Wealth Academy – Is Shaqir Hussyin a Scam or Not
Want to join Wealth Academy to make money online? Many who consider often ask, is Shaqir Hussyin a scam? Learn the truth in this review. First off there is one thing I need to make clear, there are about three different products online called Wealth Academy.
This is about Wealth Academy by Shaqir Hussyin
If you were to do a search on Google for Wealth Academy you will see results mainly for a product of the same name by Adam Khoo, and another online course in affiliate marketing on ClickBank. Neither of these are the Wealth Academy I will talk about in this review.
Now that I have gotten that out of the way let me answer the question I posted in the title. If you are reading this you probably are thinking of joining Shaqir’s Wealth Academy but you are not sure if it or he is a scam or legit. There are some hidden things you need to know about him.
When it comes to internet marketers, especially those that are in MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), Network Marketing and Direct Sales, it is an absolute MUST that you are a master salesperson. When you have a drive and confidence in what you promote, you can go far.
Though you need to do some level of marketing in any business of your own, you really need to be a master at it when doing any kind of “High Ticket” program. In essence this is what Wealth Academy is all about. A training MLM in how to be a master marketer.
The reason why I am doing this review is to expose some buried truths about Shaqir and Wealth Academy that most people will not know or think to research. What is Shaqir Hussyin about? To his credit, when it comes to a motivational and master marketer, he has the gift for both.
Is Shaqir Hussyin a scam?
Despite what others are saying in the comment visuals in this review, in my opinion from the research I have done, I say Shaqir Hussyin is NOT a scam. But that being said there are some things you need to know. Some of what he claims is a bit misleading.
For example on his multiple websites, yes he has more than two, he hypes himself up as someone who has created three million dollar companies and has made more than 10 million dollars. Even though this is true, how he “actually” did it is a bit unclear.

Comment is from AntiScamAffiliate.com
However if you take the time to really dig into some research on him you will find out where those millions of dollars came from, as well as that Ferrari he shows off driving in some of his videos. This is why I investigate opportunities that sound too good to be true.
High Ticket Sales Funnels that lead to high-priced products are how Shaqir has made the majority of his money, as well as extraordinarily expensive coaching fees. I will get into why I feel his coaching fees are overpriced in just a bit. First the sales funnels.
There is nothing scammy about the action of a sales funnel. Marketers both online and off use them all the time. But the high-priced products that the sales funnels were directing people to were shady and a scam. How did Shaqir make his first few millions?
He was a Top Earner in Empower Network and MOBE
If you have been marketing online or have been searching for online opportunities for the past couple of years, I am sure you have heard of Empower Network (EN) and My Online Business Education (MOBE). Both of these scam MLMs are now closed down for good.
This Shaqir Hussyin review will reveal all. First the shutdown of Empower Network was not as dramatic as MOBE. David Wood, the creator / founder of EN filed for bankruptcy back in July 2017. I wrote about it in my blog called, The Empower Network Files for Bankruptcy.
There were many members of EN like Shaqir that did make a ton of money getting average people to spend their life’s savings for a chance to make it big. But there were many more members that spent thousands and only made a hundred dollars, if any at all.
As you can see in the screenshot image above from a 2013 review on Shaqir, he reached the one million dollar mark in combined commissions from the Empower Network. As a top earner in both EN and MOBE, Shaqir is very talented at motivating people to join up under him.
In my opinion this does not make him a scam artist. This just means he is a skillful marketer. Those who feel they were scammed did not do their research before parting with the money they could have invested wisely somewhere else.
There is a good reason why Shaqir does not mention EN & MOBE
As I have mentioned above, Empower Network is out of business for good. Too many people lost a lot of money and some have not fully recovered. I seriously doubt Shaqir wants people to know he was one of the few that made big money at EN.
Seeing how BIG the news was about MOBE being sued by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) for being an “Internet Marketing Scam”, being associated with them as one of their “Top Earners” is bad publicity. The MOBE scam made EN look like child’s play.
The FTC vs MOBE lawsuit is still ongoing and over 300 million dollars in scammed money is being sought by the court appointed receiver of funds. You can read more about this in my review, Is MOBE a Scam – The FTC Says Yes. Could the Shaqir Hussyin scam be part of this?
