My Personal Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing
To online entrepreneurs, Social Media Marketing is essential for a successful business. Below are my top 10 benefits of social media marketing. These are my personal views on SMM and how they have helped me and my websites.

Using Social Media Marketing
My Personal Top 10
Too many people who start an online business or who are already established, tend to not have a full grasp on just how important being on social media really is. I had read a recent blog post from a “Guru” of social media marketing, where he stated that out of all companies with a social media presence, only 12% were happy and knew how they were going to proceed. That means up to 88% of companies using social media are not comfortable in their approach.
I equate this to the perception that social media is just for friends and families to share thoughts, ideas, pictures, and videos. Though it is all that, social media is also so much more, and this is why SMM is going to be vital for your marketing efforts. So without further ado, here are my Top 10 benefits.
BRAND RECOGNITION: If your website is about a specific niche or offers a specific kind of service, you want to get your “Brand” out into the public eye so that you will be more visible. The more times that you list and share your website content and posts, the more people will know what you are about. This is important because you want to establish yourself as an authority in your respective niche.
BUILDING A TARGET AUDIENCE: In continuation of Brand Recognition above, SMM will give you the opportunity to build a target audience. Now what do I mean by target audience? If your website is about the benefits of eating organic fruits and vegetables, then you will want to use social media to go after those who share your same thoughts on that subject.
One way to do this is to join social media communities that cater to like-minded people. Another way is to use the search bar within the respective network to search for members who have the same interest as you. Then you want to interact with them and eventually ask them to follow you after you have asked to follow them. Though building a target audience will take effort and time, in the long run it will pay off, because those loyal followers will be more likely to re-share your content and be future customers.
INCREASE IN WEBSITE TRAFFIC: Using Social Media is the single biggest way to get traffic coming to your website. If you do not use it you will lose a lot of traffic and thus you will not get any sales. Just because you are ranking high in the search engines, no longer means you will get a lot of website traffic. Unless you use social media and interact with people, you will lose out on all of those potential customers.

Social Media Marketing for better SEO
HIGHER RANKINGS IN SEARCH ENGINES: Even though you can gain more traffic from social media than from the search engines, people still use Google and others to find their answers. So having great SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is still critical for having a successful website. Though there are many factors that go into having great SEO, being active and popular on social media is one of those factors.
MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO GET A CONVERSION: This benefit has a lot to do with website traffic. Using social media will not only bring more people to your website but all of that traffic will increase your chances at achieving conversions. In addition the more you interact with not just your followers but also new connections, the more your brand gains authority.
INCREASED AUTHORITY OF YOUR BRAND: Once you gain credibility and the trust of your followers, people will want to keep coming back to read what you have to share. In turn they may start sharing your content with their followers. When this happens your brand is getting more exposure (free marketing, see next benefit), higher authority in your niche, more traffic for your website, and more possible conversions from these new visitors.
THE CHEAPEST WAY OF MARKETING ONLINE: This is one of my favorites because I do not have to pay anyone for marketing what I have to offer. All I do is write a short catchy two sentence sales pitch and then post it on social media with a link to my website and a relevant photo. The rest of the marketing is done by the people that view and re-share my posts.
If your social media listings are compelling either by way of the text and/or the photo, you will get people to click on your link. If they like what they see and read, they will either become your follower or customer. In turn they could share your post with their followers, and then their followers could do the same. That re-sharing right there, is more free marketing and advertising of your initial post.

