Is Your MLM a Pyramid Scheme – How to Easily Know
The make money from home niche has just as many scams as there are legit opportunities. Multi-Level Marketing is one such opportunity but is your MLM a pyramid scheme or is it legit? This post will explain how to know for sure.
Not all pyramids are illegal
Though it is true that pyramid schemes are illegal and that the marketing structure in an MLM is shaped like a pyramid, you cannot rightfully claim that all Multi-Level Marketing programs are scams. There are certain factors to determine what is a scam, but a pyramid shape is not one of them.

If recruiting people is an important part of how you make money in your MLM, it is an illegal pyramid scheme
One of the easiest ways to know if your MLM is not a legit opportunity is displayed in the image above. If the bottom level of the pyramid requires you to recruit people into the program so that you can get paid, that is a BIG Red Flag and you should find another opportunity.
The ONLY time a pyramid is legitimate is when that bottom level consists solely of customers that are NOT part of the marketing effort. However there are many Multi-Level Marketing companies that blur the line between scam and legit. The video below will show you what else you need to look out for.
Lofty claims of high income earnings or how great the products are over anything else on the market should make you take pause. Making a lot of money in any endeavor comes down to the individual effort at getting people to buy. If the product is not well-known, getting a sale will be difficult.
Like me, has this happened to you too?
There is a saying, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I was fooled into joining an MLM that turned out to be scam. Just like in the video above, I was recruited by my sister, who was recruited by a good friend of hers.
The products that the company made were not just of high quality, but they were highly over-priced. This made it hard to sell to the average person and in order to qualify to get paid in their compensation plan, I needed to purchase a certain amount of products per month.
I had to turn around and sell my inventory to get back what I invested. I remember my mother reluctantly purchased some of my products. I know she did this to help me get started but she knew before I did that I was in a losing opportunity.
Getting back the money I invested by selling over-priced products was tough. So I was encouraged by my sister who recruited me to recruit people. Naturally I approached my friends, which would help me recoup quicker. But I soon found out that despite the quality of the products, no one wanted them.
You can buy quality name brands for less money
Here’s an example. There are network marketing and direct selling tea companies like Steeped Tea or Tealightful, selling higher priced tea like those well-known brands selling for less at the grocery store. As a tea drinker, which one would you rather purchase? Lipton or these other two you never heard of?
Just like what was said in the video above, some of these companies will use celebrity endorsements to enhance the reputation of the company and their products. Just like in my ACN scam review, Donald Trump endorsed their products and was paid over a million dollars to do so.
Being the deal maker, Trump even had ACN videophone products showcased on his reality TV show The Celebrity Apprentice, not once but twice. By using his now often stated quotes of his presidency, “believe me” and “trust me” he helped this MLM product to gain recognition despite its high cost.
What this boils down to is that the majority of products an MLM will sell, are highly over-priced mainly to be able to support the over-the-top compensation plan. In most cases they are of no better quality than what you can buy at the store. My advice is to not fall for the hype.

The majority of people in many MLMs make very little money
Just because someone famous says it is good doesn’t mean sh-t
Multi-Level Marketing, Network Marketing and Direct Selling all have several things in common, one of them being you have to sell either a product, the marketing plan, or both. Building a team of other marketers under you is another, which helps to begin that pyramid shaped marketing plan.
Regardless of what people call it, if the products are unknown to potential customers, you will have to do a ton of marketing to get sales. This is why many MLM companies will pay famous people to endorse their products. They know if someone famous gives it the thumbs up, people will feel safer buying it.
ACN wasn’t the only MLM Donald Trump aligned his name with in 2009. The now defunct MLM Ideal Health Inc. was rebranded as The Trump Network. Before Trump came on board the company had legal issues with the Federal Trade Commission, but because of his endorsement the company rebounded.
The use of famous people to endorse a company or product in the Network Marketing, Direct Selling and MLM industry is nothing new. People like Megan Fox, Chuck Norris, Carmen Electra, Bill Clinton and others have done so. But you do not need famous people to help you make money on popular products.