If you are reading through Shaqir Hussyin’s Wealth Academy and you think that what he is selling will work for you, just realize where he made his initial millions. Oh and that Ferrari he drives, that was given to him by Matt Lloyd for being a top earner in MOBE.
Now that MOBE is gone, the only way for Shaqir to make big money is for him to ramp up his master marketer skills and get you to pay him for his overpriced training. Pretty much everything he is trying to sell you can be found online for far less money.
Wealth Academy is NOT about Affiliate Marketing, it’s about MLM
I know what real affiliate marketing is and from everything I see and read on Shaqir’s website, Wealth Academy is definitely not it. I make thousands of dollars a month in affiliate marketing and only have to invest $49.00 USD per month. Wealth Academy is a pipe dream.
The prices he is charging for his coaching fees are outrageous! Many are claiming it is not worth it. I can learn everything he has to offer and have it be more up-to-date in Google, Facebook and YouTube marketing standards for that same $49.00 per month.
Best Online Marketing Courses – Get Started Today for FREE!
Remember, the image he wants you to see is an extremely successful and wealthy young internet marketing entrepreneur. If you pay him a lot of money, you too “could” be as successful as him. But where did he make his first few million dollars? Did he trick people to pay him?
How many average people with little to no money who are looking for a way to make money online, will you be able to convince to buy his expensive training? Because that is how you are going to make your money back. Convince others to do what he convinced you to do.
That may sound like affiliate marketing but it is not. In order for you to make your money, you need to recruit people to do the same thing as you. I am not saying this will not work because it does for some people. But hey, you may get lucky and find a few people who will have an extra $2,997.00 to invest.
You cannot get scammed unless you take the bait
On this website when I do scam reviews I will not label someone or an opportunity a scam unless I know first-hand that it is, by getting involved. Like I said, I do not believe Shaqir Hussyin is a scam. He even states in his Income Disclosure that you may not make any money. Make sure to read his Refund Policy too!
But if you take his bait without investigating how he really made his millions, how you will earn commissions, and you do not make any money, the onus is on you. Shaqir is very influential as a marketer, which is why he has made so much money in EN and MOBE.
The Consequences of Running a Scam – The MOBE Update
Now with them gone he is going to earn through Wealth Academy overpriced training and sales funnels that can both be had elsewhere online for less than $60.00 USD. Do not buy into the hype. I can show you where to find everything you need for a lot less.
Shaqir has a lot of high ticket items to sell online that are mostly not worth the value he claims them to be. Though I know this from just being in an internet marketing training program that I mentioned above for $49.00 per month, my research has also confirmed this.
I was watching a video review on Wealth Academy by Adam Ali, “The Simplifier.” He tells how he has been following Shaqir for a few years, has met him three times, went to one of his seminars, and has been on his email list for many years. Adam says Shaqir is nothing special.
Adam Ali says Shaqir’s training is not that good
Adam goes on to explain how the Wealth Academy coaches determine how much disposable income you have so they can milk you dry with training upsells and sales funnels. Watch the video warning below about why high ticket sales funnels are ripoffs.
As Adam Ali says in his video review, when Shaqir recruits you into Wealth Academy, do not go to any of the mastermind events because it is nothing but motivating speeches and no useful training. If you do go, make sure they tell you EXACTLY how you will make money.
The Wealth Academy coaches and representatives will not come out and say that you are being recruited into an MLM because they know that will turn people off. So they will most likely dance around the issue and pressure you to buy into their so-called training. Beware!
If you do not want to be scammed, do not allow yourself to be scammed. Like I said before, this is only a scam if you fall for the bait of greater wealth without first knowing how you will really make money. Shaqir Hussyin is a clever marketer. Do your research and don’t get scammed.
Look at what you can learn for FREE instead of paying thousands
If you are an average person who is short on funds, do not get fooled into thinking the Wealth Academy is your answer to financial freedom. You could make it happen but you will have to become a master manipulator in marketing like Shaqir.
You will also need to work this marketing full-time and have thick skin to handle the rejection. Wealth Academy is not something you can do in your spare time. But in the two images below, this is what I got to learn absolutely for FREE and so can you!
