Work at Home Job for Moms
Are you a stay at home mom looking for a way to supplement the family income? In this post I offer a work at home job for moms that is easy to start and operate. One of the many nice features of this job is that you can start it for free and get a ton of help as you build it.

All you need is a computer, internet connection & a desire to make money
But before I delve into what kind of job this is, I just want to state that this type of job is great for stay at home dads too. I realize there are many dads that are the stay at home parent these days and I did not want you to think that this work from home job opportunity was just for women. – OK, let us get started.
What you will need for this job.
The only things you will need for this kind of job is a computer, an internet connection, determination, and your love for writing/typing. If you like to write emails or short letters, any type of writing, then you will be perfect for this job because the bulk of it will require a lot of typing.
It does not matter how good you are at typing nor do you have to be a writer. As long as you can communicate your thoughts in the form of written content, you will do just fine. Now you may be thinking that what you have to write about will be boring.
Nope! You can write about whatever you like. Matter of fact, it is encouraged for you to write about the things you like. One of the reasons for this is that if you enjoy what it is that you are writing about, you will have no problem coming up with things to say about it.
What will you be writing about?
I will answer that question by asking you a couple of questions. What kind of passion do you have, that if given the chance to talk about it and/or recommend it, could you go on and on about? Is there something you feel strongly about that you wish others would know more of? If you can answer those two questions, you will have your answer as for what to write about.
In a nutshell you can take any passion of yours, focus on a specific aspect of it, write about it, and turn it into a money making opportunity. I personally am into video games and I used to work for a video game company. Because I know more about game design than most people, I made a website about games.
Have you or maybe someone you know, ever read a product review or article online and then went on to buy that product? Well the person that wrote that review made money from that purchase. Yes the company that sells the product makes money from the sale, but the reviewer makes a commission on that sale too.
Here is how it works.
This type of work is a form of marketing, but not quite in the traditional way you may think of, and it is called Affiliate Marketing. What you will be doing is taking a website that is already programmed for you and then building it into a marketing platform that will promote a specific niche.
So what is a niche? The simple answer is that it is a segment of the population that enjoys or partakes in a specific thing. People that like to educate their children at home are in the home schooling niche. People that are into losing weight are in the weight loss niche. People who like to travel are in the traveling niche.

Many aspects of Weight Loss are niches
Whatever you can think of that other people enjoy doing that is a niche. So what you need to do, is to figure out what things do you have a passion for. I am pretty sure you can think of a few things that you really like that many others do too. Then you take that passion or hobby and turn it into an online business.
What kind of small business can I start at home?
Below is a list of small online Affiliate Marketing businesses that I personally know people have started after joining the same training community I am a member of, and where I have learned everything I am teaching you here. Every one of these businesses were all started from a passion the person had.
• Wedding dresses and accessories for brides
• First apartment necessities
• How to avoid the flu through natural health & wellness
• Family traveling tips to save money at Walt Disney World
• Petite fashion and accessories
• Newborn baby necessities and parenting tips
• Do it yourself crafts for home & garden
• How to make money from home
• The best mobile devices for people on the go
• Smoothies & juicing recipes plus the best blenders to make them
All of the above cater to a specific niche or group of people. This in turn has created an extremely huge and very lucrative way to make a part-time or full time income from home. All of these work at home jobs for moms are just the tip of the iceberg in Affiliate Marketing, which is a billion dollar a year industry.
Imagine one of your passions is mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. The money that can be made within that niche alone is staggering because practically everyone has a smartphone and/or a tablet. You could have a very profitable at home online business writing about the latest and greatest.
You could focus in on just accessories or certain brands of devices. Most people who are thinking about buying a mobile device always seek out reviews before they buy them. A majority of those buyers prefer to read reviews from people not associated with the manufacturer, because they are not paid to write the review from the manufacturer.
Making money in Affiliate Marketing is just as huge as the types of niches that are available. To prove this point do a test. Go up on Google and type in whatever niche you can think of and see how many affiliate programs are available for that particular niche.
To do this, you need to type it in this way. EXAMPLE: If the niche was clothing for children you would type into Google the following… clothing for children + affiliate program
The possibilities are endless!
Now that you know what affiliate marketing is and how to go about finding affiliate marketing programs in any niche, the one thing you need is training in how to make it all work together. As I said earlier, you will be taking a fully programmed website and turning it into a marketing platform.
The below image and video lesson explains the simple process of how to make money in affiliate marketing. Just click on the picture to bring up the 8 minute video lesson. This is a free lesson from the affiliate marketing training community I mention below. It explains how you can make money online with your own website.
