Does Wealthy Affiliate Work – I Have Proof that it Does!
I understand people being skeptical about work at home offers. So when people ask me, does Wealthy Affiliate work, I say yes and here’s why. The scams offer lofty goals of financial wealth, whereas Wealthy Affiliate (WA) offers success through hard work.

Wealthy Affiliate = Success
The reality for any kind of work from home internet marketing business is that it takes time to get running. Wealthy Affiliate instills within you the need to take action because it is this action that produces results and eventually your success.
Now you might be thinking that all scams encourage you to take action. Yes they do but with a caveat of you making a lot of money. But WA does not dangle that money carrot in front of you just to get you to take action.
Why I Joined Wealthy Affiliate
Back in August 2013 I became a member of Wealthy Affiliate, also known as Wealthy Affiliate University, because I was looking for a way to create my own eCommerce website instead of selling on eBay. For those of you wondering why I would rather sell on my less known website than on eBay, there is a valid reason.
When you sell on eBay you have to pay them in order to sell. Even if your item does not sell after you have listed it for a certain duration, you still have to pay them. Then when you do sell, they will charge you 10% of what it sold for plus the cost of shipping.
eBay charges you 30 cents to list an item and 10% of the total if you sell it. Example: If you sell something for $100 + $10 Shipping, which is $110, eBay takes $11 of that and leaves you with $99. Of that $99 you only get $89 because the remaining $10 is for shipping.
A Better Alternative than Selling on eBay
After all is said and done, it can be very expensive to sell on eBay, especially if you do not sell a lot. By joining Wealthy Affiliate it was my plan to build my own eCommerce website, sell for the same price and maybe a bit cheaper than eBay, and thus avoid all of those fees.
I started looking for a way to build my own website. Though I am not a programmer nor do I want to be, I knew there was a way to build my own website without having to program it. So you see, I came to WA from a different angle than most.
I was already making money online but I was looking for a way to make it more efficiently. Most people come to WA because they are looking to get started. Did my approach make it easier to join by being less skeptical? No it did not. It was the free starting cost that made me try Wealthy Affiliate University.
How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?
Wealthy Affiliate will teach you everything you need to know to start your internet marketing business. They will provide you with all the resources, such as up-to-date best practices in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and will provide a very helpful community of online marketers.
Aside from the supportive online education you receive that produces great results, the Wealthy Affiliate Community stands head and shoulders above anything you will ever experience online or even in any learning institution.
Between the knowledge you will gain from the training and the support from the community, the only way you will fail at WA is if you quit. Many members, myself included, are long term because we see the results and benefits of the training coupled with hard work. I have been a member for 6+ years.
Not only can I create a WordPress website from scratch without programming it, and then monetize it to make money from, but I can also take the knowledge I have gained in SEO content writing and provide services to many companies looking for writers.
Proof that Wealthy Affiliate is Legit

Since Mid 2013 Wealthy Affiliate has been prospering, matching the interest of 2009.
The above graph can be found on Google Trends which monitors the success and failures of many online programs. As you can see, ever since around time I joined in August 2013, Wealthy Affiliate has been on a fairly steady increase of success, memberships, and prosperity. This is just one bit of proof of its legitimacy. Let us look at more.
Wealthy Affiliate started in September 2005 and it is now 15 years old here in September 2020. As with every new company there are highs and lows, but as you can see in the graph above, WA is on a continued rise and is approaching the level of its height back in late 2009. Then there are these to consider.
• With the exception of a few countries known for online fraud, Wealthy Affiliate is FREE to join
• Wealthy Affiliate has ONE price for membership at only $49.00 per month
• In an effort to save its members money, WA offers a yearly membership that comes to about $41.25 per month
• Both the monthly and yearly memberships cover the cost of absolutely EVERYTHING you need
• You have multiple ways to make money online from the education and resources you get at WA
• WA gives you a free website builder so you can have many WordPress websites without having to program them
• You get 24/7 help and tech support with robust anti-spam and anti-hacking security features
• You get direct access to both owners of WA via Live Chat, Private Messages, and within Training Comments

My total WA commission payment of $718 for Sept 2015, which increases each month
What Does the Competition Look Like?
On this website I not only promote the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate for anyone who is willing to apply the training, but I also offer insight into some of the currently popular “Make Money from Home Online Scams” available on the internet. I point out their flaws and apply common sense to my conclusions.
One of the common signs of a scam and even a somewhat legit opportunity that does not offer a good return on investment, are all of the upsells they offer. These upsells are ever increasingly expensive add-ons to the existing membership fee. Though they say these add-ons are for your benefit, they benefit the opportunity more than you.
