Fashion Blog For Men – Women Can Benefit From This Too
Do you like fashion? Have you ever considered writing a fashion blog for men or for women? In this post I will explain an easy way to start and make money with it too. You just might be surprised at how lucrative it could be for you and even fun. I will even explain how you can get started for free, but first some facts.
Who Reigns Supreme in Fashion
There is no doubting when it comes to the fashion niche overall it is mostly dominated by styles for women. When we see fashion shows and pictures of “red carpet” events, it always seems to be the women that steal the show. But you know what? Men’s fashion is pretty popular too.
Sure we men do not obsess over it as much as women do but we are just as passionate about how we look when we go out in public. Even when we are dressed in athletic clothing we are thinking about fashion. What pair of Nike Air Jordan’s should I wear? Which fitted cap would go well with my basketball shoes?
Though men do not walk crossing one foot in front of the other like female super models do when they walk down the fashion runway, we still walk with a confidence and sometimes swagger, when we are dressed to the nines. Men’s fashion is not only business suits and ties, it is everything that says, hey, look at me!

There is not much difference in the excitement between the fashion for men & women
Share Your Passion and Get Noticed by Others
For those of you who spend time chatting about the latest in fashion or something outrageous a celebrity was recently wearing, write your thoughts in a blog and share it beyond your scope of social media followers. Who knows? Maybe another fashion blogger from a fashion magazine may like it.
Think of how jealous your friends would be if a famous fashion magazine were to like your blog and even link to it from one of their articles. And if you haven’t noticed there are so many fashion magazines for both men and women. GQ, Men’s Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Men’s Fashion,…
But in order to obtain that fame and eventually some fortune you need to have a blog. Getting one is the easy part, and even writing about your passion for fashion (hey that rhymes) can also be easy, but how you put it all together so it can be seen by the masses is the important part if you want some money.
What You Need to Be a Successful Fashion Blogger
Well the obvious thing you need is a blog, and since you can get one for free that is already programmed for you, all you need is some training in how to get it out to the world. The most popular way is through the search engines like Google and Bing. Learning how they work will be an advantage for you moving forward.
By using a technique called SEO you can craft your blog in such a way so that when people do a search for a particular fashion name or even a model’s name, your blog will come up in the search results. This is the beauty of knowing Search Engine Optimization because it can give you a leg up on your competition.
It takes knowing just a little bit more than your desire to spin your passion for fashion, yeah I had to use that rhyme again. It takes knowledge in crafting your blog content in such a way that you show up as high in the Google rankings as possible. This will greatly increase your chances of having your blog read.
Another thing you will need is the desire and determination to blog often, like at least once a week when your blog is still new. This will help to get the attention of Google so that they will want to know that your blog is something they should show higher in the search results. The higher your blog appears the more people will see it.
Everything For a Blog is All in One Place
To make matters simple for you, everything you will need to get your blog up and running is all in one place. You can build a free blog, actually build at least one free websites with blogs, get the training as well as 24 hours of help and support, buy your domain name, and get free SSL Certificates is all located at Wealthy Affiliate.
The training is super easy and is designed for people who are not necessarily tech savvy, which means anyone can do this. In addition to learning how to write your content so it is optimized for the search engines you will also learn how to join the affiliate programs of stores and fashion outlets that sell the fashion you are writing about.
This part is very important if you want to make some serious moola. There are hundreds of fashion stores and websites dealing specifically in fashion that have programs that you can join for free if you have a blog about fashion. They will send you free ads for whatever kind of fashion you like and then pay you a percentage of every sale that ad makes.
But first you must have a fashion blog. These free affiliate programs only accept people who are serious about making money promoting their fashion. If they see you have a fashion blog then they know. So head on over to Wealthy Affiliate and get your blog and training going. You can join for free if you click on the picture of the Wealthy Affiliate University banner above right.
Get Paid For Just Sharing on Social Media
Having a fashion blog for men will earn you much more money than this next offer. However this is something still worth considering, especially since they allow you to become an affiliate without a fashion blog. All you have to do is join their free affiliate program and then share their fashion picture ads on social media.
If anyone clicks on the picture ads you are sharing and goes on to buy that fashion item, you will get paid. It is that simple. Again it is totally free to join. But if you have a fashion blog and promote these picture ads you will make even more money. To join just do a Google search for CityBlis and follow the affiliate program instructions.

One of many fashion items for men from CityBlis that you can make money on.
Whether you want to make good money by joining CityBlis for free or great money by joining Wealthy Affiliate for free above right under the words “Be Your Own Boss!”, you can start making money in the niche of fashion as a blogger of either men’s or women’s fashion or both.
If you have any questions about what you have just learned above or on CityBlis and Wealthy Affiliate, please leave your questions and any comments you may have below and I will reply with an answer as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and may your passion for fashion (said it again) drive you to success. Home JobsMoney Making Ideasfashion blog for men,fashion blogger,how can i make money blogging
What a great idea to start a fashion blog for men! I’ve actually even looked at many of them when looking at some new styles, and it never even crossed my mind to create one. I think that there are definitely guys that can obsess about fashion though, maybe even more than women. I like to be casually well dressed. Thanks for the info!
There are most definitely guys who can obsess about fashion. Many do but they are not as open about it as women are. But that being said, there is a huge market for men’s fashion but still an untapped niche market for the affiliate marketer.
If you think about it, it really is puzzling that the fashion industry is almost intrinsically connected with women. After all, us men wear clothes as well, and we are, for the most part, fashion-conscious. Nevertheless, going back to your post, it certainly is a novel way for getting into the ‘make money online’ niche. Great write-up 🙂
Thank you Anthony for your comment. It does sort of surprise me that there aren’t as many men’s fashion blogs and websites as there are those for women. Even when you look at the graph I provided in my post, the interest between fashion for men and women are not all that different. But for some reason many websites and other forms of media are more leaning towards fashion for women.
This is why I think that the niche for men’s fashion would be a great niche market to pursuit and make money from. We guys like to step out in style too and in many different ways. It could be as simple as a particular kind of fitted cap of a particular sporting team or athletic company. Just look at Tiger Woods. He made wearing the Nike hat a fashion statement. A fashion blog for men I think would be a great narrow segment of the fashion niche to make money in, and that is why I wanted to bring this to light within my blog post.
Great perspective for a Fashion blog! See so many women with their blogs with beautiful fashion trends.. I forget there are men who are a bit fashion savvy too.. Joining WA for a FREE website to start blogging is an awesome idea too.. Excellent read..
Thank you Jewell! Yes, men are very fashion minded, almost as much as women, and in some cases more. My nephew is a model and travels the world doing fashion photo shoots and has appeared in advertisement displays and catalogs for Boscoff’s, Target, and various other well named brands.
The niche of men’s fashion is just as big as that for women and is a niche market that shouldn’t be overlooked. There is definitely money to be made in this niche and the competition is lower for men’s fashion than for women.
Interesting way to get people involved in the fashion niche. I went into it thinking one thing and it went another. That was impressive because it changed my perspective of what the fashion niche is about and the different ways to make money with it. It is clean and looks good. Keep on bro!! Best of luck to you.
Thank you Shawn, I am happy you enjoyed my post on fashion and the unique CityBlis fashion affiliate marketing program. Of the hundreds of affiliate marketing programs I have researched within the past two years, only a handful can be joined without a website. I like showcasing these to my readers so it can give them free options should they wish to start making money online while on a low budget. In a sea of online scams it is nice to see affiliate programs that actually work for very little investment.