If you enjoy the hobby of flying drones, I am going to explain how to make money flying a drone that can be a nice source of income. You might be new to this concept but aerial videos and photographs are in huge demand with certain industries. Check this out!

Real Estate, Construction and Outdoor Advertising need drone operators

DJI Mavic 2 Pro Quadcopter Drone in-flight

Not long ago when a real estate agent and developer or inspector on a construction project needed aerial footage of a piece of property, a camera was mounted on a helicopter or a crane. Now this can be easily accomplished and with better quality by using drones.

Think of the many different kinds of events where aerial photography can benefit. Not only are real estate and construction sites in need of quadcopter drone camera footage, so are advertising campaigns for any kind of outdoor activity. Here are about a dozen uses…

  • Real Estate (Home Sales & Land Sales)
  • Construction Sites
  • Farmland Acreage
  • Building Inspectors (Commercial & Residential)
  • Transportation Monitoring
  • Sporting Events (Baseball, Football, Golf, Soccer,…)
  • Commercial Advertising (Malls, Stores, Companies)
  • Recreational Advertising (Beaches, Amusement Parks)
  • Outdoor Wedding Services
  • Property Security
  • Famous State Parks & Forests (Yosemite, Central Park NYC, Grand Canyon,…)
  • Independent Film Production

There are even more ways where using a camera drone will greatly benefit the end user and earn the pilot operator some money. If you have been asking yourself, how can I make money with my drone, the above options plus what I reveal below is a great place to start.

It is important to note that if you should apply to be a drone operator for the purpose of being paid, you will need to be very good at the operation of your flying skills. This is especially true when maneuvering in tight spaces because sometimes you may be required to fly indoors.

Some REALLY REALLY important steps to consider

In order to prepare yourself for being able to make the most money possible, there are some important things you will need to get before you can set yourself up as a legitimate pilot operator. Even if you are really good at flying a quadcopter, there are rules you must follow.

Though you can always fly almost anywhere, the majority of drones that are personally operated by everyone cannot fly high in the sky. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has specific rules for a drone operator to follow when doing any kind of high flying.

The last thing you want to do is fly too high that it can endanger any low flying aircraft. This is why it is EXTREMELY important for a quadcopter operator to be licensed to fly and film for commercial purposes by the FAA. I will explain more about this below.

Qualifications for legal drone operators

Recommended certifications needed to legally make real money flying quadcopter camera drones.

Another important step which you will need to get is 1-million dollar Liability Insurance. Then you will need to be vetted with a background check. All of these are a must if you intend to make good money with your camera drone. You need to be compliant.

Just like with any serious and legitimate business you must follow the rules to legally operate it. This is what separates those who make a lot of money over the long run and those who make quick money but lose momentum over time. It’s important to start correctly.

What is a Part 107 license for flying a drone

The following information is vital for anyone looking to earn real income flying quadcopters. You cannot just buy a drone, get good at flying it and expect to get flying gigs that pay well. This is the difference between the real drone operators and the hobbyists.

If you want to get hired working in any aerial photography niche and earning income, the first thing you will need is to take a certification test and get an FAA Part 107 Drone License. Without it you can forget about making any money flying a drone.

What is a Part 107 license? This is a specific FAA certification license for people who want to legally earn income flying quadcopter drones. The test is the multiple choice answer type that will test you on maneuvers, airspace safety, operating requirements and much more.

Though comprehensive, the Part 107 is basically a watered-down pilot test. You will have to go to a nearby FAA Part 107 test center to take it. This cannot be done online. Before you go I suggest learning what will be asked in the actual test. PilotInstitute can help.

Once you have this license you can accept filming jobs from large and small companies. The license is like your key to the opportunities that await you in your service as a camera quadcopter pilot. To find FAA Part 107 testing locations, check out this link here.

Benefits of Drone Pilot Certification from the FAA

Taking into consideration the above training, certification, insurance and license you would need to legally make money flying your drone, being able to skillfully fly it is a must too. Video editing of the final product is also vital, as you can see in the below video.

Did you notice that a majority of the scenes were quite high up in the air? If you are not FAA certified, you legally cannot get up that high. Making money flying drones requires a serious attitude for not just being compliant but also the skill of filming and editing.

Once you have that drone pilot certification from the FAA, you can then go out and capture amazing videos in at least 4K Ultra HD. With that stunning footage you can then begin to make good consistent money flying. There are several ways to accomplish this.

