How to Make Money by Affiliate Marketing Online
I do a few work at home jobs, and I am going to explain how to make money by Affiliate Marketing online, which happens to be my favorite. It is easy and extremely inexpensive to set up and operate. Matter of fact you can operate 3 affiliate marketing websites for less than $53 per month.
What is Affiliate Marketing About?
Quite frankly it is the easiest way to make money online because once it is set up there is very little you have to do to operate it. Because of this many affiliate marketers, myself included, have more than one affiliate marketing website providing multiple streams of income.
The process of how affiliate marketing works is as simple as the definition given on Google by Wikipedia above. So with that in mind let me give you an easy to understand step-by-step process of how it works. In this example below I will be marketing Air Jordan Basketball Shoes, since I know a lot about them.
1. I write about my interest in Air Jordan Basketball Shoes on my website, describing what I know
2. I write reviews and my opinions on the various kinds / models of basketball shoes
3. Through the use of SEO (explained below) I get my website content ranked in Google
4. People do a search on Google for Air Jordan Basketball Shoes and click on my website link
5. They read my reviews, like what I have to say, and click on the Foot Locker product ad link
6. That link takes them to the Foot Locker Shopping Cart to pay for the basketball shoes
7. They make the purchase and Foot Locker ships them the Air Jordan Basketball Shoes
8. Foot Locker then pays me a commission on the total amount of that order
And that is the simple process of how to make money online using affiliate marketing. There is no need to buy or sell any products, nor do you have to deal with the customer. Everything is handled by Foot Locker, or any other company you choose to affiliate with. Once you set up your website, it works for you 24/7/365.
Set Up is 1…2…3…Create!
Though there are many ways to make money online, the only way you can earn enough is by having your own affiliate marketing website. However too many people shy away from this realization and are always looking for something quick and easy or the hottest offer at that time. This is called SOS, Shiny Object Syndrome.
The problem with people that are seeking SOS is that until they stop seeking it, they will never succeed with any kind of online marketing business. Affiliate marketing online is a One Billion Dollar per year industry operated mostly by individuals that really work from the comfort of their own homes.
Setting up your own affiliate marketing website is so simple anyone who can do it! Just think of a name, type it out, choose an overall look of the website, and click the computer mouse button. Your website will be fully programmed and hosted within one minute. It truly is that easy and I will tell you where you can do this in just a bit, but first more on how you can make serious money in affiliate marketing.
Get Your Slice of the Money Pie!
When you have your own website, the potential for making money online more than doubles in the amount of opportunities. The reason for this comes from the knowledge you gain from the building of your own website. With today’s technology in the form of WordPress website builders, creating your own website is super easy without learning any kind of programming.
Being that the bulk of the money being made in affiliate marketing every year comes from online sales, the only way to get a piece of the money pie is with your own website. All legitimate affiliate marketing programs are free to join but you first need a website or blog to participate.
As you can see in the above image from the Foot Locker Affiliate Program details page, it tells you how to become an affiliate. All of these large retail companies will let you join them for free but only if you have a website that they can review and approve so you can display their advertisements. Now that you know how easy affiliate marketing is to earn a lot of money, here is how you can get started like I did.
How Can I Learn Affiliate Marketing?
Though there are a few online courses available, there is only one that I have found that offers you EVERYTHING you could possibly need to get up and running. Their monthly membership for everything is less than the cost of filling your car up with gas twice a month. They even offer you a yearly membership that comes out to roughly 98 cents per day!
You will get the most up-to-date training in affiliate marketing, as well as how you can make a full-time income from the comfort of your home office. All you need to participate is a computer, an internet connection, and a desire to learn the ins and outs of making money online effectively.
The name of this online training community is Wealthy Affiliate and they have been in business for 10+ years, helping to create the success stories of tens of thousands of online entrepreneurs. They will not only provide you with an easy way to build your own website from scratch without programming it, but will also provide you with the latest in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so you can rank high in Google.

World-Wide Interest in Affiliate Marketing Within 10 Years
As seen in the above graph, within the past 10 years affiliate marketing has been doing quite well. There was a slight decline right around 2009, mainly due to the economic crisis of that time, but as of 2014 has maintained a steady interest. Part of the steady trend has been fueled by the successful creation of future affiliate marketers from Wealthy Affiliate.
Passive and Residual Income
From the training you will get at Wealthy Affiliate you can earn both passive income and residual income. Though both are pretty much the same, there is one big difference, see below. Regardless of that difference, both are forms of income that YOU WANT to achieve to gain financial independence.
