Does DS Domination Work – Roger Langille Resigns
Many have asked me, does DS Domination work? As for learning how drop shipping works, NO it doesn’t. I will tell you how drop shipping works below. However, as far as learning Arbitrage, yes it does. In reality drop shipping is far easier to learn and participate in than what DSD claims it is. I can explain how it works in a matter of two paragraphs and in another two, where to find drop shipping vendors.
Why I am Not a Fan of DSD
I am an eBay PowerSeller and the DS Domination program as presented by Roger Langille, its creator and CEO of the company, just never sat right with me. This was because of how it is structured. In Roger’s sales video, he pitched the idea of how you could easily make a lot of money selling on eBay by copying information from Amazon and pasting it into eBay.
As an eBay PowerSeller and an Amazon Associate (affiliate), the DSD program just did not sound legitimate to me. I had already known that copying ANY product descriptions and photos from Amazon is ILLEGAL, according to their Terms of Use Agreement. Then when Roger explained his system as a form of drop shipping, again I knew that what he was saying was untrue.
So for two dishonest claims I decided to check into Roger and see what others have said. What I found did not surprise me and only validated my gut instincts that DS Domination is not a fully legit and up front operation. I found so many former DSD members online with complaints, with some having their eBay and/or Amazon accounts suspended by some side effect of the DSD program.
Roger Langille Resigns from DSD
DS Domination is coming up on its two year anniversary in September 2015. It makes me wonder if the sudden resignation of Roger Langille from DSD has anything to do with the unsustainable model of any MLM program that doesn’t offer any real legitimate value. It is normally at the two year mark that most MLM programs start to find it difficult to gain new recruits.

DS Domination CEO Roger Langille Suddenly Resigns Without Reason
There have been many MLM companies that have come and gone within a few years-time because the whole pyramid structure of an MLM can become unsustainable. There are some MLM companies that have thrived, but most of those offer consumable products that most people want or need. This is key to staying sustainable and legit.
However the DSD program, of copying and pasting your way to making money online with Amazon and eBay, is not something that everyone wants or needs. Plus the fact that the whole concept operates within a gray area of what is legal and what is not, as well as their bogus claim as to what drop shipping is, makes the whole DSD concept sound a bit too fishy.
Very Low Profit Margins
The majority of people making money at DS Domination are doing so in the network marketing/MLM side of the program, by getting others to join DSD. This is because the profit margins of selling on the eBay side of the program are not that much if at all. It may sound all easy and profitable the way Roger and other members claim, but you have to know all of the costs which they do not tell you up front.
When you take into account that eBay charges you 30 cents to list an item, then takes 10% of the total cost of your sale plus shipping, then PayPal takes 2.9% of the total cost plus shipping + 30 cents, can you see your profit margin shrinking? So if you sell a $100 item, you only get $86.50. But wait your profit margin is going to shrink even more.
DS Domination 2015 Membership Fees
You also have to factor in the cost you pay each month to DS Domination and in 2015 their membership upsells aren’t cheap, such as their DS Domination Monopoly and other higher priced programs. Even if you were to do their lowest costing program, you are looking at spending about another $20 per month, but most members say that you need to purchase the $100 per month program. Make sure you remember to subtract these amounts from your profits for the month.
So if your operating costs are going to cost you more than $100 per month, you are going to have to make at least $200 in profits from your sales just to make some money. However that is close to impossible to do on eBay if you are just starting, because no one except those of us who have been selling for quite some time, make a lot of “profit” money on eBay.
How to do Drop Shipping

REAL Drop Shipping Profits
In these two paragraphs I will explain how to do drop shipping. You would first locate a wholesaler that offers drop shipping and it is very easy find them, see below. Each one of these wholesalers have a set of rules to follow that are pretty basic, each with inexpensive membership prices. They will give you all of the pictures and item descriptions of the products you wish to sell along with the retail price. The picture to the right shows you an example of a drop shipping item from one of my favorite wholesalers.