Most people who are certified will earn income in different ways, even using the same footage. It makes perfect sense to utilize your flight time wisely, especially if you are the one doing the editing. You could film two or more projects during the same flight time.

For example, say you were contracted to film a hotel on the Atlantic City boardwalk. In addition to footage of the hotel, you could film some of the surrounding area like the boardwalk, beach and the shoreline. Then make a separate video with that extra footage.

Here are some other ways to earn income flying drones

In addition to the ways I listed at the beginning of this post, there are several other ways to use your drone and flight time to earn some income. This income may not be as much or as consistent, but it doesn’t hurt to take part in mixing these opportunities in.

Though the bulk of your income will come from paid projects, you can start a YouTube Channel in any niche like “Holiday Light Decorations” then monetize the videos. Take a look at the below video by an operator with a drone like the one pictured at the beginning of this post.

Each time that video is played and advertisements are displayed, YouTube pays a little bit of money to the owner of that video. This can be quite lucrative over time, especially if you choose a niche that a lot of people are interested in. Listed below are some niche ideas.

  • Holiday House Lights (like the above video)
  • Beaches of the world
  • Spring Break destinations
  • Outdoor sports stadiums
  • Amusement parks
  • Major cities of the world
  • Boating
  • Trains
  • Auto Racing tracks and events
  • Golf courses
  • Cathedrals and churches
  • Bridges

In addition to creating and monetizing a YouTube channel of various quadcopter drone videos you can also offer these videos for sale on the popular DroneVideos Stock Footage Store and earn a 50% Commission. People from all walks are always looking for quality video footage.

DroneVideos is the only company in the world that allows you to sell your own video footage you have personally filmed or that you had them film for you. Plus that 50% Commission is not a one-time payment. Learn more on how to make money at DroneVideos here.

Knowing how to make money with your drone is now easy

Not only is flying quadcopters a popular hobby, it is also a fast-growing B2B and B2C industry for earning an income. Once you become good at flying and get your drone pilot certification from the FAA, you can start to legally earn an income in any niche market you desire.

Think of all the opportunities you will have to enjoy your hobby and create different income streams at the same time. The better you get at your flying skills, the more money you can make, and that income can be both passive and recurring. Excited yet?

Even if you do not yet have a drone or are in the early stages of learning to fly, you can still earn some money. When you join DroneVideos broad network of drone operators and affiliates, you will have a few ways to make some cash, they will even film it for you!

Find out more about the THREE ways to make money with DroneVideos

The process has been simplified and the cost inexpensive in comparison to the amount you can earn. When you become a member of DroneVideos they explain three “Lucrative Income-Earning Opportunities” that you can choose. In fact you can do all three if you desire.

After buying my DJI Mavic 2 Pro I did months of research into how to make money flying a drone. DroneVideos is the only opportunity I have found that offers more than one way to earn income. They even provide you with SEO ready landing pages to promote your services!

Get into this industry today as the profits are flying high

Once you start to really pay attention to how outdoor advertising, news coverage and video views are being portrayed, you will soon realize that the majority of them were filmed using a quadcopter. That means a drone operator got paid for doing what he/she enjoys.

This can be you too! The technological advances have taken the first larger sized drones and have shrunk them down yet increased the quality of the camera. My DJI Mavic 2 Pro can fit in the palm of my hand. I am totally blown away at what this can do.

I see a great future for this industry and it is obvious that DroneVideos is taking the lead in helping people like me and you to take advantage of this industry and create income from it. The sky is literally the limit when it comes to what you can do with your flying skills.

I only offered you a little more than a dozen niche market ideas for earning income with your drone. There are so many more available and hopefully the two videos above will help you to find others. Do not be afraid to think outside of the box, you may find a gem of an idea.

Another thing to do after joining DroneVideos is to get tips from those who are already doing this for themselves. Another way is to do a YouTube search for “Aerial Drone Photography” and you can view so many tips for flying and filming. If you have any questions now, just leave them below.

https://legitimatejobfromhome.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Drone-Handsized.pnghttps://legitimatejobfromhome.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Drone-Handsized-150x150.pngRobert PrescottMoney Making IdeasVideoFAA part 107 testing locations,how to make money flying a drone,make money flying drones
If you enjoy the hobby of flying drones, I am going to explain how to make money flying a drone that can be a nice source of income. You might be new to this concept but aerial videos and photographs are in huge demand with certain industries. Check this...