How to Make Money Playing Video Games at Home
Do you like video games? I am going to tell you a unique way in how to make money playing video games at home that can become a full-time business. This opportunity is unique in that it does not follow the average approach many might take when trying to make money by playing video games.
What This is Not
This is not a video game testing job or some kind of focus group testing where you play games you do not like. This is a business opportunity that over time can pay you thousands of dollars per month. And the best part is that you can play the games you want and keep all of the money you make.
Another great perk to this opportunity is that you can do this from home and whenever you want. Obviously the more you work, the quicker and more you will make. So without delay let me share this money making opportunity with you, that you may or may not have thought of before.
A Unique Way Like No Other
In the explanation of this opportunity I will be using the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare in my example. Why that game? Because it’s a cool game and my friend Glen Schofield’s company, Sledgehammer Games, was the developer. But when it comes to creating your own video games website, you can pick any kind of video game you desire. Below is a video of CoD that Glen had done with IGN prior to E3 in 2014.
What do you do when you want to learn about something? You go up on Google or one the other search engines and you look for information. When you find a link that catches your attention and seems like it would answer your question, you then click on that link and read what it is all about.
This is Where YOU Come into Play
Being that there are hundreds of thousands of video game players that love first-person shooters, they are going to be seeking reviews of games from actual game players before they purchase them. Your goal is to have them read your review. Why your review?
So that you can make money on their purchase of Call of Duty and/or any other game and accessories. Now I am sure you are wondering, how is that possible? Am I going to have to purchase games and resell them? No, you will not have to do that. This isn’t even drop shipping. Here is an easier way.
You will engage in Affiliate Marketing with video game companies and major retailers that sell video games. When you are looking for ways to make money at home, affiliate marketing is the easiest and most lucrative for the long haul. This is why it is a Five Billion Dollar per year industry.
How to Make Money in Affiliate Marketing Online
So you write this kick-ass review on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and those who read it are ready to buy the game. At the end of your review they see an ad for the game from Amazon and they click on it. Your website reader is taken to the Amazon shopping cart where they can purchase CoD.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Preparing for battle
Whether that person purchases CoD and/or other items from Amazon, you will be paid a commission on the total amount of their sale by Amazon. And that in a nutshell is the simple way to make money in affiliate marketing online. Play the games you like, write a review about them, get the reviews ranked in Google, place affiliate ads on them, and make money – even while you sleep.
Where YOU will Write this Review
Now in order for all of this to work seamlessly and earn you big-time profits in the years to come, you will need your own website. Fortunately that is extremely easy and affordable to do nowadays, and I will prove this to you down below. This easy process is how I built this website you are now reading and I am not a programmer.
With just the click of my computer mouse button I was able to create this website within 35 seconds, minus any text, images and video content of course. But it is truly that simple to build a WordPress website using an exclusive website builder program that does all of the technical work for you.
In addition to using this website builder I was given training on how I could make money with my website, basically what I just told you above but in greater detail. I learned the simple ways to get my website content ranked highly in Google and how to choose a focused niche, which in this case is first-person shooter video games.
It is FREE to Start, Build and Learn
Yes, not only can you build a WordPress website within 35 seconds, but you can also get 1 website and 10 lessons for FREE! Sounds too good to be true, right? Well it is absolutely true and you will not even need a credit card to start building your future online affiliate marketing business in video games. The below image shows you the 10 lessons you get for free!

10 Free Affiliate Marketing Lessons at Wealthy Affiliate
Now you may be wondering where can you do all of these great things you see me talking about. The name of the place is called Wealthy Affiliate University and they will teach you everything you need to know about making money online in affiliate marketing. The training is super easy because much of it is simplified so a complete non-techie person can succeed.
Not only are the lessons easy, but you can progress through the training at your own pace. And any time you have any problems, there are multiple ways to get help, including a live chat forum that almost always has someone on it, because Wealthy Affiliate has members from all over the world.