Online Marketing with Social Media
INTERACTION WITH SIMILAR BRANDS: Though interaction with your competition may seem counterproductive, it is actually quite beneficial. For one, if they are more established, you can study how they interact with their followers. Secondly, you can share and/or like their content with the hopes that they will do the same for you. Most times they will but you have to make a sincere first move.
DEVELOP A GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE: You have heard the saying, “The customer is always right” and that also applies on social media. People do not just use social media to share their thoughts but also to find out what others think. So if you get a complaint about your service, then you can address it publicly which will help your brand by showing people you care about how they feel.
CUSTOMER FEEDBACK (BUZZ): In regards to the above benefit you also want to encourage your followers and potential followers on social media, to interact with what you are sharing and hopefully create a “Buzz” about your content. You want to make your listings compelling so that people will want to interact with you.
For example, using hashtags and keywords will grab the attention of people on social media and will make your posts show up when they do a search. Using photos or videos in your social media posts will also help to get people involved. You want to inspire, to compel, to shake up your audience, and get them talking and sharing your content. Having what you post go “Viral” is pure social media nirvana!
If you like what you have just read, please create some of that social media love and share this with your followers. If you would like to learn more about Social Media Marketing and how using it will benefit the success of your website, I invite you to join the #1 Rated Online Training Community as a Free Starter Member and launch your online business career. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below and I will get back to you. & 2015At Home JobsGoogle,SEO,social media
This is more great information from you Robert thank you. I now appreciate that you cannot just rely on page rankings to have a successful online business!
Thank you Janice. Yes, it is important to use Social Media to gain traffic to your website because depending on search engine rankings will take time to happen. By using social media you are getting your content out to more people faster than if you were to wait for ranking to rise.
I really need to take a leap of faith and start using social media for my business, I keep telling myself “Oh I’ll do it tomorrow” But i never get it done, especially after reading your 10 benefits of using SMM, But my favorite benefit is that It’s FREE! You can’t beat free exposure to your business. Thank you for this informative blog and i will definitely start my SMM efforts tomorrow. I bookmarked your site, you have very useful information on it for any entrepreneur to step up their game. Thank you very much.
You are welcome Jazmin. For some reason people seem to be afraid of Social Media and I believe it is because they see it more of a distraction. It can be but only if you let it. To me social media is a tool for advertising my website content and most importantly as a way to network and interact with my potential customers. This is how things get done nowadays and it can and does help those who are not fortunate to have their content to appear on Google page 1.
Hi Robert,
I certainly understand the significance of social media yet it is something I am still working towards.
I appreciate your very thorough coverage of the subject in this post, thank you.
Christa 🙂
You are welcome Christa. That is a common line I hear from so many people that always say, I am still working towards it or I am still struggling with it. Based on the latter I believe that is because people tend to over complicate it when it is really a simple process. I was the same way when I started but now when I think back I ask myself, what was I ever so afraid of? This is easy. 🙂
Robert, I am beyond a doubt Social Media inept. I’ve been avoiding it for years and now I’ve got to become an expert ASAP. Your article was a huge help.
I know I have to learn How To and then Apply.
Thanks again’
Hey Phil, don’t feel too bad. Many people are in the same boat as you. But Social Media is very important and you do not have to look far to see it’s effect. Many of the news stations are always saying, follow the news on Twitter or post your comments on our Facebook page. Social Media is huge for many reasons. So just start with one network to get your feet wet. Then after a while start with another one. You may just find out like many others how simple it is to use.
Great info on social media marketing Robert. It’s something I tend to neglect but after reading your post I realise there are many benefits that I am not taking advantage of. Thanks for the reminder, Peter
You are most welcome Peter. Many people tend to neglect Social Media and it is one of the reasons why I wrote this post, to bring awareness to what needs to be done with SMM for better results in an online businesses development.
These are indeed great ways to benefit from social media interactions. I have implemented your tips and have been seeing a huge increase in the traffic of my pages. Thank you for sharing this important information to help people succeed with their online business!
You are welcome Melanie and I am happy that the tips have helped you with your page traffic.
Hello Robert, thank you for your tips, really good, especially the cheapest way of advertising, your so right, greetings Loes
You are welcome Loes! There really is no cheaper way to advertise online than to use Social Media Marketing. Post your content and let others re-share or retweet it for you.
This is very helpful information, Robert, not to mention advertising for free……doesn’t come any cheaper than free. That’s for sure. I used to struggle with Pinterest as you are aware, and now I love it, lol Gordi
It always amazes me how using Social Media networks can be hard when first starting out but once you do it a few times, it becomes quite easy and commonplace. At least that is how it seems to me. Thanks for your comment Gordi.
As a person that is just starting to learn what it takes to get people to notice them on the WEB, this article is going to help in many ways.
Thanks for your information.
I am happy my post will be able to help you out on your new website journey John. Please bookmark it so that you can refer back to it when you need the information.
Excellent reasons to engage in social media. I’ve been online for years and I’ve used most of the services out there, but not as effectively as I might have. I’m concentrating on better use of the services. In today’s world, you simply cannot ignore social media just because you don’t like it.
You are so right Carla. Using Social Media is an absolute must for those building an online or offline business. It is a great way to get your business out to the world and get free advertising when people start sharing and tweeting your content.
Totally! It’s part of real engagement in this infinitely expanding world we love in.. :~)
You are correct Dino! Social Media is where every one is engaging in conversation and it only makes sense to use that medium to market what you have to offer.
Wow I never really knew how important social media marketing is. I get ranked in Google, but I know I can do a lot better if I incorporated some SMM like you say. Thanks again for the awesome info Rob!
Yes John, Social Media Marketing is how website can really succeed nowadays because social media is where the majority of people online hang out and get there up-to-the-minute news. If all of the big corporations are using SMM, then you know it is an important medium to use.
Hi Robert.
Great information about social media marketing. I’m still struggling with this aspect but know how essential it is to my business.
Take care
You are welcome Jackie and yes, Social Media Marketing is absolutely essential to the success of any online business. The sooner you get involved, the better off you will be because it will take time to fully grasp it and have it be of benefit to your website.
Hi Robert. It’s nice to finally get a taste of a successful online marketers’ mindset. Thank you for this article and I hope to implement many things here. Thanks!
You are most welcome Sarah. Social Media Marketing is an ever growing and changing entity that definitely needs to be implemented and maintained if one wishes to succeed with their online business. I hope my tips will help you in this endeavor.
I compare SMM like giving flyers on the street. It’s free advertising sites for every business! So the opportunity is there, but with that said, you just don’t post on any SMM and leave, that is why it is called ‘social’, you must communicate with other people. Thanks a lot for your informative article.
Exactly Bernie! You absolutely must be “social” and socialize and network with others. You have to share, +1, Like, Tweet, Retweet, and/or Comment on their posts, even if they are within your same niche. It is the only way to succeed nowadays.
Hey Robert. Social media has always been an awkward endeavor that I have been a little hesitant about. But now having read through your article several times, I’m starting to see that there are real benefits to any online business. Thank you for the very informative post. I guess all that’s left now is to follow your advice and put myself out there. Thanks again. -Jeremy
You are welcome Jeremy. – Yes, put yourself out there because if you do not use social media to market your website, you will not be successful or as successful. All of the big companies are using Social Media Marketing because they realize they have to in order to stay successful. If they are using it, then it only makes sense that you should too!