PASSIVE INCOME is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. It is closely related to the concept of unearned income. RESIDUAL INCOME (also called Recurring Income) is a set amount of income that continues to be paid on a predetermined schedule. Though both are quite similar, residual income can become passive over time but passive income cannot become residual.
Learning how to make money by affiliate marketing online has been a real blessing for many people. Many of us have plenty of information we can share, and make money on that info at the same time. How many other jobs do you know of that can pay you indefinitely for the things you write about?
And while you are thinking of the answer to the above question, ask yourself these questions too. Do I want to continue working for someone else for the rest of my life? Or do I want to create my own online business now in my spare time, so that I can go full-time within a year or two?
Do You Need Help Getting Started?
Making a decision to start something new, especially when you are unfamiliar with it, can be quite intimidating. I realize that because I went through the same procrastination phase in my decision to start my new online career in affiliate marketing. However I can genuinely say that getting started was not as difficult or as scary as I thought it would be.
The reason for this has everything to do with the fantastically easy training that Wealthy Affiliate, also known as Wealthy Affiliate University (for good reasons), offers to all of their members. Another reason why getting started was a breeze, had to do with the fact that all members are encouraged to begin their training for FREE!
Not only did I get an entire certification 50 lesson course on everything I needed to know on how to make money the correct way in affiliate marketing, but I also learned how to get my website content to rank highly in Google by learning how to do SEO and Social Media Marketing. Now that I have this knowledge I use it not just for myself but for all of you too!
I now get to sit and write in my home office and know that I will be making money for years to come for the information I type and publish on my 4 different affiliate marketing websites. Do you want to be like me and many others who get to work part-time at home for full-time income?
Do you want that peace of mind knowing that you can work whenever and wherever you want, and still get that monthly passive and residual income? Think of how great that would be! Wealthy Affiliate can help you the same way it has helped me. Does Wealthy Affiliate work? It certainly does! Give it a try for free!
If you would like to know how to join Wealthy Affiliate for free, click the Wealthy Affiliate University banner ad I have above right or any link on my WA Review. After you join I will get in touch with you to help point you in the right direction. If you have any questions now, please leave them below. & 2015At Home Jobsaffiliate marketing,wealthy affiliate,work at home jobs
Hey Robert, I liked reading through your website learning about the various ways to make money as an affiliatemarketer. However is your main website the W,A, affiliate website? if that is the case it would indicate that the only way for me to get earning is to promote to others how to get earning!Am I being too simplistic? Thanks for your consideration
Not at all Simon. This website is my 3rd website. On this website I promote WA for its educational properties which are essential if you want to succeed in any type of online affiliate marketing. If you do not know how to properly build a website, fill it with relative content, get high Google rankings, and thus website traffic, many affiliate marketing programs will not accept your application.
There are many ways for you to gain earnings in affiliate marketing without promoting how to get earnings. My first website was promoting how to effectively and safely avoid the flu without vaccination and my second website promotes video games. My next website will promote the natural treatments that will prevent and even can help cure cancer.
That is what affiliate marketing is about, being able to gain earnings in many different ways by promoting products and services people want or need, other than promoting how to make money by promoting the same. Almost everything can be promoted within affiliate marketing that anyone can gain earnings with. I hope I was able to answer your question.
Can you share your sites s that I can get a feel for what a site that includes affiliate marketing ads on them as in the way you are referring. Obviously every website we go to pretty much has ads blasting you left, right, above, below, and even pop ups. But you were mentioning that you need to write a review to become an affiliate. Can you provide some examples (i.e. your websites?). Thank you for all this helpful information.
Crystal, Unfortunately the only website of mine that I have active, other than this one, with affiliate links is my video game website. Though I handle affiliate links a little bit differently with this website as I do with my other website (that I am updating at this time) where I have reviews of products, you should be able to get an idea of how I handle affiliate links.
At the link below, if you scroll the screen down to the 6th blog post called “Video Game News You Can Use Part 2” you will see affiliate ads in my right side bar. One is a video widget for PlayStation 4 games that you can click to run a slideshow of ads (if it is not already playing) and just below that is another ad widget for Xbox One games that is a static 2 page ad. If you click on my blog “Video Game News You Can Use Part 2” you will see affiliate link ads within the content as well. Click this link to see what I am talking about.
Hi Robert was about to join MOBE with the 1,997.oo affiliate membership. Must admit an excellent set up and full understanding of their concept for someone like me who knew nothing. As you mentioned the pay up was the next phase to entering and creating the webinar system to pull in your customers. I stopped and decided to question the full perception of MOBE on Google and yep hello to you.
