marketing).I also agree with you about- a website will also act as your online resume, you are so right! Good information on looking for writing jobs and providing the links to various freelance writing opportunities as well as what to watch out for- All in all a very informative article that we all can learn a great deal. Great Job- and I look forward to reading future articles from you!
All the best-Tom
Wow! Thank you so much Tom! I never would have thought 3 years ago that I would have 3 successful WordPress websites that have highly ranked pages. Not only does this make me happy but it also makes me happy that I am helping people to better their lives financially by helping them avoid scams and start their own online business. I am happy you have enjoyed many of my posts and I hope you will return and share my website with others. – Thanks!
Really interesting post and thanks for sharing it.
I have always been interested in trying to make some extra money and I am quite good at writing but have never pursued it. I cant give a reason why but have always been skeptical about businesses online.
Looks like there are some good opportunities out there so will look more into it.
You always have to be skeptical when working online but there are many legit opportunities out there. Just search for what you are looking for. The legitimate opportunities will mostly ask you to apply, rather than just signing up.
Hi Robert,
this is a great website you have created.
I am still a beginner at WA and was wondering if you can have a look at my website and tell me why I can not write longer sentences, why it scrolls down to the next line then?
Thank you for your help
Thank you Astrid. I looked at your website and it looks fine to me. Perhaps you have solved your problem already?
Hey Robert, I had never even considered freelancing writing. What kind of money can you make writing for a living? Greg
It all depends on what kind of freelance writing you do and how often you do it. Most times it starts out small and builds up from there. It can range anywhere from $50 per job to $5000 per job. Like website design it takes time to command more money because with time comes experience and experience will bring you more money.
This is great way to get a resume for an online writing job.
How would one go about giving them a sample of your work? Would it be better to send them a copy of one of your posts, or point them to the website with multiple posts?
The best way to give them a sample of your work is to provide them with a link to your website page or post. You can easily place this link inside a word document. Unless they specify the sample to be in a specific format, giving them a link to your website is the best way to handle this.