You list these items on eBay or Amazon. When a customer buys them at retail price, you then use that money to pay the wholesale price for the item and give the wholesaler the shipping information. The wholesaler ships to your customer, provides you with the tracking number, and will handle all returns / refunds automatically. You keep the difference in the money and that is the simple process of how drop shipping works. Why pay DSD for something that is easy and free to learn?
The DS Domination Rip Off
Drop shipping is very easy to learn and get involved in. It is also far less expensive than what DS Domination charges. For example, the bottom-of-the-barrel DSD program is Pro at $19.95 per month. That comes out to $239.40 per year. The top-of-the-line drop shipping program at Sunrise Wholesale costs only $99.95 per year. That is a $139.45 yearly savings from what DSD charges!
Just the price alone is proof positive that DS Domination is a RIP OFF! And Sunrise Wholesale is not the only drop shipping wholesaler I would recommend that has yearly prices that are way cheaper than DSD and offer higher quality service. Dollar Days International is my favorite wholesaler! You can find these wholesalers and more at this Drop Shipping Wholesaler website directory.
Why did the DSD creator, Roger Langille, suddenly resign?
No one really knows for sure and Roger and the owners have agreed not to tell anyone. If you go up on Roger Langille’s Facebook profile and look at his post, dated May 5th, as seen below, he says the following. “…I will be leaving DS Domination effective immediately.” Why would he leave DSD all of a sudden if it is supposed to be doing so well? Does it have something to do with its somewhat illegal business practice? Was he asked to leave by the other owners?
I know that eBay has cracked down on many now former DS Domination members because of this shady kind of selling practice. One of the major problems when using DSD is that there is no real legitimate course for handling customer returns and refunds. This is because Amazon is not a true drop shipper and many people who purchased items on eBay and had them arrive in Amazon boxes started complaining to eBay.
This is yet another reason why the DS Domination program should be avoided at all cost if you want to retain your eBay membership. If you want to do REAL drop shipping, then join one of the many wholesale drop shippers at the link I provided above. OR, if you would like to learn about another REAL easy way to make money online from home without actually selling any products or dealing with customers, read The Wealthy Affiliate Review.
Does DS Domination Work?
One thing is for certain, it is not as simple and profitable as Roger Langille makes it out to be in his sales video that you watch prior to joining. I am not going to go into a character assassination of Roger Langille, that is not the purpose of this blog, but what I will say is to do your research on him and you will find some very questionable things regarding his online career. Some have claimed that DS Domination is a scam, though I would NOT go that far.
Knowing these things and that of the many online complaints against DS Domination, will hopefully keep you from wasting your money with them. Doing REAL drop shipping is super easy and far cheaper than joining DSD (see above) and there is nothing remotely illegal about it. But if you decide to partake in the copy and paste from Amazon to eBay, BEWARE, you are engaging in an illegal practice and can have your eBay and/or Amazon accounts suspended.
You can make a lot of money online selling and doing drop shipping on eBay, but you certainly do not need DS Domination to help you do it when that information is free, even on this website. If you have any questions about drop shipping, eBay, or comments for this post, please leave them below. & 2015Reviewshow to make money on ebay,scam review,work from home
Hello Robert,
I was about to enter DSD business. I’m glad I got to your article and can now have a vision of what is really DS. I take this opportunity to ask you more information on affiliaate programs. Please, can you tell me some tutorial or course to be a good Amazon affiliate?
All the best.
If you want to do drop shipping, joining DSD will not help you to make a lot of money because they do not teach real drop shipping. However if you would like to learn how REAL online affiliate marketing works, the best affiliate marketing program that teaches you how to make money with Amazon and thousands of other legitimate affiliate programs is the online training program called Wealthy Affiliate University. You can read more about it at this link.
Roger Langille’s training works. Period. He is trustworthy, and cares about his members. If people won’t put in the time to research products, list them correctly, make sure they adjust their listings for price fluctuations, out of stocks, etc, they won’t be successful.