I have read the above info ref your take on MOBE acknowledgement to what has been said by digesting the not so good outlook with everyone involved in a big scamming Org. Then on saying ok get hit with your pitch on the yes easy to make money with WA. My reasoning behind MOBE was to make money but more to change my life around and try my skills as an entrepreneur online. Never in my life have I done this. Yes I’m not computor illiterate and creating webinar or whatever you call it totally stumped. I also felt confident about MOBE when right from the start I had a mentor on skype not through video but call who gave me confidence with videos from Matt doing his presentations etc and his affiliate members showing positive results with cheques. I look at this excellent venture ref WA but I do not see you only with a photo glasses lowered. You speak but hard to digest as vision also is my number one retainer through learning. Have you got an e-mail or something?
Catherine, Sorry for the late reply, have been busy with holiday preparations. There are way more negative reviews about MOBE than just mine. There are a ton of ex-members who have posted complaints online in several forums, complaints to the FTC, and shared their horror stories here on this website. As for me, you can see a picture of me without lowered sunglasses on my About Me page.
One of the many things people who are not familiar with the less than honest programs on the internet do not realize, is that many of these so-called make money from home opportunities will always show people holding cheques or big wads of cash. Those are just marketing ploys to make you think that everyone is highly successful. People who are truly successful and honest about their earnings do not need to flaunt it. I make a full-time income from home with no more than a $47 per month investment.
Everyone can do what I do without spending thousands of dollars, and you do not have to create any webinars or nonsense like that to generate leads. As for being an affiliate, I am an affiliate of Amazon, Best Buy, Apple and others and it is 100% free to be their affiliates. This is another less than honest approach these so-called opportunities do. REAL affiliate marketing is ALWAYS free. If anyone claims that you have to pay for it, they are more than likely ripping you off.
At Wealthy Affiliate you not only get training and direct access to the 2 owners, but you get 1-on-1 coaching, live chat with members of the 210,000+ community and the owners, and full support in building your online business without needing to be a computer literate person. ALL technological aspects are automated. At WA it is easy to learn, easy to get answers to your questions, you do not need to be good with computers, and you never have to spend more than $47 per month to be successful.
Hi, Robert!
You’ve written very good and informative post about affiliate marketing- person can learn a lot from it! Keep up doing good work! Best regards!
Thank you Sandra! Happy you liked my blog on how to make money by Affiliate Marketing. I try to make all of my website content as easy to understand as possible, while still offering plenty of detailed information.
Hey there Robert!
Not too sure If I have checked out this site before, I know you have one about games? Am I right? (May have been someone else).
I love the lay-out of your post, may as well say posts as I’m sure all the others are laid out this way 🙂 It makes things much easier for people to read and digest. The easier to read, the better!
Your content also matches up with your visual aspects.
To be honest, this is definitely the most effective way to make money from affiliate marketing, if it doesn’t require patience, having a passion, time and your efforts then anything else can be classed as a scam in my opinion.
Awesome post overall!
Thank you Lawrence. I am happy that you like my website. I have tried to make it as user friendly as possible.
Affiliate Marketing online is truly the easiest way I know of to make money online. Though it may not be the quickest, in the long run it will always be the most lucrative because you will never run out of products to sell and my favorite part is that you can make money even when you are asleep.
This particular fact makes affiliate marketing a great way to make money because all you need is an idea, knowledge of how that idea works, and a lot of patience as you wait for your search engine rankings to rise. Without high rankings your website content cannot be seen and if it cannot be seen, then you will not get the potential customers you are seeking.
Thank you Lawrence for your reply.
Hi Robert, wonderful article, and I appreciate you making it sound like anyone can do it. I, like many out there, searched on and off for years for a way to be able to work on my own, from home. I found lots of information about every facet of online marketing, except the most important piece – how to put it all together into a step by step process. I just started at WA 7 weeks ago, am not technical, and like to have help whenever I need it. I am grateful, every day for having discovered Wealthy Affiliate. I finally found a place that has the help I need, with incredible, easy to follow training, and fellow community members always willing to lend a hand. My dream is to open a retirement home for animals, and I finally feel like that dream can actually become a reality. Of course your awesome training is a big help!!
Thank you Hindy for your comment! I have always been someone who likes to help people, which is one of the reasons why I created this website, so I can help people to avoid online scams and find legitimate opportunies that work.
Like you and many others I searched for quite some time for the right opportunity to present itself. But along the way I kept running into programs that were more hype than knowledge. I am not afraid to work and do not expect to gain online success with ease or in the short term. I know that logically that is impossible because all those who have said that it is quick and easy, were the online scams I came into conact with.