Wealthy Affiliate DOES NOT offer any upsells on their already inexpensive membership fee. They have only two prices: FREE to start and $49.00 per month. That is it! There are no other hidden charges or any future add-ons required. I guarantee you will not find another opportunity that offers this.
What is My Online Business Empire?
In my opinion, and that of many others, MOBE is an online pyramid scheme that actually costs $2,046.00 just to be able to possibly start making money online. They hook you with lofty claims of big-time deposits and a startup cost of $49.00 but then about 25% of the way through the training you have to pay an additional $1,997.00.

Since the end of 2013, interest in My Online Business Empire has fallen like a rock.
As you can see in the above graph from Google Trends, My Online Business Empire has fallen. So much for that “Empire” and if you ask me, it was obvious the fall was going to come. They hype up their expectations and make you think that earning BIG commissions is easy. They even claim that they will close all of the deals for you so you do not have to. Sounds kind of shady to me.
What is DS Domination?
DS Domination is another online program that has expensive upsells, but nowhere near as bad as MOBE above. However DSD is not a legitimate program to be involved with. They claim to teach you how to do Drop Shipping on eBay from Amazon, Walmart and others. That is untrue.
What they teach is to copy information from Amazon, which is illegal according to the Amazon User Agreement, then paste it into eBay and set a higher price. Then when someone buys your item you take their money and buy the item from Amazon and have it mailed to your customer. Sounds great, right?
Well first off that is not drop shipping, that is called Arbitrage. Drop shipping is when you work with a wholesaler or manufacturer, Amazon is neither. Amazon ships in their own boxes and though you can have your items shipped in a plain box, this does not always happen and many have complained to eBay.

Since 2014 the height of interest in DSD has fallen, perhaps because it is not real drop shipping
As you can see in the above Google Trends graph their stats are on the decline. Because of rising complaints by eBay buyers, eBay has started to suspend indefinitely the seller accounts of those they discover to be doing the DS Domination illegal copy and paste.
Now it was just announced in May that DS Domination Founder Roger Langille resigns without reason. When you do a search for him online, you will find many complaints about him and DS Domination. The only reason DSD is still surviving is because they do have a couple of legit upsells that are not part of their shady drop shipping program.
Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?
In a word, YES! Based on what I have shared here on this post I hope you can now see that Wealthy Affiliate truly does work and in a very big way. There is no other place online or even in the real world that can even come close to matching what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer everyone.
Thanks to a comment from a reader below, who claims to not be affiliated with My Online Business Empire (MOBE), I have taken his advice and have done a comparison Google Trend graph showing the popularity and interest between Wealthy Affiliate, DS Domination and MOBE all on one graph.

Wealthy Affiliate is Blue line, DS Domination is Red line and MOBE is Yellow line
This clearly shows how popular WA is in comparison with the other two programs. Though Wealth Affiliate has had some ups and downs, and most successful companies do, they remain stronger than both MOBE and DSD, and this is a current graph from Google Trends on December 30, 2015. So if you were to choose, based on longevity, popularity, and overall interest, which one stands out the best?
Thousands of people are making a lot of money from WA, but only after some work. Making a full-time income online requires hard work. There is a saying, “Being broke is hard. Becoming wealthy is hard. Choose your hard.” If you are willing to learn the proper steps for getting Fortune 500 companies to pay you and you are willing to apply what you learn, success is soon to follow.
At Wealthy Affiliate not only can you get a first class education in how to build a website business from scratch, but you can also learn how to make money at Wealthy Affiliate while you learn to do so with your websites. How is that you ask? You can make money in the WA referral program and get paid for any published training you create for the community.
There are many ways to make money from the training offered at Wealthy Affiliate and gain knowledge that can also be applied to any job that requires SEO and content writing work for websites and social media. In my 20+ years on the internet I have never experienced a more complete place than WA, which is why I recommend them.
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It? – Read what other members have to say!
If you would like to join me and the rest of the 1,00,000+ world-wide community at Wealthy Affiliate, you can do so for FREE by clicking the banner ad I have above and to the right that says Wealthy Affiliate University or from several links on my Wealthy Affiliate Review page.
I guarantee you will not find a more comprehensive online training and business building platform ANYWHERE on the internet! If you do find something similar it definitely will not offer everything for only $49 per month! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. & 2015Reviewsdoes Wealthy Affiliate work,how to make money at Wealthy Affiliate,work from home
Well thought out post Robert. One thing comes to mind about MOBE. All the MOBE people (CLOWN College graduates) all LOVE to coach a newbie. It’s no wonder because they can fleece him/her like a sheep being sheared. Take it from me~ you don’t want to be “MOBE’d !!!