The internet marketing training program I belong to will teach you more than Wealth Academy can and save you a ton of money at the same time. You will be learning real online affiliate marketing and how you can get paid by major retail companies like Amazon, Best Buy, Apple and thousands more. This free training includes…
- Lesson 1 – Get Rolling – Setting up your profile and learning to navigate the platform
- Lesson 2 – Understanding How You Will Make Money Online – You learn right up front how you will generate an income marketing on the internet
- Lesson 3 – Choose a Niche – Learn what is a niche and how to easily choose one
- Lesson 4 – Building Your Own Niche Website – Super simple 4-step WordPress website builder, will program and host your website in less than one minute
- Lesson 5 – Setting Up Your Website – Learning your WordPress back office dashboard and activating your pre-installed plugins
- Lesson 6 – Getting Your Site Ready for Search Engines – Setting up the All in One SEO Pack plugin
- Lesson 7 – Creating Your Initial Website Content – Creating your “About Me” and “Privacy Policy” pages of content
- Lesson 8 – Creating Custom Menus on Your Website – Setting up the user navigation
- Lesson 9 – Understanding Keywords, the Start of Your Content – Learning how to do effective keyword research and basic SEO using a free keyword research tool
- Lesson 10 – Congratulations. Your Next Steps – A recap of what you have accomplished, end of the free training and perks of the $49/month premium membership.
All of the above is absolutely free! You do not need a credit card to even start the free training. Though these are the first 10 out of 50 lessons, you can stay a free starter member for as long as you like, but will need to pay the $49.00 per month to continue the training.
If those 10 lessons in the list above are not enough for you to learn for free, you can take an additional 10 free lessons in an Affiliate Bootcamp course. This training focuses on the MMO, Make Money Online niche and a high conversion affiliate marketing program.
- Lesson 1 – Get Started – Setting up your profile, learning to navigate and understanding the affiliate program
- Lesson 2 – Choosing Your Direction – Learn about Target Audiences and choosing the brand for your business
- Lesson 3 – Building Your Website – Super simple 4-step WordPress website builder, will program and host your website in less than one minute
- Lesson 4 – A Website Look Around – Setting up your WordPress back office dashboard and uploading updates
- Lesson 5 – Activating Your Plugins – Setting up and activating your pre-installed plugins
- Lesson 6 – Getting Your Website Ready for SEO – Learning the basics of SEO and setting up the All in One SEO Pack plugin
- Lesson 7 – Your Initial Framework of Content – Writing up your About Me and Privacy Policy pages, learning about Heading Tags and creating Custom Menus
- Lesson 8 – Understanding the Keyword Research Process – Learning keyword research with the free Jaxxy keyword tool and using Google Instant Search
- Lesson 9 – Creating Thoughtful Insightful Reviews – Learning structure, formatting and CIAO=Captivating, Informative, Accurate, Opinionated
- Lesson 10 – The Exciting Journey Has Begun – How to scale your business for long term growth and profits
My #1 Recommendation for Making Money Online From Anywhere
Making BIG money does not require a BIG monetary investment
Despite what Shaqir Hussyin wants you to believe, you can learn so much more and get easier commissions doing real online affiliate marketing than being trapped in an MLM. All legitimate affiliate programs are free to join. Do not get sucked into paying.
Up until May or June 2018 there was a good chance that Shaqir was funneling people into MOBE where he earned high ticket commissions. Prior to July 2017 he was probably also sending members into Empower Network. Matt Lloyd seen in the image below got busted by the FTC. Is Shaqir next?

How can Shaqir teach you to be as rich as him when he made his millions from a scam?
There is a video of Shaqir touting how he made over 2 Million Dollars in less than two years as a member of MOBE, see above image. What he is doing is getting people like you to buy into his Wealth Academy thinking he would teach you his secrets but then funnel you into MOBE.
Well the MOBE scam has been shut down by the FTC starting in June 2018, so where is Shaqir funneling his new sign ups now? I personally do not know but I would be highly skeptical of what he and his coaches try to sell you on. Do not be afraid to pressure them into telling you if there are any future hidden fees you will need to pay.

Comment is from AntiScamAffiliate.com
There have been too many complaints, I have only provided you with a couple in this post. But if you do your research and you are forewarned, do not sign up or spend any money on Wealth Academy until you know exactly what you are getting for your money.