So through my website I offer knowledge based on my experience through the years of the failures and the successes. I want to help people with ideas and opportunities that I personally know that work and that I am currently succeeding in. I want to help people to spot an online scam a mile away and also offer them a chance to become a Free Member of Wealthy Affialiate which is where I started AND where I am still a very happy member after 26 months.
Hi Robert,
Great article and the way you organized your ideas. It was easy to follow for sure.
Now in terms of the content itself.
I really like the idea of affiliate marketing online and having your own website (it’s like having a baby that you want to nurture and who also, by the way, brings money home). In past, when I was involved with one affiliate program I tried to promote through social pages but to be honest, this is not the most effective way to do it. And I knew I needed to take a step higher with a stable income.
That is when I discovered the Wealthy Affiliate community, and I must say it is possible the best out there. I was able to build a website with all the necessary plugins, domain and other stuff I had no idea with the help of WA, and this was done I believe within 2 weeks (!). In fact, I will share my personal review on my website a bit later – that’s how much I am satisfied with the quality.
As I said, great article and thank you for posting!
Thank you Zarina for your comment.
It is very much true that most other affiliate programs out there try to encourage their members to promote through social media, but that is toally backwards thinking. You first have to establish your website, get good rankings in Google through the use of proper SEO, and gain organic traffic. Without traffic you have no customers. Social media should be used but only as a way to support the traffic and rankings you already have.
One of the many things I like about Wealthy Affiliate is that the training you learn from, are not just created by successful affiliate marketers but these marketers use the same exact training everyday to make tons of money. So the training certainly works, I personally know that it does, but everything comes down to the individual who will be implementing the action plan. If people are not willing to learn and apply, then success will never come for them.
Success always comes from hard work and nurturing your business, like you said above. People have dreams of becoming wealthy from their own online business, and it is very much possible, but only after a couple of years of hard work. That is how every successful online entrepreneur did it.
Hi there Robert,
This is one of the most comprehensive posts on Affiliate marketing I have ever read. Thanks for sharing such helpful information with the world. I am definitely checking out Wealthy Affiliate.
Hello Peter. Sorry for the late reply, I have been away.
Thank you for your comment on my post about how to make money by Affiliate Marketing Online. I am happy that the information I have shared was helpful to you and you will definitely enjoy the training at Wealthy Affiliate. There is no other online or offline training that can even come close in value.
hi Robert
great post on how to make money by affiliate marketing online! You are right, there is money to be made in a legit way if one is willing to put in the efforts. The SOS scams are just that, scams. And there are no miracles. One has to put in the time and effort. Which is what I have been doing for the past 9 months. It has not paid off enough to cover my monthly cost yet but I am hoping it will at some point. I do see it as an investment. But maybe I also need to step up my game.
Hi Emily and thank you for your comment. Starting an online business of any kind will always take time to see results, it truly is an investment in one’s future. But the price of $47 per month is not really that much when you consider everything you are getting that always costs extra elsewhere if you get it at all.
Howeve one of the nice things about the training everyone gets from Wealthy Affiliate is that you can take the knowledge and use it for other people’s websites. You can offer to do content writing, keyword research, basic SEO, WordPress website design, and basically everything you do for yourself you can do for others and definitely make enough to cover your $47 per month. That is what I did when I started before I began making enough money. Stepping up your game is definitely needed when first starting.
Hi Robert,
Great article! Great information. Affiliate marketing in my opinion is the best business model which will stand the test of time. The process is so simple. 1. create a website 2. sign-up for an affiliate program. 3. Get their affiliate link. 4. Promote the product on your website.
With affiliate marketing, you don’t need to create your own product if you don’t want to. And the start up cost is very low.
For people who are looking for a legitimate work from home opportunities can avoid scams online by creating a good website and practising this business model call affiliate marketing, because it is the best.
Great article. Thanks
You are welcome Douglas and I totally agree with you.
A couple of years ago I was looking for a way to augment my eBay business by building an eCommerce website. But then I stumbled across Wealthy Affiliate because they had a free way to build my own website without me having to learn programming. Then as I was building the website I decided to look into the affiliate marketing model that they teach and I was hooked!
I now didn’t have to list and sell products anymore, even if I were going to do drop shipping, affiliate marketing is so much easier and more of a hands-off approach to selling. All you do is promote the product and everything else is handled by the company you affiliate for. No need to even deal with the customer which you still need to do in drop shipping. So now I have stopped pursuiting an eCommerce website and doing affiliate marketing instead.