What Comes Next
Obviously you will not be able to create your entire online business for free and there is going to be costs involved. However the cost you are probably thinking of is more than likely incorrect. It is understandable if someone would think that all of this knowledge would cost a fortune, especially with all of the online scams out there charging sky high prices, but with Wealthy Affiliate, more means less.
To complete the invaluable training it will cost you no more than $50 per month. Technically it is only $49 but you do have to spend an additional 92 cents per month to buy your own website domain name from a registrar. But the great thing about this kind of money making opportunity, is that you will make so much more from the sales of video games.
For instance there is a member of Wealthy Affiliate, Colton, who is only 20 years old and he is now making over $4,300.00 per month from Amazon. His niche website is about Video Games, Computer Parts and Accessories. He achieved this level of monthly income within about 10 months after joining Wealthy Affiliate.
How to Make Money Playing Video Games at Home
Think of the fun you will have playing the video games you like whenever you wish, then writing a review about it, post some screenshots, and maybe even do a YouTube video. Then you place all of this on your website along with an affiliate advertisement where your readers can purchase the game.
And by using the Google ranking techniques you learn at Wealthy Affiliate, your reviews will get higher and higher rankings each week. Now more people will see it, which means more potential clicks on your review and potential customers for you to make money on, all from the comfort of your home!
Another nice perk to the training at Wealthy Affiliate is that you will learn multiple income streams you can apply to your video game website. Not only can you make full-time income from your video game reviews and affiliate ads, but you will also learn how to make money using YouTube. You could even do something similar to the below video and place it on both YouTube and your website.
How to Find Video Game Affiliate Programs
When it comes time to monetize your website you will have to select which companies you wish to affiliate with. For video games there are many companies you can choose but not all of them pay a nice size commission. Though Amazon has the best selection, it is not the highest paying affiliate program.
However I personally would still select them simply because they have so much inventory and you will still make a commission on any other items your website visitor buys. The majority of people that buy on Amazon, buy more than one item. Below is a brief list of video game affiliate programs and how much their commissions are per purchase.
- Origin Electronic Arts – 12%
- The Microsoft Store – 5% to 10%
- Big Fish Games – 5% to 9%
- Amazon – 6% to 8%
- Mac Game Store – 5%
- Gamestop – 1% to 5%
Those above six are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the many different kinds of video game affiliate programs that are available. You can join as many as you like, they are free to join, but I would recommend no more than three at one time. Perhaps two that are game retailers like Amazon and then one unique program like a video game membership referral club.
Now to find these affiliate programs will require you to do some simple research, which can be done on Google. Just type into the search bar, Video Games + Affiliate Programs and this will display all of the affiliate programs for games. All of them should be free to join but you must have a website with lots of content on it in order for them to accept you as their affiliate.
How to Get Started with your Video Games Website
Can you see the money making potential you can have with your own video games affiliate website? Play the video games you like, write reviews about them with affiliate ads, and make money with them all from the computer you have at home.
So to get started you will need to create a Free Account at Wealthy Affiliate. Just click the banner ad I have in my right side bar above for Wealthy Affiliate University and follow the easy step-by-step instructions for setting up your account. Then just dive into the easy training. If you have any questions, just ask anyone or you can ask me, I am an active member. My user ID is boomergp08.
If you would like to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate before you join for free, you can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review which explains everything you will get with your membership. If you wish to see how quick (less than 35 seconds) it takes to build a website at Wealthy Affiliate, check out the 3 minute video I have on my Site Rubix blog.
Think about how cool it will be to say to people that you make a living playing the video games you like. That is a dream job for so many people and now you are just a couple of clicks away from making it a reality for yourself. All it takes is your willingness to learn and apply what you learn. If you have any questions, please leave them below and I will reply back. Home JobsMoney Making IdeasVideoaffiliate marketing,how to make money playing video games,how to make money playing video games at home,video games affiliate programs
Very nice Post Buddy, I really Appreciate. Keep it Up.