I find it amusing that these MOBE people that like attacking me for publishing the truth, when presented with proof and facts, have no come back because they know they have no leg to stand on. Like this guy Sam below, he forcefully defends MOBE but yet claims to not be a member? Obviously he is a member. Then when I do what he suggests, because I know it will prove to all that he was wrong, where is his response? I do NOT print fiction on this website.
I’ve read with interest most of your article warning against MOBE in order to sell WA. Very interesting approach to sales.
You add a screencap of WA’s popularity (even tho on that it was actually going down over the last month). What interested me was that you did not give a comparison with MOBE. You CAN put both on the same graph using Google Trends and I am 100% certain that you know that.
Why did you not show the two set against each other on your image?
Because you and I both know that MOBE has more than 4 times the amount of interest to what WA has. You also know that their curve is way better looking than your WA’s.
I would publish the graph but you dont allow for that on your comments area here. I advise your readers to go take a look as statistical evidence of how ‘trustworthy’ you really are.
I am involved in neither MOBE nor WA but I do tend to agree with a previous commentator who talks about the need for people to take personal responsibility for their failure based on their own lack of the relevent required amount of effort (or not) put in to get the results. Despite what you would like to hear, people are making money with MOBE. I know that because a friend of mine is doing so. You can go see the number of people being helped by MOBE to buy the brand new car of their choice (each are required makes a video to prove their success is real).
Your silly little ‘thank you for helping my google rankings’ jibe has you appearing to act about age 8. So I’m interested in what pathetic little comment you will make to put me down before moving on to your TRUST ME line for your silly little WA training, clearly a course in mediocrity. Congrats for being a leader in that by the way!
Thank you Sam for your suggestion that I do a comparison graph. Originally I didn’t want to embarrass both MOBE and DSD by combining them on one graph. But you convinced me otherwise and I think it is a great idea for an update to this post. Plus it allows me to add some more SEO content and keywords via the Alt text of the new image. So thanks for your suggestion. It makes WA look even better.
I agree with you that everyone who engages in the growth of their own online business needs to be responsible for their actions. Making a lot of money online for very little work is total BS. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Jeff Bezos of Amazon all had to work long and hard to get going and didn’t make a profit in their first year but they kept working hard. It’s the same in every business. It took me almost 6 months before I made my first dollar at WA, now I make several hundreds of dollars every month in Passive Income, plus my other online income streams.
But if you are not involved with MOBE, why are you so hostile in your tone Sam? It sort of sounds like you are involved, losing money on MOBE, and affaid to admit you made a mistake. If that is true, cut your losses and start over. I made mistakes and had fallen for some real loser programs before beginning the training at WA.
Now I know SEO, SMM, keyword research, how to build WordPress websites, and I have taken that knowledge and do ghostwriting for a couple of WordPress websites that were looking for an SEO content writer. That’s an additional $500 per month. This is why Wealthy Affiliate works! Because they enable you to make money through education in the areas that are in demand in today’s world. You should give it a try.
What if my computer skills are not so well
That’s one of the great benefits of Wealthy Affiliate, ALL of the computer technical aspects are automated. This is why WA has member from all ages and educational backgrounds succeeding, even if they are not that good with computers. For example, it takes less than 3 minutes to build yourself a website with an easy 4-step process.
Hello Robert. I never liked ebay, not even as customer. I do not know the other companies and am very happy you explained their story. I’m a very sceptical person and wealthy affiliate was the first company to me in the affiliate market. I have no negative imprints with making money online yet probably for my scepticism to everything that sounds too good to be true. I have only the best to tell about wealthy affiliate after three weeks. I love to get everything I have to know about online marketing and building a website on just one single place. In the past I struggled always to create a website. I didn’t even think about making money online for I had not the clue to build a website. Wealthy affiliate helped me a lot to start my own online business though I wanted just to write a blog. You’re review is quite an impression. Thanks for that. I join your point of view fullest and am happy to be a part of the great community. Have a great start into the next week. Alec
Thank you Alec for your comment and sorry for my late reply. For some reason this comment and two others from this same date of Sept 13th, wound up in my spam folder.
I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is the best there is because everything you need to learn how to build and grow an online business is all here in one place. Plus WA makes it super easy for ANYONE no matter their age or educational background to build a website from scratch without programming it and then learning keyword research and SEO so you can get high Google rankings. It doesn’t get much better than that except for the fact that you can start all of this for free! I do not know of any other work from home opportunity that offers so much for free.
