How to Survive the Unemployment of Stay at Home
Though this Coronavirus pandemic is tough, I will explain how to survive the unemployment of Stay at Home and be profitable for the future. This is a real deal opportunity where you can work from home during Covid-19 and earn an income that you probably have never thought of before.
Use this time to invest in yourself
Too often many of us get caught up in the negativity of a global or regional crisis and do not realize the opportunities we have to change the course of our future for the better. We sit around and worry about what to do next, often leading to eating more or turning to alcohol and drugs.
Though these are comfort responses to the stress of self quarantine during Covid-19, they are but a short and fleeting comfort. When their effects wear off the problems still remain. However if you were to not waste your time and money on these things, you can become your own boss.
What I am proposing here will not require you to buy or sell any products, meet or talk to anyone face to face, nor is it about stuffing envelopes, doing surveys or answering emails. You can do all of this from the comfort of your home and you do not even need to leave your bedroom.
I bet that sounds too good to be true, I know it did for me when I first discovered it. When I found out about this new way of making money at home I was already making over $1,000.00 per month selling on eBay in my spare time. In fact I even stopped eBay to do this instead.
Now that you may be finding yourself with more time on your hands, why not invest in yourself and create a new source of income? You have the power to control your financial future without having to rely on an employer to pay your salary. That means you are in the driver’s seat.
A new way of online marketing
It may seem like a new way to market products online, when in fact this has been around for about 15+ years. Being a popular way for average people to create a very lucrative revenue stream using their computer, gone are the days of having to do any direct selling.
This is why I fell in love with this different kind of digital marketing. I had tried MLM (Multi Level Marketing), I sucked at it because I have a problem convincing others to join my team just so they can recruit other people to do the same thing. Plus there was the rejection factor.
I had much better luck selling on eBay but that too has its disadvantages. I still had to find products to sell and if I didn’t do drop shipping I had to mail out the products myself. This meant I had to spend money on shipping supplies and perform customer service. It’s a lot of work.
Fortunately this new opportunity does not require anyone to perform any of these tasks to make money. Like I said above, you do not even need to leave your bedroom to perform this new endeavor. The concept is simple and so is the money making process. What is this called? Affiliate Marketing.
Have you ever noticed someone who is always home with their kids, has a nice car, yet never seems to leave home for any type of job? There is a good chance they do affiliate marketing, which is a multi-billion dollar per year industry. Have you seen those Rakuten Marketing TV commercials?
If you haven’t and you are wondering what is Rakuten Marketing, they are what is known as an Affiliate Network. These networks contain many big and small retail companies also known as “Advertisers” and you the affiliate marketer are also known as the “Publisher.” The below video will give you some tips.
Turn Stay at Home into a money making business
You have a golden opportunity to use your time away from your job wisely. Being able to get a slice of the ever growing affiliate marketing industry will take a little bit of time. Success depends solely on the individual effort. Many start seeing income after 6 months, some even sooner.
This is not some get-rich-quick scheme. This is a legitimate business opportunity where internet retailers will pay you to promote their products online and on social media. When I say internet retailers I am talking about Amazon, Best Buy, Apple and hundreds more large and small.
The earning money process is simple being that you are just recommending their products to others online with the free advertisements these retailers will give you. The implementation of this process is why the money making part can take up to 6 months. A foundation is needed.
Look at your new online business like a tall strong building. In order for you to complete that tall building so it can make you money and withstand the test of time, you have to build it on a solid foundation. Building a website and learning how to attract customers can take a few months.
Knowing what I know now, this learning and building process is a lot simpler than it sounds. It is also inexpensive. You can easily spend more on food and alcohol, per month than what it will cost you to create and operate your business. You can even start for free. More on this below.
This will not cost you an arm and a leg
A successful affiliate marketing online business requires you take the first few months to build your website, which literally takes a few minutes. Then you gain knowledge on how to leverage Google to give you free organic traffic, meaning potential customers coming to your website.
This technique is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short, which uses specific keywords so people can find what you are recommending. You all have done this before when doing a Google search. Now you can learn how this works from the marketing side of things.
You will provide information on whatever product you are promoting by way of written content, no different than what I am doing here on my website. Again this may seem a bit complicated but I assure you it is like riding a bicycle. It takes a little to get going but gets easier with time.

There are millions of products you can recommend in affiliate marketing and get paid commissions
What kind of products can you recommend? Practically anything you are interested in or have a passion for. I recently wrote another blog on how anyone can earn money recommending Lego Star Wars Model Kits. How fun is that? There are millions of niches one can choose to promote.
Best part of all this? You can learn the basics of what I mention above in 10 online lessons plus building your website all for FREE! Then pay $19.00 for the first month of your premium training, which is needed for long term success, and no more than $49.00 each month moving forward.
Why Affiliate Marketing is the best way to earn income
Do you really want to waste your time and money during this work stoppage as you self quarantine from Covid-19? Or do you want to know how to survive the Coronavirus and unemployment that can lead to a long term lucrative passive income opportunity? Consider this…
Warren Buffett has a famous entrepreneur business quote where he says, “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” When you have an affiliate marketing website up and running, you can potentially earn income 24 hours per day.
With this particular form of digital marketing your target audience can be all over the world, unlike a brick and mortar storefront where your customers are generally local. Basically you will have a better chance to capture customers for your product recommendations.
When a business is located on the internet, that store front is open all day and all night. This is the type of business Warren Buffett is recommending we create. One of the main reasons that online affiliate marketing is so profitable has to do with how much people shop on the internet.
Just think about how many times you have purchased something online. Look at Amazon. They are constantly growing and hiring people. In fact, Amazon has a very robust affiliate program that you can join for free and they will pay you to recommend their products to other people.