Hey thanks a lot. Happy you liked my post.
Hello Mr Robert, I was wondering if you know where I can earn like 100 dollars or more on Internet without investment! It’s for the purpose of paying premium membership in case I join them!
The quickest way I know to make some money online would be to sell some of your used video games, dvd movies, old smartphones and other items you may have around your house on eBay. In my recent blog post I provide a list of 7 types of items I sold on eBay when I first started that I was able to make a couple of hundred of dollars on, when all fees were finally deducted. Perhaps you may have some of these items and could sell them for some quick cash. Just make sure they are in the best condition possible and if not, be honest and explain their defects when creating you eBay listing.
This site is really very useful for others.
This site is really very useful for others.
Keep it up
Thank you. I am happy that you liked my website and I hope it has given you some ideas on how to start an online business for free from home.
Hello Robert, Great article again!!
I have 2 questions here.
1. I used to play many games but only online games (mmorpg genre), can I do your tips for online games? or will affiliate work with online games? because not many online games that using subcription system or pay to play type.
2. I said in the first question that i used to play online games, but for about 2 years i stopped playing due to education purpose (i’m quite addicted to it, so i have to stay away completely). So, the question is, if i want to start a niche about online games what step should i do first?
Thanks and English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.
Kevin, there are many different ways to make money with online games. In addition to what I recommend in my post you could also offer equipment that is used for online gaming such as gaming keyboards, gaming headsets, club subscriptions, strategy guides, and anything else that supports the games themselves.
If you want to do online gaming as your niche, make sure to decide on what your sub niche will be, such as headsets, mouse, keyboards, subscriptions, and so on, and then focus your approach on that sub niche. Start out focused on that sub niche at first and you can later build outward as the website continues to grow in content and authority with Google.
This site is really very useful for others.
Keep it up
Thank you! I am happy you like my website. Make sure to check back every week, I am always adding new posts. Also share my website on social media!
Hi Robert
Big fan of you and read every single of your article and now em earning a handsome amount of money because of you.
Thank you for awesome site 🙂
Thanks Jamie! It is always great to hear from my readers and especially when my website has helped them to make money online from home in whatever they enjoy doing, in this case video game playing.
Informative article, just what I needed.
You are welcome! I hope it will help you greatly in your quest to make money playing video games from home.
This site is really helpful for the person who wanna generate the money and I love to make money playing video games!It would be so cool to say that I play games for a living.
It really is a fun way in how to make money playing video games at home, because you can play the games you like and then post a review on your website along with an ad for the game from a place like Amazon. Then when someone goes on to buy the game from your review, you get paid each time a sale is made.
I have to say what I have read about making money playing games sounds AWESOME, but I have 2 things to ask you that I have not read in the comment part. First off do you have to have to be a High School Graduate or have a GED to do this? Second, I Love to play games put I LOVE to play the game that you play on the computer, like The SIMS Games because I am not good with the controller’s for the console games, the only one I do know how to use is Wii. Sorry I have Answered my own question about computer games because I did remember reading about how one of the Affiliates were Origin and it is part of EA games DUH LOL sorry about that silly question.
