Making Extra Money in College
One goes to college for an education to better their life for the future but often struggle with money. Making extra money in college is possible and I will give you a free opportunity to get stated. You could make full time money for part time hours depending on how much you do. And how will you be making this money?
Turn your passions into Cash!
What is your passion? What do you enjoy doing? Do you like sports or maybe fantasy sports? What about video games, do you like playing them? Perhaps you are into fitness, losing weight, tech items, music, green energy, giving dating advice, brewing beer, which I assume you would like drinking it too, all of these things and thousands more can make you money.
No, I am not making this up. I know of hundreds of college students doing this in their spare time and I personally know two of them making $5,300 per month combined. One college student is blogging about his passion in sports on his website and making $1,800 per month for about 10 hours per week and the other student is making $3,500 per month with his computer parts website for about 15 hours.
How do college students make money online?
The short and sweet answer to that question is, the exact way both of the college students I know with websites are doing it, and the same way I am doing it on another one of my websites. If you are into playing video games like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, I describe how playing a game like that and others can pay BIG time. Check out my post How to Make Money Playing Video Games from Home.
For a simple description let me tell you how this works. In essence you will be writing about the things you like and promote the products associated with that passion. If you like flying RC Drones, you could write up reviews on different models and then either a store that sells them, like Amazon, or even the manufacturer will give you free ads to place on you blog. Every person who buys a drone from your website, you get paid.
There is no buying, no selling, no stocking, no shipping, and no dealing with the customer by you. Just promote the product on your website and get paid for every order your blog generates 24/7/365. At the end or beginning of every month, you receive a commission check, PayPal or Direct Deposit. There is no limit to how many products you can promote.
Is this going to cost me a lot of money?
No, it will not cost you a lot. Matter of fact you will get to start, take 10 lessons which will get your website up and running, indexed into Google, and learn how to do keyword research and basic content creation all for FREE! Only after all of that will you have to pay and at that time it will only be $49 per month. That is an All-Inclusive price and the cost will never go higher.
I know how college students can spend money when they go out, and your monthly cost will be for far less. Think about how much money you could be making 6 months down the road, 6 months is the average time to start seeing consistent money. Obviously the more time you invest the quicker you will see results. Remember, this is a real business opportunity. Not a get-rich-quick-scheme.
This is the best way to make money in college
Initially after the first month or two as you are consistently building out your website content, Google will start to take note of your website and will send its spiders to crawl it more often, raising your rank. This needs to happen before you can get website traffic and you need that traffic to get your potential customers to make money from. Everything about your success online happens in steps.
The more time you put in the quicker you will see results. All you need to do is make the decision to start, have the determination, and time, to see it through. Be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos! This is how these online billionaires started too! This opportunity offers you everything you will need to succeed. It is perfect for those in college because you can proceed at your own speed. What is the name of this place?
Wealthy Affiliate University is the Real Deal!
Get a college-like education in WordPress website design, learn keyword research, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and how to make money with your free website by writing about the things you know and love. And building a website only takes about 30 seconds. I have a video on my blog, the best fee website builder that shows a website being built within 3 minutes.
This website builder, hosting and online training program has been steadily creating successful online entrepreneurs for 15 years and now it is your turn. You are only a couple of clicks away from changing your financial future for the better. No need to worry about getting a job after college because you will have one of your own. And if done right like the two college students I know, pay off your student loans.
Everything is under one roof
Wealthy Affiliate was created in 2005 by two young and successful internet marketer who met in a Computer Science class in college. These two college students knew there was a way to make a full time income online by just blogging and promoting the products that they personally enjoy using. Then one day Carson and Kyle decided to join forces and create their own all-inclusive online training community.

Wealthy Affiliate Co-Owners Carson & Kyle
They created a simplified training course that teaches you everything you need to succeed just like they did, but for far less money and without having to be tech savvy. Literally anyone no matter of age or educational background can succeed with their training. Plus you do not need to go anyplace else to start an online business. And forget about GoDaddy, you can even register your domains through them.
Making extra money in college has never been easier
Right now, you have the greatest opportunity at your finger-tips to begin your own online business in whatever you choose it to be. By starting this now, you can have a successful money maker even before you graduate. Think of how that would feel to know you are already financially secured. Talk about a great graduation gift to yourself.
Procrastination is the mother of all opportunity killers and lack of determination to see it through is its father. Billionaire Richard Branson once said, “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.”
Take the plunge and join Wealthy Affiliate University today at the banner add I have above and right or from any link on the Wealthy Affiliate Review. Once you join I will be informed by email and I will welcome you to the supportive 210,000+ member community. I promise that if you give an honest try, I will be there to help you succeed. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.
I wish I would have known about blogging back in college 8+ years ago. I have no clue what I would have written about but I would have found something. And it’s affordable, the domain & hosting is a small fee but it mostly just requires your time.
I am sure there are many people that feel the same as you Josh. I know I wouldn’t have gone to that many college parties and probably would have been blogging about the latest and greatest video games. Plus playing video games would be a great motivator, at least for me and others who like games, to sit down and blog about them afterwards, knowing I would be making big bucks doing so. If you are willing to put in the time and effort, any college student can create a lasting souce of income for years to come.
Good info, when do you have to start paying $47.
Thank you Joe. You can start paying $47 whenever you want. There is no rush in doing so. Once you finish the first 10 lessons of either the Online Certification Course and/or the 10 Affiliate Boot Camp lessons, only then will you need to pay to continue with your training. Plus you get an opportunity to save $28 on your first month by paying only $19.
hi Robert
I have to agree that Wealthy Affiliate is perfect for college students! It is a way to make money without them having to go get a part time job. They will need to invest the same amount of time if not more, but as opposed to a job in the “real world” it will be theirs. They are in control of what they do. And it gives them good experience for later on. It is not easy though. One has to put the time and efforts in for sure. But because it allows for a flexible schedule that one can modify, it is a good fit for college students.
I agree with you Emily. This is a much better option for a student to make money in college because they can work it on their schedule, learn how building a business really works, work towards making themselves wealthy and not someone else, and have their own business for their future. The majority of college students graduate and have a very hard time finding a decent job. But by joining Wealthy Affiliate and building an online business of their own that will grow over time into a full-time money maker, this could take the sting out of graduating and not having a source of income.
But like you said, it is hard work to get it started and keep it going. But this is true for many things in life worth doing. Making money online for little investment has never been more possible than the opportunity given to every member at Wealthy Affiliate. Success depends solely on the individual and how they implement their work effort. If the college student skips going to a majority of off-hours college parties and uses that time to learn and grow their online business, those are the college students that will be making extra money in college and graduating with a safety net of their own online business.