Don’t risk losing your money when there is a better way
There are just so many problems when it comes to a majority of companies in the MLM style of opportunities. Again, not all Multi-Level Network Marketing companies are pyramid schemes, but you need to be aware of how you will make money and if the company has had any complaints.
Starting your own business does not have to be as expensive as many MLMs would have you think, nor does it need you to recruit people into sales teams. You can become an Affiliate Marketer and align yourself with well-known companies like Apple, Best Buy, Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and thousands more.
Unlike the commissions you earn in an MLM which come from the sale of expensive products no one has heard of, these well-known companies will pay you from the sale of ANY product they sell. The best part about this is you do not have to sell anything, just promote items people are familiar with.
When you can make money from a product on the Apple website like wireless chargers for iPhone, you do not need famous people to help you. The majority of people the world over already trust Apple. All you are doing as an affiliate marketer is driving sales to them through your promotions.
Don’t believe the hype of an MLM
As someone who has done Multi-Level Marketing and am now doing Affiliate Marketing, I can without a doubt say that affiliate marketing is better and easier to earn. You will not have to purchase or sell any products and you will not have to recruit any people into a downline sales team.
In affiliate marketing online you rarely hear the hype that you do with the majority of MLMs, especially the pyramid scheme companies. That is because the process of making money is really simple and the investment is really low. Plus it is FREE to become an affiliate with any of the big-name companies.
Because of this, they do not need hype. Read my post for the six reasons Why Affiliate Marketing is Better than Multi-Level Marketing. I will give you another reason right now. The shape of the money making process does not resemble a pyramid because you do not need anyone below you to make money.
When wondering if your MLM is a pyramid scheme, remember to see how you will be making money. If recruiting people is part of the process, I would suggest you tread lightly or better yet, give affiliate marketing a try. Find out how to get started in affiliate marketing here. Leave any comments or questions below. marketing vs mlm,definition pyramid scheme,mlm marketing system
If I had seen this post a few months ago, I would not have wasted my money. Like you have mentioned here, selling a high profile product doesn’t mean you can succeed in an mlm programme. Many times people fail for so many reasons in mlm. But knowing that recruiting is the paramount sole of the business, one can put things in place to note that its is a no no. Nice one here.
I think many of us who make money online have been involved with some sort of pyramid scheme MLM at one time. I know I was when I joined Amway back in the 1980s. When I think back to how I was recruited and what I went through just to get a return on my investment, it all equals the warning signs and red flags of a pyramid scheme.
Thanks for this article and I wish I had come in contact with this maybe like 6years ago, it would have prevented me from wasting both my money and time on most of the mlm and pyramid schemes I got myself involved with that scammed me off my money. Concerning the 6tios you shared in identifying a pyramid schemes, please do I need to identify all of these to ascertain the presence of scam or I need to see just one of them to make the decision if a program of system is a scam. I’d be glad to get this answer soonest. Thanks
Thank you Tracy for your comment and question. Pyramid schemes keep evolving because many people are getting wise to their telltale signs, so not all of those six tips are needed to identify a pyramid scheme. Another reason for this is because some legitimate MLMs as well as affiliate marketing programs, will have a referral system.
I would recommend that the biggest tips to identify a pyramid scheme is if the opportunity does not allow you to market the product or services like training to people outside of the members. When this happens in order for you to make money you must recruit people into the opportunity so you can sell to them. These are the two I always look for in addition to upsells and complex compensation plans.
I was just reading through this post and the thing that really caught my eye was the part of “The Down Line should not be the customer.” Would you believe that is actually what I was! I was recruited by two Ladies I worked with for 20 yrs back in the 90’S in Spain so I totally trusted them. I did this for 18months. I actually battled them on what grounds I was allowed to promote.
In the end, I found out they were stopping me from promoting online yet used my ideas in their groups. I was so angry. They also took away my downline. This was with Lifeplus. A fabulous company but not so fabulous upline. It really hurt to think that my friends could do this to me and it was a very hard lesson to learn. I didn’t want to be a product buyer that is for sure and they knew that.