Before I clicked on this page for playing video games and writing reviews about them to make money, I had seen this site about making $1,000, $3,000 and up to $5,000 for my online empire, I sat and watched the whole video till the end but when that video showed the First person talking about how good it was I knew right then and there it was a LIE, because every single person they had I could tell by their facial expression’s they were ALL LIARS. I REALLY liked how this guy that was talking and trying to get you to pay for this was telling people; If you were to look up my online empire you would probably not be able to find it, so I had to check for myself and see if I could find it and that was when I saw your site and found out that it was a SCAM Thankfully I did NOT give any money to that man. But sad to say just many others have fallen for the PROMISE of getting RICH Quick SCAM that they were feeding to everyone, I have something that I would LOVE to share with everyone out there, almost ALL of these get RICH Quick SCAMMERS out there have video’s for you to watch PLEASE make sure you watch the WHOLE video till the end and mainly watch the faces of the people they have in it talking it up to make you think they have made a lot of money by buying the product, if you look close enough at those people’s faces you will be able to tell they are LIARS they will either blink really fast or hardly at all, if you see that DO NOT BUY WHAT THEY ARE SELLING, or they will shake their head NO when they are saying YES or vice versa. I dont like seeing GOOD PEOPLE being RIPPED off so PLEASE keep your eyes open for the sign’s I gave you above. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Hello Virginia, thank you for your comment and I will answer your questions below. I am happy you liked my blog and since you like video games, once your website, which is programmed for you is set up, and you take some easy lessons on how to make a lot of money with you website, you can start playing video games and writing about them. But to answer your questions…
1) No, you do not have to be a high school graduate or have a GED to do this. All you need is the ability to learn some step-by-step online text and video training lessons on how to build up your website in such a way that Google will want to show it in their search results when someone does a search for whatever types of games you write about. Just like you were able to find my website when searching to see if my online business empire was a scam or not, you can learn the same technique I used to get placed high in your search results.
2) It doesn’t matter if the games you write about are on PC, Console, or Mobile Apps. Just start by choosing one of them and then choose a sub niche in that category, such as PC military simulators, or PC role play, or PC sports games,…
When starting you always want to choose a specific genre (or niche) of game so this way when other people in the world are seaching for information on the same type of game you are writing about, they can easily find your review. Then if they like what you have said and decide they would like to buy that game, they would click on an ad for that game which you place at the end of you review. This ad is given to you free from whatever company that sells the game. When your website reader purchases the game from the compnay, the company then pays you a commission.
I hope I answered your questions. If not leave me a comment and I will reply back. Thank you Virginia for your questions.
Hello Robert, I have a question: Do you know of any companies that will pay for video game concepts? I have been developing a concept for an MMORPG that will open a new horizon to gamers if you know where I can find such a company or group willing to pay for development ideas let me know thanks.
Sorry Anderson, I do not know for sure of any. Most video game companies will not consider ideas from outside sources because it is too risky and requires contracts to be signed where they get full rights and creative liberty. The only company I know of that might entertain the possibility of taking your idea is Addicting Games. But like I said, you will more than likely have to sign over all rights to them and will probably have very little control over the final product, if any control at all.
Hello, Robert, I wanted to drop by and see your website. I would like to let your readers know that you are one of the highest ranking members (#11) here at Wealthy Affiliate University out of over 400,000 members, that tells your readers volumes about you. You have, like so many other members here, unselfishly given your time to helped me with questions I’ve had when starting out. I can tell your readers that Robert will be giving you the same mentoring and coaching when you sign up for your free starter membership. I started with zero experience at WA and I owe 70% of my success here to the members support, support you can get 24-7 in the Live Chat room. By the 4th day, with all the training, Robert refers to above, I had created and launched my 2 free websites.
I am not a gamer but I have passed your website on to many of my family and friends that are gamers, to show them that no matter what your passion is, you can make money doing what you love and make money here at WA.
I really learned a lot visiting your website and will be back to see what’s new.
My recommendation to your readers is to give WA a try, kick the tires and see if this is for you, it cost nothing to start and you have everything to gain, that is a successful online internet marking business. See you on the inside.
Thanks Bob for your comment. I was brought up to respect others and to help people succeed when I can. This is one of the reasons I built this website. I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate when I was looking for a way to build an easy and/or free WordPress website. I already knew how to make money in legitimate online jobs from home but I was looking for ways to diversify. When I saw how much Wealthy Affiliate was offering and for free, it was a no-brainer and I joined.
It has been 2 and a half years as a very happy premium member and I am making way more money online from home than I did when I started and there are so many legitimate ways of doing it. Seeing how it takes absolutely NO programming knowledge to have my own website, I can diversify into many different avenues of income.