Low risk and low cost
As I mentioned earlier, you will need a little bit of training on how to get your affiliate marketing website up and running efficiently on the internet. Though there are a few different training options online, most of them that I found are a waste of your precious time and money.
Two that I tried offered a lot of decent training, however one of them had out-dated techniques and both of them charged extra money for more and more training modules. I really dislike programs with upsells because they milk you of money and offer very little for what they charge.
I did find another training program that was inexpensive but it did not offer enough in terms of websites, hosting and SEO services forcing me to pay extra for those services elsewhere. Then I found an all inclusive training program called Wealthy Affiliate that was everything I needed.
Everything about Wealthy Affiliate was right on the money. Their training is constantly updated, it is structured to benefit beginners, it includes a website builder that programs your website for you within minutes, they have an SEO keyword research tool, lots of help, and no upsells.
Joining Wealthy Affiliate was the best decision I ever made. They let you join, take 10 lessons for free, without giving them any financial information. When you do pay for the training it is only $49.00 per month for everything, plus they offer a yearly payment package that saves you money.

Wealthy Affiliate is a great return on investment
When I joined Wealthy Affiliate I was semi unemployed, meaning my UI payments had just run out and I was making some money selling on eBay, though not enough. I wanted a way to scale up my eBay business by having my own website and this is how I found Wealthy Affiliate.
Seeing that I had no knowledge in how to build a website, I was looking for someone to program one for me to the point where I could add the content myself. I came across a video of how easy it is to build a website at Wealthy Affiliate and I was excited. I have that video in this post here.
It was my goal to take the first 10 free lessons, build my website, and see how much I could do on my own. However during that process I learned about affiliate marketing and unlike eBay I didn’t have to work the process as much to earn recurring income. I wanted to learn more!
Wealthy Affiliate offered a discount for their first month of premium training at only $19.00 which I took them up on. I was able to go through all 50 lessons, build not one but two affiliate marketing websites, one in early development, and do so within my first month working 3-4 hours per day.
I learned how to profit with Amazon making my first affiliate commission after 5 months of joining Wealthy Affiliate. Looking back knowing what I make now in commissions, this Stay at Home quarantine does not hurt me. Being a member has provided more money making opportunities.
Earn income with a Wealthy Affiliate education
The $49.00 per month membership fee at Wealthy Affiliate gives you access to more than just 50 Online Entrepreneur Certification lessons. You will also have access to an additional 70 lessons that go into the finer points of affiliate, email, social media and video marketing.
There is also a weekly live webinar classroom that teaches a wide array of techniques and topics all designed to help you get the most out of your website business. This live webinar is interactive, so you can ask questions and get answers in real time. Plus there is more.
Most of these skills you will be learning and perfecting while building out your website are also in demand with companies that have a website presence. One such skill you will master is called SEO, Search Engine Optimization. When you know how to do SEO you can make a lot of money.
Just go to Google and search for “SEO Services Cost” and take a look at what some people are charging. In addition to my affiliate marketing websites I also earn an income by doing SEO Content Writing for a couple of small local company websites in my spare time from home.
The Wealthy Affiliate education and website business building resources will give several different ways to earn income. Now is your time to do what I did when I was unemployed and take action. You can make your business about anything you desire to recommend.
Use this time wisely, begin your online learning from the #1 Rated Affiliate Marketing Training, and start your own business today. When you join I will be there to help you as will the owners and many others. If you have any questions about this post, please leave them below. Home JobsMoney Making Ideashow to earn money during covid-19,make money while unemployed,stay at home careers
Hello there, thank you so much for this very informative article, this indeed is a post in due season, I have been wondering how to go through this season just staying at home with no money coming in, so I decided to consider researching online and this post have just given me all the answers I need to my question on how make money while staying at home. Thank you so much for sharing.
You are very welcome. I am happy that my post here has given you ideas in regards to learning how to make money from home during coronavirus. This is information that people can benefit from at a time and place like the world finds itself in.
This is really an insightful article, in times like this that we are experiencing this global pandemic that had led to unemployment and staying at home, articles like this are indeed going to be helpful. Thanks for sharing.
indeed online affiliate marketing is one of the best way of surviving the unemployment of stay at home. I too am actually an Affiliate Marketer. It’s really been rewarding and helpful engaging in Affiliate Marketing.
I agree. Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to survive unemployment during a pandemic because even more people are making purchases online. The more people change their buying habits and would rather place their orders on the internet, the more money can be made by anyone with an affiliate marketing website.
Hi Robert,
Your article really makes it very easy to understand. I really learn a lot from your website,especially how to structure content, and also how to start with the end in mind, but meeting the potential member at his/her level/circumstance.
Your content is excellent, and I can imagine that you generate quite a lot of interest from this. The most important thing, for me, which I take away from your article, is that one should make this content relevant so that the vast majority can realte.
Thank you for this!
Thank you Andre for your comment. Happy you liked it.
This is the right time and the best opportunity to learn the skills to create a successful affiliate business. We have got the time and we can put it in profit of creating an online business. We shall turn this sad situation into a money-making opportunity.
How long will it take to see the result after I take the training in wealthy affiliate? Good results may motivate me to change my lifestyle from a 9 to 5 worker to being my own boss.
Thanks for sharing!
This is most definitely the right time to put in the effort in starting an affiliate marketing website business. The time it will take to start earning money will be determined by how soon you can complete the necessary tasks of getting your website filled with information supporting whatever niche you decided to make your business about. Though everyone is different, putting in a few hours each day can bring monetary results in about 5 or 6 months.