That’s also the time I stumbled upon Affiliate Marketing and I haven’t looked back since. Thank you for this article. It actually is the icing on the cake that truly the downline is really used as product buyers when we don’t want to be. Brilliant article and so very true. Thank you.
Regards Deborah.
Wow! That really sucks that they did that to you. I had looked into LifePlus back when I was still thinking about doing another MLM because I liked the quality of the products I tried. But then, like you, I found Affiliate Marketing and never looked back. The easier way of making money without having to buy and sell products, as well as not having to recruit people into a down line was the deciding factor to get started in this industry.
Robert, regarding the 6 ways to recognise an illegal pyramid, how many of those 6 ways need to be in place? I wish I had that checklist about 35 years ago. It would have helped me to prevent spending time and effort on some so called business opportunities. That is a brilliant checklist. I can see how your post and the video in your post would help people to make better informed choices.
Hey David, I would have to say that of that 6 checklist, for me if only three were present I would reconsider the opportunity. Those three for me would be…
1. Promises large monthly income working from home
2. Strongly emphasizes recruiting
3. Complex commission structure or marketing plan
These three would give me pause because what I have learned and have experienced in successfully making money from home online is that none of these need apply. If they are promoted then I would think it to be a pyramid scheme.
Thank you for this honest view of MLM.
As a beginner, it’s hard to tell right from the start if it’s scam or not.
But flagging out, that a “recruiting-level” at the bottom of the pyramid, should always be a no-go, helps.
You are welcome Felix and thank you for your comment. I agree that it can be hard to spot what is a scam when you are a beginner, which is why I created this website.
But when it comes to an MLM, if you have to recruit people as part of the way you will make money, and these people have to do the same, then this is a big red flag that the MLM could be a scam.
I have worked in several MLM companies over the years – the first one was AMWAY – way back in the 80’s. I never made a dime – and lost money year after year because we had to buy product to stay in commissions. They also expected you to go to these conferences that were almost cult-like. Another money pit. The ticket to get in cost money – plus the expenses from the trip.
I’ve found some good companies, with good products and great people. And of course – there are the overpriced products that really don’t help. It seems like everyone has a weight loss product or the new one is CBD oil.
Like you, I would rather do affiliate marketing – where we can find quality products that we believe in and tell other people about them. That’s the real deal!
Thanks for such a great post.
I see you and I have something in common Heather, I too started in MLM and my first company was Amway. The company I talk about in this post that my mother bought products from me and that my friend joined under me was Amway. And again like you I didn’t make a dime, well maybe I did earn a little but compared to what I spent, I lost a lot of money.
I have done other forms of making money online that I found to be much more rewarding and profitable than any MLM I had tried. Doing drop shipping with REAL FREE drop shippers and selling on eBay has made me a lot of money. You can read about that in my blog Free Drop Shipping Wholesale Suppliers. But Affiliate Marketing is probably the easiest and most fun way to make money.
Hey Robert,
This is a really awesome post! I definitely agree with you here.
There are simply too many people who can’t recognize the difference between a real legit MLM and an illegal pyramid scheme. And most of them just think all MLMs are scam.
Thanks for clarifying that and I’m sure this will help a lot of people.
To be honest, there are a lot of MLM with low quality products and systems but that doesn’t mean they’re illegal pyramid schemes. They’re just low quality MLM companies.
If the only way to make money is to recruit people and there are no real products or services, then it is an illegal pyramid scheme.
Once again, thanks for this great post. Look forward to reading more from you 🙂
You are welcome Jerry. Happy you liked my post about how to recognize an MLM pyramid scheme. And like you said, which I try to explain in this post, not all MLMs are pyramid scheme scams.
However, even if they are not scams and they are low quality MLM companies with low quality products and services, I still would not recommend people to join them. It’s impossible, in my opinion, to get quality earnings from a low quality product.
This is why I now do affiliate marketing online, working with REAL well-known companies like Amazon, and can choose from the millions of different products and services to promote. I can make money 24/7 and do not have to rely on the recruitment of people to earn revenue.