Thank you for taking the time and energy to lay out what wealthy affiliate is, how it works and how it compares to other internet marketing sites or businesses. There are a lot of scams out there and unfortunately I have been caught up in one or two of them. I’ve also participated in MLM’s but never got as far as I would have liked because they simply don’t work. I can see now that wealthy affiliate is a viable way to earn a legitimate income through my hard work. Excellent!
You are welcome Rawl and sorry for my late reply. For some reason this comment and two others from this same date of Sept 13th, wound up in my spam folder.
I too have have been caught up in some form of online scam years ago, but since finding Wealthy Affiliate they are like a breath of fresh air in a sea of stinky rotten scams. I think it is important to offer visual proof to support what I am claiming to help people who come to this post to see that what I am saying is true. It also helps a lot that others who have and are experiencing the benefits of WA are commenting on this post. Thank you for your comment.
Incredibly well written article, and I appreciate that you weren’t only about “selling” WA, but you analysed other online programs and were able to show their flaws. I discovered WA just 4 weeks ago. Like many others here, I was looking for a way to be my own boss, and make money online. It is true that you can find an unlimited amount of information on the internet, explaining online marketing, affiliate marketing… but the problem is – how do you take that information and put it into a cohesive plan, with step by step instructions of what to do what, when. WA doesn’t have to sell anything, because their content sells itself.
At absolutely no cost you can learn all about how to find the right niche, choose keywords around which you build content, and create 2 free websites. You also have access to 24/7 online help in the chat room, and unlimited training. After 7 days you can either remain a free member (with limited access) or upgrade to premium. That’s it – 2 levels, no upselling. By the third day I knew what I found, and I had paid for an entire year. The help is invaluable, and I knew it would be impossible for me to succeed without being part of this amazing community.
Four weeks later I have 2 websites, several posts on each, I’m working on my social media plan, learning about product reviews and just roped my husband into filming me talk about one of the products I believe strongly in. I will be diving into signing up with affiliates in the next couple of weeks. I am relatively active in the community. There’s always someone around to help when I need it, and I do what I can to reciprocate. It’s okay to be skeptical, but it’s not okay to let it get in the way of realising your dreams. You have absolutely nothing to lose so give it a try.
Thank you for your comment Hindy and sorry for my late reply. For some reason this comment and two others from this same date of Sept 13th, wound up in my spam folder.
Whenever I promote Wealthy Affiliate I think it is important to give visual proof to back up my claims when comparing to other so-called work at home opportunities. Telling people of the differences and benefits of WA is one thing, but being able to provide visual proof helps even more. Matter of fact I just added a new image of my September 2015 commission earning from WA to prove to those who read this post that Wealthy Affiliate does pay out hundreds and even thousands every month to many of its members.
There is NO BETTER PLACE ONLINE OR OFF than Wealthy Affiliate at giving people the ability to make an honest living for themselves in their own online business. I have been a member for 2+ years and I have no intention of leaving because with what I make ever month, my monthly $47 membership is essentially free!
Hi Robert!
Very informative post! I have been a member for just a month and I can testify that it is definitely legit. Aside from I have joined in it for free, The support system is superb!
There was one time when I was just starting that I was overwhelmed by the information bombarded to me. I don’t know what to do. Good thing there is a direct private message here in Wealthy Affiliate just like what facebook uses. And in just seconds, I got my mind cleared and got the answer to my questions. The community within Wealthy Affiliate really helps!
For the question, Does Wealthy Affiliate Work? Yes! 100%! If you just put hard work and dedication. It will surely work. By the way, I want to promote my website to gain more traffic. Does wealthy affiliate offer training course in that topic too? Can you site some ways. It will really be appreciated.
Best regards,
John Rico
Hey John!
Thank you for your comment! There is absolutely no better place online than Wealthy Affiliate and anytime I have people claim that it is just another scam I tell them to try it. Sign up for the 100% Free 10-Lesson Certification Course, go through all 10 Lessons, build one of your 2 free WordPress websites (which you do NOT have to program), learn how to do Keyword Research and basic SEO, do ALL of this for FREE, and then decide if it is a scam.
I then tell them, if you think it is a scam then you do not have to continue. Since you didn’t pay any money as of yet, you are under no obligation. But if you think that Wealthy Affiliate is legit, then pay only $19 for your first month of continued training and building and then $47 starting at month 2 and beyond. I have NEVER heard of ANYONE who has actually done all 10 lessons for free and still say it is a scam.