One of the most fun is knowing how to make money playing video games at home by playing a game of my choice then writing a review about it on my website and blog. The fact I can make money by just doing that is really amazing. So I share all of the money making ideas that I know work, here on this website, in hopes of helping others to start and succeed in their own online business without spending a fortune to do it.
Hello Robert,
I have read your great article about ‘How to Make Money Playing Video Games at Home, and, let me tell you that I have found the information very interesting indeed. I have never been a video gamer fan and never played before. However, I always think how cool it would be to play video games, but at the same time I realize how difficult it might be for someone that have played “zero” games in her entire life.
Furthermore, the idea of getting paid for playing video games sounds not just exciting but fun and smart. I like to solve problems and to plan strategic approaches to different business scenarios, so I think that playing games involve similar actions right? So, my question to you would be as follow: For someone like me that never played before … What video games do you recommend for newbies, for females (since the game industry is dominated mostly by males), and/or to find out if one likes or dislike video games, before even thinking of reviewing them to earn money on internet?
Well, Robert, pardon my ignorance in the department of testing games 😉
Thank you very much for another awesome article I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon..
With this particular type of video game website you wouldn’t be testing games, you would be actually playing the video games you like. When you test games you rarely have a choice what games you test, but with this opportunity you get to pick which games to play and write about. If you have never played video games you could still do this, just pick the kind of games you would like to play and get familiar with them by playing them. Then you will have a better understanding of them.
There are many different types of video games you can try. There are puzzle games, arcade games, simulator games, casino card games, sports games, casual games, educational games, and several other types of games. All you have to do is find the genre of video games you like the most and just play those types of games and then write reviews of the latest games in that particular type of genre.
As far as the gaming industry being dominated by males, though that is partially true, there are plenty of females in the industry too and there are plenty of female game players too. Though not as much there are even video games that are mainly designed for females only. Go rent some video games that you think you will like and see if this would be something you would like to do.
Hey Robert,
What a unique article about making money online! I’ve been playing video games for about 25 years and never thought about developing a website around video games. However, I do have a question that a lot of experienced marketers might want to think about before getting into the video game niche. Don’t you think the video game niche is very tough? What I mean is if people Google the words “Call of Duty Advanced Warfare review.” Big brands dominate the first page of Google; like IGN, Gamespot, Metaritic, etc.
Also, eBay is a good affiliate program. I am using them for my leopard gecko niche and they are awesome to work with 🙂
Garen, the video game niche can be crowded with others but if you craft your content to focus on one type of video game genre instead all of them, you will rise up in the ranks quicker and a bit easier. Though there some heavy hitters out there like IGN, Google ranking likes fresh unique content that will target specific long tail keywords.
Example, though the keyword “call of duty advanced warfare review” has high searches, the competition is quite high too. But if you make the keyword more specific and say “call of duty advanced warfare review ps4” the competition will be far less and more targeted, thus making it easier to rank higher in the Google search results.
As for eBay, though I have been selling on eBay for 14 years I have yet to try their affiliate program. Perhaps one day I will. Thank you for the eBay tip.
Hey Robert
Great post, yes I have heard that this is a very lucrative niche to be in! I am not a gamer but I know plenty of people that would consider gaming for an income to the the ultimate lifestyle 🙂
Oh and I also read about a young man that made an insane amount of money playing games, filming while he played and uploading the videos to Youtube. I can’t remember his name but apparently he shot to one of the most successful Youtubers and earners within a few months!
Thank you Lynne for your comment. I believe I know who you are talking about with the video games on YouTube and it is totally possible for anyone to do the same. All anyone needs is determination and the desire to make their dreams come true. The best place to start making money online from home is at Wealthy Affiliate, because they offer the most comprehensive education and online business building platform I have ever found, and I have tried many.