Watch This Video in How to Make Money Online
On your website you will write about your niche and provide valuable information for people seeking any knowledge about what you are promoting. Then you become an affiliate of any of the affiliate programs. They will give you free advertisements to place on your website. Any sales that come from those ads, the company pays you a commission.
The process is not complicated at all. The best part is that once your website is set up and established, the content and reviews you provide will do all of the selling. You do not have to handle the product or deal with the customer, everything is handled by the affiliate program, including your commission payment.
Being that the set up process is not hard and most people have multiple passions, many affiliate marketers have two or three and more websites in different niches. The opportunities are plentiful. But you first must start with one so you know how to get rolling.
Where you can learn Affiliate Marketing.
The place I learned everything I just told you about above is called Wealthy Affiliate University (WAU). I have a banner ad for it in the upper right side of this page. All 10 of those small affiliate marketing home businesses I listed above, were also created by members of Wealthy Affiliate.
The training offered at WAU is easy to understand, very thorough, and everything you can possibly need to succeed is provided for you. Now you might be thinking that this will be a costly opportunity but it is not. In fact when you become a member of WAU and begin the training, you start for FREE!
Wealthy Affiliate will give you 10 free training lessons plus 1 fully programmed WordPress website for free. After that, the remaining 40 lessons and all of the building resources and support will cost No More Than $49 per Month! That is a sweet price considering everything you get for free.
Another awesome feature of WAU is that they have a referral program that will allow you to make money every month while you learn. Depending on how well you do, you could be making enough to pay for your monthly membership with extra money left over.
So if you would like to take part in this work at home job for moms and begin your rewarding affiliate marketing career in whatever your passion, click the WAU ad up above and I will see you on the other side to help you succeed. If you have any questions you can check out my FAQ page or leave them below. Please share this post on social media and help spread the knowledge. & 2015At Home JobsVideoaffiliate marketing,be your own boss,work at home job
Hello robert, I am a new stay at home mom who needs to work, I want to bring family up financially, I went to school for medical billing and coding and paying for certification is 300 I want to do something that will bring money in as if I was working out side the home but it is extremely hard to find especially with all these scams. One of my Facebook friends is doing ds domination but I dont trust it and don’t want my time wasted for pennies you mentioned some topics to get started I like to type im even thinking of typing a tv pilot and im into fitness training would these also work for what you are promoting and tslking about im very curious.thank you.
Hello Fallon, sorry for my late reply.
Making money online is not something that will happen overnight. All of the scams will make you think it is easy and quick. That is how they bait people into joining their scam and they charge you a cost too. In order to make the kind of income you have in a real offline job you have to build and create your own online job. If you don’t then you can never make the money you seek.
DS Domination is not the way, because you will be spending more money than you will be making. Plus their copy and paste business model is illegal and will get your Amazon and eBay accounts suspended if they should find out. So you should warn your friend about them. I even did a review on them on this website explaining DS Domination’s illegal practices.
If you are willing to get training and learn how to correctly build your own online business with your own website (which you DO NOT have to program), you too can make a full-time income from home like many of us do.
But before that happens you need to learn how to do it correctly otherwise you will be wasting your time and money. All of the online scams claim you can make a lot of money online for very little work. That is a bold-face LIE! No successful person has ever become a success without hard work.
If you are thinking of typing up a fitness training program or anything having to do with fitness and health, that would most definitely work with what I am promoting here! I know a woman that just today announced on Facebook the release of her first e-book on losing weight through juicing. The fitness niche is a BIG and popular money maker!
Great list of ways to make money online for moms, Robert. My wife has got a lot of spare time, and have been asking me if there’s any way she could contribute financial help to the family. I’ll surely refer her to this post. She might find it very useful. Thanks again for sharing this post, Robert 🙂
Thank you Sandy! There truly are many ways for a wife or a husband or ANYONE to make money online at home. Once you have your own website and the knowledge that goes along with having and building a website, NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED, then you have a great ability to make money online from home or anywhere! This can be extra income for the family or turn it into a full-time income.
Hi Robert…it seems we may have a similar niche. Yes there are so many things a mom can do at home. And with Wealthy Affiliate it is possible. I believe in this so much and I’m glad you are promoting this. I am building my future through this and teaching my girls the same as well. Best wishes and much success. Good luck in all you do.
Thank you S.Vernay and making money from home is very possible but only if you have the correct training and support like those who partake in what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. Much success to you in your endeavors and that of your girls.