Now see what only $49.00 per month will get you
You really do not need to spend thousands of dollars to learn how to be ultra successful and profitable online. Most of what Shaqir Hussyin will charge you big money for can be had for under $600.00 and even free, as I noted above. You do not have to go broke to earn money online.
Below is a listing of what I have access to for only $49 every month. This price includes EVERYTHING listed below. These training lessons are up to date and in compliance with current social media and internet marketing standards.
- Choosing a domain name and establishing your brand
- Setting up a domain specific email account
- Learn how to easily backup your WordPress website
- Unlimited free access to the Jaaxy Lite keyword research tool
- Finding and using Targeted Keywords for your target audience
- Creating keyword rich content with the use of LSI keywords
- Learn how SEO content is the driving force behind your business
- Understanding the use of low hanging fruit low competition keywords
- How to use visuals such as images and videos for a better User Experience
- Easily create and find 100% Free Logos, Videos and Images for your site
- Why a good User Experience contributes to better rankings and more traffic
- Learn to use quality content to drive lots of traffic to your website business
- How to attract organic search engine traffic to your website business
- Understanding traffic data by setting up and using Google Analytics
- Setting up Google Search Console and use it to increase traffic
- Understand the use of Bing and Yahoo as 33% of all search traffic
- Getting Bing and Yahoo to know about your site
- Setting up your own identity from a generic admin
- Improve indexing time and page load speeds for better SEO rankings
- Amplifying your productivity and boosting your rankings
- Properly use external and internal links to increase rankings in SERPs
- Writing within a devised plan architecture
- Creating your content and comments with Conversion Intent
- Advanced training in the various ways to make money in online marketing
- Learn how affiliate networks and programs work and where to find them
- How to be effective at using affiliate links properly
- Instant access to over a million products
- Leveraging the use of product reviews
- Getting paid ads on your website through Google AdSense
- Re-emphasizing the 4-simple steps to building a profitable website business
- Understanding the use of Social Media Marketing
- How to make your online business ripe for social engagement
- Understanding the use and set up of social share plugins
- How to use Facebook the correct way for your marketing purposes
- How to use Twitter and set up effective Twitter campaigns
- How to use Visual Social Media through Pinterest and Instagram
- Make your social media campaigns Branding Animals for success
- Learn how to effectively use your time on social media and avoid waste
- Understand the importance of getting comments through social media
- How to leverage linking within your comments for better conversions
- Understand the power of Video Marketing
- Learn how the use of videos can bring in huge amounts of free traffic
- Know how to create YouTube videos and other video recording software
- Understanding SEO for YouTube videos and upload your videos
- Attract and convert referrals into long term paying customers
- How to create custom signup forms with or without videos
- Learn how and where to effectively use custom signup forms
- Understand the power and reach of Email Marketing
- How to building an email list and why there is money in that list
- Learn which email marketing software service is right for your business
- Creating email marketing content with intent that will convert
- An introduction into PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Marketing
- Paying for traffic on Bing and Yahoo
- How to effectively do PPC on Bing Ads
- Setting up your first PPC campaign
- Create small Review Ad Groups and setting up conversion tracking
- Capitalizing on hidden PPC Landing Pages
- Getting real creative with your PPC keywords
- Understanding the Google AdWords opportunity
- Learning the “Double Down” approach and mathematical business model to PPC
- How to maximize and scale your campaigns
- Articulating a PLAN for the years ahead in the growth of your business
What else does the $49.00 per month get you?
ALL of the above, both the Free and Paid Premium trainings come with both video and text tutorials that can be accessed 24 hours per day and as many times as needed. You get full tech support and community help / guidance at all hours of the day and night, activity is non-stop.
You will never go through your training alone. You will have access to both owners, who are also multi millionaires like Shaqir, and can receive 1-on-1 coaching whenever you need it. The ability for you to succeed is the #1 priority here, not making money off of you.
Unlike Shaqir Hussyin, the owners as well as the members like myself realize that monetary success comes from helping people. This is one of the main reasons why you can learn and gain so much wealth from only $49.00 per month, learning more than what Shaqir is offering.
You do not need to spend thousands at Wealth Academy to have a chance at success. Remember the message of this review. Shaqir Hussyin made millions from the EN & MOBE scams that are now OUT OF BUSINESS! Shaqir’s buddy Steven Bransfield just got busted by the FTC also thanks to MOBE.