But in regards to the video games niche website I speak about above, this opportunity is perfect for anyone to play the games they like and write about them on their own website. Unlike making money testing video games, this unique opportunity provides more freedom of choice and higher amounts of money to be made. When testing games you do not play the game, you rarely test the entire game, and you do not have a choice in the types of games to play. But with your own website you can play the games you want and make much more money for months to come.
If you know people who would like to try this, share my link with them. 🙂
hi Robert
Ok I have to admit that I thought your article was going to be about testing video games, lol! So I was pleasantly surprised! I think that if one has knowledge and a passion for video games there is definitively money to be made with a site focusing on them. As long as you know which info your readers are looking for. By investing a bit every month, you will grow your business and start making money too (I like the commission percentage of the affiliate programs you mentioned).
Thank you Emily for your comment. Many people think that in order to make money playing video games from home, it is more about testing them or rating them. But that is the beauty about taking the knowledge of video games and turning it into a thriving affiliate marketing business. Now when a person plays the video game, they can just write a review about it, and promote it on their website with an affiliate ad attached to it.
When a person is passionate about something it will show up in the writing of their website content. When this happens a person can be very persuasive and can help their website readers to make a decision in the purchasing of whatever product they are promoting. Video game players are a very passionate group of people, which makes this a very lucrative niche to be in. It was my intention for this post to make people who like playing video games, aware that there are alternate opportunities for making money in the playing of video games from home.
I would love to be able to make money playing video games!It would be so cool to say that I play games for a living.
The steps you describe are informative and easy to understand and I think anyone would benefit from you as a mentor. I would love to take up this opportunity but I don’t have much time these days (have kids) and I am committed to another venture but I do know other gamers who would be interested in this.
How often would they have to play a game and make a review to get a nice income?
Thank you Dinh for your comment. There once was a time when I was actually able to say that I got to play video games for a living, and when I did people would think I was some kind of rock star. LOL This was because I used to work in the video game design industry as a manager of the testing department. No game could ever make it on to the store shelves without me giving it a passing grade.
I hope that the steps I mention in this money making opportunity will be simple enough for those who would like to take advantage of this way to make money by palying video games. There are tens of thousands of people making a full time living doing exactly what I describe in this post and this concept is not a difficult one to put into action. It just needs time to get its foundation built and then the adding of content to build up a website, because a website without content will not be able to succeed.
So to answer your question, the more often you could play games and write reviews, the more successful you will be in the long run. I have included a link to a blog post from a member of Wealthy Affiliate who has done exactly what I am describing in this post, with a sligt variation in the addition of computer parts. Now after 10 months time, he is making over $3,000.00 per month from the Amazon Associates Program as an affiliate in video games and computer parts. The more a person does in the beginning, the more they will benefit down the road, and he points this out in his blog.
This post breaks down the process of starting a money-generating niche site, using Amazon products. It’s very practical,step-by-step guide and shows how it’s not too difficult to do.
You’ve made the whole affiliate marketing process doable! It doens’t happen overnight, but you show that it can happen. I’m sure many people will appreciate learning about this from you.
You mentioned Wealthy Affiliate’s free training. If you could put a price tag on it, how much do you think it would be?
Thank you Den for your comment. Learning how to make money playing video games at home is a concept that many people who love to play video games have often sought after. However the traditional way has often been either playing games for a focus group that is testing a new concept or joining some kind of online club and playing games to garner points to be cashed in at a later date.
But the concept of playing video games for the build up of ones own website content and then applying affiliate ads to that content, is an opportunity that many people have not thought of before. So that is the purpose of this post, to help people who would like to make real money playing video games. The easiest way to make money online is by having an affiliate marketing website in a niche that has a large audience, and the video game audience is HUGE!
Now as for Wealthy Affiliate’s free training price? I could easily see it being equal to the cost of the remainder of the training at $47 for the month, with the remaining months being doubled what they are now. The fact that Wealthy Affiliate is free to start is a testament to the legitimacy of their training program and why it has succeeded for more than 10 years.