Can You Make Extra Money Online While in the Military? – YES
It doesn’t matter if you are active duty or a veteran, everyone likes to earn money. And for those who ask, can you make extra money online while in the military – or not, the answer is a resounding YES. I will explain an easy way in this post.
Just share what you know
It is very much possible for anyone, even those serving in the military, to make extra money with an online business that does not require you to work hard for that money. Does that sound too good to be true? Once you have your internet business set up and running, it will work for you 24/7.
This is how the simple process works. Let us say that you created a website or blog about the meaning and historical relevance behind all of the different military unit flags. There are hundreds of thousands of people both in and out of the military that like to display and collect flags.
In your blogs on your website, you would share information about the different flags. For example you could talk about the U.S. Army flag in the above picture and how prior to 1956 the Army was the only branch of the military to not have a flag representing the entire unit.
Then within each blog you would place an affiliate advertisement from a company that sells these flags. After a person reads your blog and learns about a particular flag, they will want to purchase it. That is when they see the ad and click on it. After making a purchase the company pays you a commission.
How to get started correctly is important
The hard part of having your own business on the internet is the startup process. You have to learn about building your business from scratch, from the bottom up. Though there are services that will give you an already built website, they do not give you the education behind it.
This knowledge is critical for your success. When the time comes that you need to make an update or upgrade to your online business, it is you that will have to make those changes. You could pay someone to do it for you, but it will be more rewarding and cost effective for you to do it yourself.
When you can do these things, you will be better prepared for if anything should go wrong. This knowledge will also save you a lot of money, and you can even take this and perform the same internet functions for others like you, that have not taken the time to learn the skills.
Fortunately to learn all you need to know, and do so for less than $2.00 USD per day, can only be found at one Affiliate Marketing Training & Internet Business Building Community. You can try out and experience this training community for free. I talk more about it here in my 2018 review.
Constructing your Military Affiliate Marketing website
I am going to give you a full explanation of what I would do if starting a website business in this niche. I am going to give you an example you can copy or make changes to along the way. The following is what I would do for a military niche website.
10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry)
Because my father and several friends did and do serve in the U.S. Army, I will pick an army division relatively within this area of the country where I live. Though there are other divisions I could pick, for my military niche it will be about the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) at Fort Drum, NY.
If you are a story teller type of person, you should have absolutely no problem coming up with interesting and useful content about the 10th. But if you are not as much of a story teller, you can still come up with good information to promote your niche, just by doing some basic research.
If you were to click on the above heading that says 10th Mountain Division… it is a link to Wikipedia and where I would start getting the information I need to create content based on the 10th. This information will also give me ideas of what to promote.
Seeing how the 10th is a mountain warfare unit, items like tactical BDU tops and paints, tactical army boots, repelling gear, backpacks, survival tools, and many other relevant pieces of equipment I could promote. Where can I find products such as these?
In a Military Affiliate Program
Now that I have my website information already typed up and on my website, I will want to start looking for companies that sell these items and have an affiliate program. Before I can become an affiliate I will need to have an active website filled with relevant content information.
I do a Google search for – Military Affiliate Program – and get what is displayed in the above image. After some research I decide on becoming an affiliate of the Military Clothing and The Army Navy Shop website stores. Both have a 10% commissions on sales with a reasonable 30-45 day transaction cookie.
It doesn’t hurt to become an affiliate with more than one company. Sometimes this can be good for when both stores carry the same or similar products. This way if one company runs low on supplies you have the other company as a fall back. You can view each company at the links above.
When applying to an affiliate program, these companies are going to want to see and review your website before they accept you as their affiliate. This helps them to know that you are serious about making money with them and that you will do a good job in representing their company.
What my website will look like
When creating your new website business it would be good to already have a vision of what your website will look like when near completion. Though it is impossible to see it complete before it is even started, you can still get a good idea by looking through the thousands of WordPress theme templates.

These are 6 out of 3,200+ WordPress themes. They provide a glimpse of what your website may look like
Though many will want a website with a theme that looks snazzy and jazzy, in most cases a simple format with easy to read menus is the best approach. Choosing this way will give you more opportunity to customize the look of your website and blog as you continue to grow it.
When it comes to WordPress the default setting is to have the Home Page of your website set up with your blog roll, a chronological listing of your most recent blog posts. But another way to set it up, and what I would do in this case because I am promoting a specific Army division, is using a Static Page.
A static page would look like any other page on your website. On this page I would present to my website readers a brief yet concise accounting of the 10th Mountain Division and its history. I would also explain what my website will be about and how my readers can benefit from what I will share.
A picture is worth a thousand words
There is a saying, “Content is King” and the reason for this is that it will be the content or information you provide that will attract the traffic to your website. Traffic is important because you cannot make any money without people traffic coming to your website.