Roger has taught us to not use Prime for filling our orders for years now. Ebay has no problem with dropshippers. They know we list with Amazon and many other websites as our sources. They are fine with it.
Ebay also will not allow a buyer to leave negative feedback based on where we order the item from. There is training for how to handle buyer disatisfaction in the rare case when it happens, as well as how to give top notch custome service for every buyer. This keeps Ebay and the buyers happy.
In 2.5 years, I have never had a buyer complain because his purchase arrived in an Amazon box, with a gift receipt instead of an invoice. This business works, folks. Honestly. 🙂 And now, as of 6-3-2016, Roger Langille is starting his own new training in about a month.
I was never debating whether Roger Langille’s training works, I was stating the fact that what he teaches is NOT REAL DROP SHIPPING. When you do drop shipping it is done through a wholesaler using wholesale prices, not taking the retail price from a retailer like Amazon and then marking up the price to above retail.
This is called arbitrage, not true drop shipping. As I tell anyone who shops on eBay, if they see a product being sold on eBay and the picture has an all white background then they should go to Amazon to first see if the same item picture and description is listed there. If it is, there is a good chance that the cost will be cheaper. If it is than buy it from the Amazon seller.
The whole DS Domination fad has been steadily dying for the past year because people are realizing that REAL drop shipping is far more profitable and successful than the DSD program could ever be. If Roger’s training works so well, how come after many months of following direction and working hard, have people not made hardly any money and in some cases lost money?
And why did Roger leave DSD and the other owners go off and reinvent another company, Options Domination, that yet again makes them a lot of money right away at the risk of their members finances?
There are legitimate ways to make money doing drop shipping that are highly profitable and cost far less than DS Domination. Just look at the Google Trends graph comparing DSD with real drop shipping on my drop shipping post here, and you will see that real drop shipping is far superior and profitable to DS Domination.
Hello Sir,
It is very helpful article. Can you suggest which is best one drop shipper in this, Sunrise wholesaler or Dollar days? (Dollar days shipping charge around $10 each item). Already you mentioned Dollar days is your favorite. Any reason for this. Can you share with us.
Thanking you,
Prakash aravind
The only reason why Dollar Days is my favorite is because they have the largest catalog of wholesale items for sale. But Sunrise is also a favorite of mine. Though they do not have as big a selection as Dollar Days, they do have many more named brand items with a higher profit margin. I like them both and you can decide between the two, both are great.
Who cares if they have a large inventory… with 10 bucks for shipping, are you freaking kidding me? I am curious. Even if someone blindly listed this stuff without properly researching, what benefit is it to Dollar Days for people to list their overpriced items that will never sell?
Have you tried selling any items from them or are you making your statement based on the illegal copy and paste and setting a higher than retail price that DSD promotes?
I’m definitely interested in learning drop shipping, but I want to invest little upfront. What are your tips for starting off at a low cost, but later investing in something with a greater cost, as your business builds?
Well before you can do any kind of drop shipping you will first need to have a way to sell the items, such as an eBay seller account. Then once you have that you will have to find a wholesale drop shipper like my favorite, Sunrise Wholesale. Google that name and you will easily find them. Then all you do is join their drop shipping program for only $99 for the entire year. They are the best price around!
Thank you so much for posting this. I wasted money signing up for DSD. I always had a feeling that something just wasn’t right, and that I could just do this on my own.
Thank you so much for your links to the WholeSellers.
Peace, and Good Vibes.
You are welcome Eddie. Yes, learning how to do REAL drop shipping is supper simple and far less cheaper than what DSD charge to their members who are unaware that drop shipping is no more than a way to have your items which the wholesaler or manufacturer has in their catalog, shipped to your customer.
However DSD preys on those who do not know anything about drop shipping and who do not take the couple of hours of research to find out, and feeds them a bunch of crap while promoting big names like Amazon and eBay.