Now Shaqir is branding himself as a young successful multi millionaire internet marketer. Even though this is totally true, you have to ask Shaqir, his coaches and yourself some hard questions. How will I really make money and why do I need to spend so much to earn it?
Is Shaqir Hussyin and his companies a scam?
Shaqir isn’t straightforward in his information on how he made his millions at such a young age, and for a good reason. If he were to tell you what I have shared with you here, you would probably not want to join him. Is what I have revealed true? Watch the below video for proof.
You do not get a free trial period at Shaqir’s company. Everything he is offering you to supposedly help you to earn BIG Money is actually making him and his coaches more than it will you. Remember he even says in his Income Disclosure that you may not earn anything.
Well it is pretty obvious that he will not be able to make money off of you by funneling you to a high ticket MLM like MOBE anymore. With the ongoing lawsuit between the Federal Trade Commission and MOBE, that MLM is gone for good. Is Shaqir going to convince you to join?
You have to wonder, how will he make his commissions now? Is there another high ticket MLM not yet shutdown that he is a member of? Or will he just make his millions from people like you who buy his training and come hear him speak with hopes of making it big too?
An honest, legitimate, free and low cost way to make thousands
I am sure Shaqir and any other person who has made money in their own business would agree, that you have to spend money to make money. This is very much true BUT the more you spend does not always mean the more you will make. Most times it is the opposite.
Earlier in this review I showed you what you could get for FREE in the online marketing training community I belong to. Then I listed many of the other training tutorials that you can learn for only $49.00 per month. I get more bang for my buck where I am. And where is this?
The training and internet marketing community I belong to is called Wealthy Affiliate. Yeah, the name sounds similar to Shaqir’s company but it is FAR FROM similar in any other way. Other than it being in business much longer, it has created tens of thousands of successful entrepreneurs.
You will learn how you can own and operate multiple internet marketing businesses in any niche market you desire. Another great perk to the $49.00 per month membership fee is that you will get up to 10 free WordPress websites with hosting for NO additional cost!
This means you could operate multiple website businesses all from one secured hosting platform and not have to spend any extra money. It would only cost you $13.99 per year per website more if you decide to buy your website domain name from Wealthy Affiliate.
The choice is yours in how you will be able to work at home
I love being able to make thousands of dollars per month without having to leave my home. I even make money while I am sleeping or on vacation! Having your own online affiliate marketing businesses are a fun and profitable way to earn income, even during a government shutdown.
I provide many different niche ideas on this website to help my readers cultivate creative ways to make money online. You can create a business promoting anything pertaining to Baseball, Wedding Supplies Services, Hemp Products, Coca-Cola Collectibles, plus much more!
The bottom line is that when you give people a low cost solution to be able to make a lot of money online, and genuinely help them to succeed, you gain trust from your followers. Once you have trust and people know you are not after their money, you too will make a lot of money.
Find out how you can get started today for free. Join Wealthy Affiliate, set up your profile, take the Free Training, kick the tires of the community, and see if this is a better solution for you. If you have any comments or questions please leave them below. – Thanks for reading.
Excellent review of Wealth Academy and Shaqir Hussyin, Robert, and I have to agree with your assessment of him as not being a scam, but actually a master marketer.
In saying that, I don’t agree with Empower Network or MOBE’s business strategy, or really the MLM business structure in general, but just because someone is involved in these businesses, doesn’t make them a scammer.
After all, they were, as far as I know, legit companies for a time at least and I do know of many people that were involved in them that are actually really good people that want to help others.
While there are definitely plenty of scammers out there, we certainly have to be careful labelling people that just because they’ve made money doing something and others haven’t.
Personally, I much prefer the business structure of affiliate marketing where you can just give an honest opinion on a product or service, rather than the MLM structure of recruitment and going up to different levels… Just makes more sense to me!
Great post, interesting read
Thank you John. I am happy you liked my Wealth Academy Shaqir Hussyin scam review. I too am not a fan of the MLM structure and way of earning money. As far as Empower Network and My Online Business Education, the latter was more of a scam and as such was just recently shutdown by the Federal Trade Commission.