Brilliant article! I like how you’ve explained what a niche is and then given the examples. Just shows how much you really can write about.
I’m sure this post will help a lot of people.
Thank you Heather and I hope this post and website gets to help a lot of people because there are a lot of scams out there and I want to warn as many people about them. Thank you for your comment and I am happy you liked my post.
Hello Robert,
This is an excellent post. I am so glad to see someone recognize the stay at home and Single Dad’s. My son does work, but he is a single dad and certainly needs to increase his income without having to go out so much to work. Thanks for sharing this.
You are welcome Daisy and of course I must recognize the stay at home dads too. I personally know a few dads that are the stay at home parent. Though this post is meant for the stay at home mom, stay at home dads can benefit from what I share just as much. Thanks for stopping by.
What a Great Post!
In my humble opinion Mother’s already have the hardest job on the planet, and being the mother 2 beautiful children (grown now) I believe one of the most important she will ever have too.
But it costs more to raise a family today and most of us don’t have the extra dollars hidden away to really make “staying at home” with the kids a viable option.
I wish this program was around when my children were young! I would be so much further along financially than I am now. It’s a huge job, being a good mother, but there are times that can easily be devoted to building a business online. In between naps, when the kids are at school, or after they go to bed at night – all times that can be devoted to learning and building a REAL Business.
I’m a part of WAU also, and there really is just one word I think of in respect to Wealthy Affiliate – AWESOME!
That’s been my own personal experience!
Yes Joanne, I have often said that mothers definitely have a hard job, just as hard if not more, than a regular 9-5 job. Unfortunately too many seem to take that for granted.
But nowadays with the age of the internet, working from home either in business with someone or in business for yourself, with the latter being the most rewarding, is a very achievable goal for many stay at home moms (and dads).
I agree! Wealthy Affiliate is truly AWESOME at helping people of all ages and educational backgrounds to achieve this dream that so many have for working from the comfort of their home.
this is a great article. Its extremely helpful for my wife. I am going to have her look into it, because working retail is a joke. Thanks for the information.
You are welcome Alex! Yes working retail nowadays is a joke, especially when you can eventually make a full-time income from the comfort of your own home without having to deal with the actual customers if you do not want to. Plus once a person has their own website there are sooo many ways to make money with it. Wealthy Affiliate teaches all of its members many of the different ways to achieve this without wasting money on scams.
Hey Robert
Always enjoy your writings.
You have a great way of connecting with your readers and hope I can master this as well.
Your professionalism and passion for helping others shows in your writings.
Now how about helping me, LOL!!
Yeah, I know, I’m a lost cause, LOL!!
Again, enjoyed the reading.
LOL Larry! I have read your content and you are not a lost cause. Stop being so hard on yourself. I know of a couple of people (Guitar Players) who like your website. So keep doing what you are doing and thanks for the compliments on my post.
Great article for work at home jobs for moms Robert. I am a stay at home mom and also homeschool so the first niche I picked naturally was about homeschooling!
It is easy to work at home this way when all you have to do is write about things you are passionate about!
It really is a great feeling Kimberly when you can stay home and watch your kids grow up in between working on things you like to write about. So many people really do not understand how affiliate marketing works and thus they never get the chance to experience their dream of owning their own online business.
Thanks for a thorough and in depth article on work at home jobs for moms, Robert. Moms certainly do have an endless variety of online businesses to start, judging from some of the topics you have highlighted.
Making money online as an affiliate marketer is so much fun and can be easy to do when people create their own websites and learn how to write good quality content.
I do know of some stay at home moms who would love to build their own affiliate marketing businesses, so I will definitely forward your article on to them because I know Wealthy Affiliate will be a huge benefit to them 😀
Onwards and Upwards, as they say!…
Thank you Neil! Because of the age of the internet, working from home and earning a nice income is much more possible in this day and age. Between the training from Wealthy Affiliate, the different resources for making extra or a full time income, and other rewarding aspects of an affiliate marketing business, there are a ton of options nowadays for that stay at home parent to help financially with the bills.
good informative article. I’m following this program and hope to success.
Thank you Alton and much success with Wealthy Affiliate. You could not have picked a better place to be to grow your online business.
Great post,the tip are well-organized and also really detailed.I can think about the hard work you put into this and special love you sharing it.Anyone beginning a blog should make this their go to place to begin.
Thank you Robert for your kind words about my article here. I try to always give as much quality information to my website readers, and information that I personally know that works. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!