Once you get people coming to your website using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, you will need more than just words to keep them there. I realize you have no idea what SEO does or how you can utilize it, but you will fully understand it when learning how to build your website.
I already know that the information I am sharing on my website about the 10th Mountain Division is interesting, especially for those who are seeking it, but I also need to keep my readers interested in staying. This is why it is important to use pictures, images and an occasional video.
These visual pieces of content will help to keep website readers more engaged. The last thing someone wants to see is a page or post with only written word. That will create a very boring experience and the reader will leave, creating a lost opportunity. Visual stimulation will help save that possible sale.
Where to find relevant images and videos
When creating the content for my website about the 10th Mountain Division I will need to use photos that are either relevant to the post I am creating or are direct representations of the 10th. It is important to note that the pictures you use must be free to use in the first place.
Many people do not realize that you cannot just go up on to Google and copy/use any image or photo that is displayed. If you do not want to pay for pictures on your website, there are many free image directories available. I have links to about 24 of them in my post here.

Many pictures of the Military here in the U.S. are in the Public Domain and free to use.
Fortunately when doing a website about the military, many of the photos available on the internet through websites like Wikipedia, are free to use because they are part of the Public Domain. But always check the Usage Rights of any picture. The last thing you want to do is use a photo without permission.
Videos on the other hand are easier to find. Just go up on to YouTube and search for them. Once you find videos that you would like to use click on the SHARE button just under the video playback window. This will open a menu. If you see a button that says EMBED, then you can use the video for free.
Make lots of money with military collectibles
When you have a website that offers information on any type of military unit, piece of equipment, or some historical event, you can make lots of money. People who either have served or know someone close who does serve, will want to collect items associated with them.
I had come to realize this a couple of weeks ago during a Memorial Day tradition here in the New York City area known as Fleet Week. There were lots of exhibitions and tours of the Navy ships open to the general public. Kids and grownups alike were buying all kinds of military collectibles and souvenirs.
This is a very popular, huge and profitable niche market no matter where in the world you live. People are both fascinated in military hardware and history. It doesn’t matter what country you are from. The pride and honor for the men and women in uniform from any military is a worldwide passion.

People the world over love collecting & wearing military clothing and accessories
By tapping into that passion, using specific keywords to attract people to your website, and offering your readers information along with affiliate ads for products, this can earn you big bucks. People are going to want these items. Your website will help them get it and you will get paid a commission for doing so.
How to operate your business at low cost
Okay, so I have explained how I would go about creating an affiliate marketing website in the military niche. Now I will tell you how to get started in this profitable niche and easily learn everything you need to know so you can grow your internet business from the ground up.
There are a couple of places online that can help you get started, but only one will actually host your website and perform all of the necessary security and backup monitoring. These are services that every website owner must have but can cost you more money than is really needed.
I am sure you may have seen TV commercials from Wix, Weebly or GoDaddy advertising how they can help you get your website business up and running for free or a low cost. What they do not provide for you are the services and education needed. However Wealthy Affiliate does for a low monthly cost.
Absolutely everything you could need is offered here including help and support 24 hours per day if you should need it. Whereas those other companies I mentioned above would charge you extra for needed services and tech support. Wealthy Affiliate gives you access to everything for $49.00 per month.

You can build and operate a profitable website business for under $50 USD per month at WA.
Want to save even more money?
Even though the $49.00 per month is the lowest cost for something this big, Wealthy Affiliate will even save you more money without sacrificing service. They want to make sure before you spend a single penny that this is right for you. They do this by letting you join for free!
That’s right! You can join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE and take all 10 lessons of Course #1 for free. During this free trial period you will be given the same access to features that the paid $49/month Premium Members get. Practically every free WA Starter Member upgrades to Premium within 7 days.
With everything that is available, training, websites, keyword research, hosting, security, help, tech support, your own affiliate blog, and so much more, Wealthy Affiliate is the #1 destination for beginners looking to create their own unique website businesses. The owners of WA have simplified the entire process.
Not only can you build a WordPress website in less than a minute with their exclusive website builder program, but you can build and host up to 10 of them for no extra cost. And to make joining even more attractive, your first month of Premium is ONLY $19.00 USD.
Perfect for those in and out of the military
Because of the way Wealthy Affiliate is structured, you can take their training and build your website business at your own pace. Obviously the more you do once starting, the quicker you will see results. But building a business should never be something you rush through.
Once you become a member of WA you will quickly realize what a fantastic and helping community it is. Not only will you get the best education in starting and internet business but you can meet and become friends with some really cool people from around the world.
Wealthy Affiliate has close to 1,000,000 members, many who are military veterans, military spouses, and still serving. Having your own online business provides you with a safety net of added income. Being able to make extra money while in the military is a great way to financially prepare for civilian life again.
I have been a VERY happy member of Wealthy Affiliate since August 2013. I have learned so much and earned a lot of money from that education. If you want to get your start and be a success like many of the other WA members, join today for free. Just click here to visit my WA profile and join.