But you are correct in saying that there are many people who join these MLM scams, not knowing what they are, and with the honest intent to help others. Some people once they realize the true nature of the business, will quit, if they have a conscious, while others may stay in hopes of gaining back what money they spent.
But you cannot label these people as scammers because it is the business model and the owner(s) of said business model that are the real scammers. Now that both EN and MOBE, Shaqir’s two money earning sources are out of business, how he makes his money through Wealth Academy will determine if he is a scam or not. That has yet to be determined.
Thank you for a great review, Robert. I also tried to enroll with MOBE I even payed $500 but of course I didn’t get to much to learn they just pushing for upsells when I realised something was not right I asked for refund because we had a promise of 30 days refund I never got my money back but not any answer from them or any other sign that this company is still working.
Now I want to enroll with Wealthy Affiliate which i found is a great platform.
Thanks again for your review.
You are welcome Corina and thanks for your comment. It seems that there are so many people who lost a lot of money because of the MOBE Scam. You could try to add your name to the list of people looking for a refund with the FTC. – There were many young internet marketing millionaires that made their money selling that scam and Shaqir Hussyin was a top earning MOBE member.
Though the MOBE system was a scam in and of itself, it makes me wonder if Shaqir knew it was and decided to ride the wave of money making despite what it did to people like you or if he really didn’t know. This is why I cannot fully come out and say that Shaqir Hussyin is a scam because MOBE was not his company.
But the purpose of this review was to let people who were thinking of joining Wealth Academy know that Shaqir made his millions in two scam companies that are now shut down, and to be very careful in how much money they spend. Like you experienced with MOBE, not getting your refund, others could have the same happen with Wealth Academy.
Thank you for a great review, Robert.
There are two points you have made that I find really important:
Firstly, that Wealth Academy is about MLM. My view is that MLM is for great sales people, and if you are not a great sales person off-line (that is outside the internet) then do not expect to be a great sales person on-line. Rather research the The Wealthy Affiliate program as a great concept.
Secondly, good products are good and therefore the owners let you try-before-you-buy. Wealthy Affiliate is a good product and sure you can try before you buy.
You are welcome Carl and thanks for your reply – You are correct. When it comes to an MLM you really need to be a good to great sales person in order to recruit other people into buying whichever product you are selling.
Unfortunately many people join an MLM not realizing this. All they see are dollar signs and the potential for earning BIG commissions. But there is NO business model that will allow you to make a lot of easy money unless it is a scam.
In the case of Wealthy Affiliate, the training teaches everything that Shaqir Hussyin teaches in his training but for far less money, and it is always up to date. The way you make commissions is easier too because you do not have to recruit people and most times the products are well-known and less expensive.
Hi, Robert.
Some very good insight here. Thank you for posting.
Google also Ankur Aggarwal and Anik Singal.
They are absolutely exploiting the MLM market.
I look at guys like Shaqir Hussyin and the couple mentioned above as “MLM Ponzi Pimps.”
I hope that I have not overstepped my bounds. They carry their following (prostitutes) from one offering to another. Oh, Empower Network did not work…no problem guys, we have MOBE…oh, that didn’t work we now have….
The only guy that makes huge money is the guy at the top and those that make some money will always follow.
Arrest these Ponzi Pimp Wizards.
You Can’t.
People want their dream.
You are welcome Paul. Thanks for your comment. I like your name for these so-called gurus, “MLM Ponzi Pimps.” I can see you point because these guys have a HUGE email list and can always send different shady MLM offers to their list as they move from one MLM to another.
No matter where they go, many of his followers (those on his active email list) will still struggle to make it like him because instead of actually helping them he and his coaches will say something like, well you need this training tool to help fix that problem.
Of course each one of these tools costs a lot of money and people spend this money blindly thinking that it will help when in fact it is only making Shaqir Hussyin and Wealth Academy money. Like Miles Beckler says in the video I have above, “people who mine the miner.”
Being able to make a lot of money on the internet DOES NOT require thousands upon thousands of dollars like these internet marketing gurus are claiming. Only the so-called gurus are making money because they are “mining the miners” by upselling expensive software and training.
I will have to take a look on Google and ask, is Anik Singal a scam or the same with Ankur Agarwal. I bet I can find some similarities between the two of them and Shaqir. But I agree that these guys are exploiting the MLM market because not all of MLM is bad.