The sad reality is that if Amazon and eBay should find out that one of their members are doing the DSD copy and paste system, their accounts will be suspended, Amazon could even sue people if they wanted to since it is their information that is illegally being copied.
I am more than happy to have helped you Eddie and anyone else who reads my post. I hope you have great success with the list of wholesalers I have provided. All the best to you!
HI Robert,
Your article is very helpful to me and all. Thank you very much. Lot of people doing DSD without these knowledge. As you said in this article, can I do the drop shipping from India (Eg: )?
Unfortuanately Sunrise Wholesale only ships within North America, you will have to use an international wholesale dropshipper located in your region. All you need to do is go to Google and do a search for “International Dropshippers” and you will see links listing different types of wholesale drop shippers based on region. Just pick your region and select the drop shipper you want to work with.
Robert: You often mention in this article and your comments that what DSD does is “somewhat illegal”. To me it’s either legal or it’s not. Can you be specific about what is “somewhat illegal” about DSD?!?
DS Domination is basically 2 kinds of programs.
1) There is the network marketing referral side of the program which is totally legal as far as referral programs go.
2) There is the “so-called” drop shipping side of the program which is not totally legal. The DSD basic plan is that you are to copy information and images from the websites of Amazon and Walmart and paste it into eBay. The copying of ANY information and images from Amazon and Walmart or any other online retailer is 100% ILLEGAL.
Amother untruth is that DSD claims that this form of selling, is called drop shipping. The DSD way of selling by taking information from Amazon, posting it on eBay for a higher price, then if it sells – buying it from Amazon for the lower price and having Amazon mail it to your customer, IS NOT DROP SHIPPING. That is called Arbitrage.
eBay has already instituted a new policy that if they should find out from buyer complaints that an eBay seller is operating within the DSD program, eBay will suspend the sellers account indefinitely and without notificaion. There have been many eBay buyers who have complained that items they purchased on eBay came inside Amazon boxes.
So the fact that copying and pasting information from one site to another is illegal and the DSD program itself is not what they claim it is, makes it a program that anyone looking to do real drop shipping should avoid.
I’m glad I came across this website. I have been in DSDomination for about 6 months now and I did make about $600 but since then my eBay sales have dropped off. Since I am not at all interested in getting into the MLM part of the company, I decided to research selling on Amazon to see if I could teach myself how to do it instead of paying the $500 DS wants for their Monopoly training. In my searching I came across this article. I’m happy to see that I can learn true drop shipping on my own. I plan to research the wholesalers and use their products to be competitive on eBay again. Any warnings about common mistakes to avoid? Or do you have any other articles about drop shipping you could point me to? Thanks!
Hello Alicia, thank you for your comment and finding this article.
Personally I do not sell on Amazon, only on eBay. Amazon tends to be a bit more complicated than eBay, plus I have been with eBay for 14 years and I’m already a PowerSeller. I do deal with Amazon using their Affiliate Program, also known as their Associates Program, but that is a totally different way of selling that does not require me to deal with the customer in any way and it is Amazon that pays me and not the customer.
Drop Shipping can be learned online and totally for free. I personally do not have any training on it because I just never got around to creating any, plus there is already an excellent free tutorial online on the Shopify website. If you go to Google and type in “how does drop shipping work” you will see the Shopify link at the top of the page. It is a really good in depth 9-page tutorial.
I tend to focus on providing information on this website about doing Affiliate Marketing with Amazon and other major retailers like Best Buy, Apple, Target, Walmart, Home Depot,… REAL Affiliate Marketing, not that scammy stuff DSD promotes, is a $1,000,000,000.00 per year industry performed mostly by work from home individuals like myself. And it just so happens that Amazon is the largest Affiliate Marketing Program in the world.
Affiliate Marketing is more of a longer term strategy that is more profitable in the long run than Drop Shipping and with less problems. However Drop Shipping on eBay will give you quicker results than Affiliate Marketing but in the long run will not be as easy or profitable. Currently I do both. I am a firm believer in never having all of your money making eggs in one basket. Eventually I will do Affiliate Marketing full time once I build it up more, then I will not have to pay all of those eBay and PayPal fees anymore.