But if you have any questions, please leave them below and I will be happy to give you some answers. Making Ideascan you make extra money online,military affiliate program,military collectibles
Hello Robert:
Thank you for sharing how to use Facebook for social media marketing. My question is will this same approach work for something different. In my case, I´m promoting Amazon Fresh meal kits and I have a website. How would be your approach? Grateful for your advice.
Sorry Enrique for my late reply. Somehow I missed this comment. – To answer your question, yes this same approach can work for what you are promoting and you can also promote it through social media. I would definitely do the website first and then promote both the website about Amazon Fresh meal kits and your stand alone offer (if you have one) on social media.
My grandfather was in the army for the full 22 years and he retired as a sergeant major so he knew a thing or 2 about the military
He sadly passed away last year but I would love to create a military website in his honour and be able to learn all all bout what he did
Everybody should have the chance to work online no matter what job they do and military personnel should be no exeption but I didn’t think that they would have the time with all that they do for our country
I don’t really know much about the armed forces but I would love to learn all bout all bout l l bout it so if I were to start an army website what do you think I should start writing about to get me started?
Thank you Matthew for your comment on my post here. Sorry to hear about his passing last year and I would like to extend my thanks to him for his service to this country.
A military website to honor him is a great idea. In fact at some point after I finish my next website, I am going to do the same about my dad’s service in the liberation of Italy during World War II.
Anyone can build a website in the military niche. You do not need to know about the armed forces if you are willing to research and learn. I personally think that is a fun thing to do because I like American history.
You could learn about the army division he was in and not only tell his story and what they did, but promote products associated with that Army division, similar to what I described in the post above.
Or you can be a bit more broader and still talk about your grandfather’s particular Army division and promote a broader range of products specific to the Army itself and/or patriotic items or military surplus.
Very detailed insights indeed. I love the examples you use as well. Your step by step explanations are easy to follow. I already have some ideas for my own business. You have given me much inspiration and feel I am ready to take the next step. The army pension is good but I feel it may not be enough to keep my family in the lifestyle they are a custom too. This seems a great bonus to add to pension
Thank you Sam for your comment and I am happy that I was able to inspire you with some new ideas for creating extra or full time income from the military niche. It is a popular niche with many different sub niches that can be tapped into. Plus this niche is celebrated and desired from patriotic citizens as well as veterans in every free country that has its own military.
I actually considered opening a new blog for this niche idea of yours. So many of our life experiences we don’t think of when considering a niche to write about.
I was in the military during the last two years of the Vietnam ‘war’ and have many stories from that period in my life.
17-21 are key years in our lives. I may go back and begin to see if I have the energy to add one more blog to my schedule. I’m glad you did this article. So many G.I.’s are getting to be short-timers and wondering what they will do after their service is over. This could help many people.
I used to think of those years as boring. After going over some of my memories of that time I realize it wasn’t so boring. For instance, I was stationed at the top secret base that the top secret spy plane SR-71 Blackbird was home to.
No one could talk about it for many years. Now you can read all about it online. You’ve provided a solid and valuable service with this article post. Thanks.
Many people do not realize that experiences we may have gone through could actually be a niche. In terms of the military there are so many people who want to know what it is like from people who have actually served.
Much of what is explained on TV about the military and its hardware, is not really as descriptive as some would like. I know of people who served and fought that can tell war stories like no other. True patriots love hearing these.
So if you are one who likes to tell stories and can give some personal insight into what it was like from your standpoint, starting a website business in the military niche could not just be profitable but may also bring back some good memories of the past.
Great information I’m not even in the military but I can very well see how this can apply to me and my life style and I like how you go over this I’ve always been curious about making money online this was very helpful will be checking it out!
Thank you. Like any niche, you do not have to have a personal connection with it in order to make a lot of money. If it is a niche you wouldn’t mind doing research on, you can still do quite well.
I too am not in the military but I know many people who are. For people like them, having an affiliate website in the military niche is a great way anyone in the military can make money online.
I truly enjoyed reading this post. The military niche certainly is very interesting and is a great market to tap into. The fact that military people can also make money online is great for either those in the military or military spouses who stay at home. This provides a great way for them to contribute.
I’m interested in following this site and see where you take this. You have a really great and easy way of explaining things that make it easy to comprehend.
Thank you for your comment Ruby.
There are many opportunities to earn money online in the military niche. And you are correct. A military niche website can be for anyone in or associated with the military.
I am happy you are enjoying my website and please share it with others so they can benefit from the information I provide.
This is really interesting, I hadn’t realised that there were so many options for making money whilst in the military. Thanks for such an informative post!
You are welcome Amy and thank you for your comment. I am happy you liked what I shared here. Becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate and taking the training can happen whenever you have time. So being in the military should be a problem.