So when people claim it is a scam, they are reaching that conclusion based on the fear that Wealthy Affiliate is just like all of those other online scams. Personally I think it is very irresponsible to claim something is a scam without either trying it or researching it, because you could be passing up the answer to your financial dreams.
Wealthy Affiliate will teach you EVERYTHING you will need to know to not only build your online business but also gain more traffic through ways such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMM (Social Media Marketing), and many other ways that you can use to leverage the internet to gain traffic to your website. Wealthy Affilaite is the complete package when it comes to learning how and actually building an online business from the ground up, by offering top-notch training, training resources, a 24/7/365 day Tech Support, and a robust helpful community.
Hello Robert, I totally agree with you. My 2-year anniversary at Wealthy Affiliate is coming up in October, and when I started out, I was very skeptical. Falling for scammers and crappy products like Google Sniper (George Brown), Success with Anthony (Anthony Morrison) and Empower Network (David Wood & David Sharpe), I really didn’t know what to expect from Wealthy Affiliate. After just one week as Starter member, I was reformed from being a total skeptic to a total believer. WA is the best online learning center for folks trying to make money online. They are in business for over 10 years now because their outstanding training methods combined with a 24/7/365 live support forum is far and above any other similar programs.
Let me tell you a little story about a member that joined just about the same time we did. SHE QUIT after 3 months, obviously not committed to learning and having to work. Now I’ll get emails from her on a weekly basis where she tries to recruit me into different programs. You see, she is hopping from one crappy product to another, trying to make a buck. DS Domination 4 months ago, then MOBE, followed by Pure Leverage, one of the Vic Strizheus scams and even iPas2. Interestingly, MOBE, Pure Leverage and iPas 2 are now the sales funnels for the long dead Empower Network.
See what I am saying? You and I, we understood that it takes the willingness to learn, put in some elbow grease, and success will follow. Wealthy Affiliate does work and is worth the $47 for Premium Membership, or the discounted yearly membership of roughly $340.
Thank you John for your reply and like you I too had tried many types of “shiny object” work from home scams in my search for something that truly worked. As I am sure you know, all of these other programs would give you their plans and then expect you to do them without any real support. That is the total opposite with Wealthy Affiliate. I know many others have said this already but it is worth repeating, there is NO OTHER PLACE that can even come close to matching what Wealthy Affiliate offers!
One of my BFFs (Best Friend Forever) joined Empower Network about a year and a half ago. I warned her at the time that it was a scam but like all of the other brainwashed drones of these online scam programs she didn’t believe me. Then about 6 months later she asked me about drop shipping on eBay, because she knew that I am an eBay PowerSeller and have successfully sold on eBay for many years. I asked her, what happened to Empower Network and she said, “they are asshole” – her words not mine. So I told her of the very simple process of drop shipping and she then said she had just joined DS Domination and that their way seemed so much easier. Again I warned her about her involvement in another online program that will not deliver on their hype.
I then said, why don’t you join me at Wealthy Affiliate and build your own Affiliate Marketing website? She said that she has never been a technical person and would not be good at building a website. Again I told her, YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE TECHNICAL BECAUSE IT IS ALL AUTOMATED! But she had it in her mind that her decision was the right one. So then about a month ago she asks me, does Wealthy Affiliate work? To which I said, OF COURSE IT DOES! If it didn’t, do you think I would still be here for 2+ years? So I sent here a link to this website and she joined from the banner ad above right. NOW she is a member of Wealthy Affiliate! She was a Free Starter Member for about 2 weeks and then became a $47 per month paid Premium Member and now has her website up and running. Pretty good for someone who claimed she wouldn’t be good at it.
Naturally I had to say to her, I TOLD YOU SO!!! I guess 3rd time is the charm. She didn’t believe me about Empower Network and then DS Domination, both which had failed her like they have for so many others. But she finally believed me on Wealthy Affiliate and she has her website running, her niche selected, is now building it, and going through the training. – When I recommend something to anyone it is because I know it works! I do NOT promote online scams of any kind!
No one is indicating the amount of income that is being generated?
Jane, there are thousands of members making several hundred to several thousand of dollars every month at Wealthy Affiliate. Everybody is different which means every online business that they create will be different and earn different amounts of money depending on what it is that they are marketing. I know of one member who markets high priced items like HD and Plasma TVs and Home Theater Equipment and he makes about $4,000.00 per month.
I make my money from three different sources, my 2 affiliate marketing websites that I built and have hosted at Wealthy Affiliate, ghostwriting website and blog conent for other WA member websites, and the affiliate referrals and training contributions to the WA community. I even posted an image of my $718.00 September 2015 commission payment above to add even more proof that Wealthy Affiliate does work.