But as for Drop Shipping, go to the Shopify link on Google for “how does drop shipping work” and read through it. You will not need to know every thing on it to begin Drop Shipping, but it is nice to know it or be able to access it later when needed. There is a cost for doing Drop Shipping but I GUARANTEE is is far cheaper than DS Domination which doesn’t even teach real Drop Shipping.
I would like more information..thanks
Jokmai, what kind of information are you looking for? Alternatives for making money online that are not DS Domination? How to do real drop shipping? Le me know what type of information you are looking for.
I joined DSD right before I found WA. I thought something was off as well although at that point I did not know how to copy and past let alone do much else with a computer. I ended up paying someone to teach me as I did not even know I could Google it. So I thought the training itself was good in regard to the basics but I ended up spending hours on the phone with ebay setting up my account.
I set up my first ad and sold the item quickly then when I went back to Amazon to purchase it the price had gone up $30.00. My son said yeah mom I could have told you that happens all the time. I have already researched drop shipping. Buying stuff from Amazon to sell it on Ebay does not work. I kept going. What I found was anything I listed I had to drop the price so low due to other sellers that I would end up in the red 1.00 to 3.00 with Paypal fees in order to set a lower price.Could never figure out the “scraper” tool that supposedly helps you find items to sell that can be competitive.When asking the question of some outsiders “Does anyone know anyone making money with this I was told we hear you have to have the $100.00 a month membership and get access to the bigger ticket wholesalers like Overstock to make money.
The support was good but I could not get an answer to this question about the “affiliate” program. My question was do I get paid ongoing each month from the membership fees or just one time. That question arose from my sponsor telling me “I only made $10.00 from recruiting you , not worth my time to help you.If you want it you will figure it out on your own.” She claimed to be making 6 to 7k a month in just a five months into the program. A few months later I got an aweber email from her saying she was quitting internet marketing because she was making upwards of 15k a month with DSD and she was done with everything else and would be taking down her aweber account.
In regard to the “affiliate program” there is a training video that explains they you the term “affiliate” so recruiting is legal. I thought “What” Thought that was odd. I have since learned I was correct. There is a difference between being an affiliate marketer and a distributor in an mlm which I what I thought as I have unsuccessfully been doing mlms for years. So why coulds they not call it what it is.
Thought there had to be another way, I would have to find a wholesaler.I looked into a few programs and was discouraged by all the fees. I did not look at it from the perspective you have pointed out.This gives me motivation to try it again.
You are welcome Meryl! The one thing I know is that much of what DS Domination teaches and advocates is a bunch of misleading and somewhat illegal form of Arbitrage which they call Drop Shipping. The only reason why DSD is so confusing is because the program is designed to make the somewhat illegal Arbitrage work to their advantage so that it seems to be legal and real to those who do not know any better.
Drop shipping is really not hard at all to understand. All you are doing is becomming a member of a wholesaler and that wholesaler provides you with all of the item descriptions and photos. Then they provide you with the wholesale price and the suggested retail price of the item you will sell. It is up to you what retail price you set.
EXAMPLE: Above in this post I show an image from one of the wholesaler drop shippers for a TomTom GPS. The wholesale cost for you is $114.75 and the suggested retail price is $229.95, which gives you a profit margin of $115.20. This now gives you a wider range in price to determine how much to charge because you already know what it costs you and how much your profit will be. This can never happen using the DSD method because you are not working with real wholesale prices and the retail Amazon prices always fluctuate.
If DSD was teaching true drop shipping and not creating these programs strictly for them to make money with, they wouldn’t need to come up with all of this confusing garbage just to explain the process of something that I can do within one blog post on this website for free.
Well now…. was’nt this a real eye opener. Glad I didnt go any further…
Happy I was able to save you the money and headaches Jenn.