Why People Fail to Make Money Online – The Answer is Easy
There are a ton of work from home online opportunities on the internet and frankly many of them are quite misleading if not a down right scam. It may make you wonder why people fail to make money online and the answer could be something simple. I’ll explain it in more detail below.
Do not play follow the leader
I have reviewed many kinds of opportunities for making money online, and most of them have a set formula for one to follow in order to achieve success. Unfortunately for many who follow this path, they wind up not succeeding in anything but wasting time and money.
There will be people and so called gurus who will claim that the reason people fail at making money on the internet is that they did not try hard enough. This is only slightly true but in most cases what these people have to follow is doomed to fail from the very beginning.
Most times when there is a system that you need to follow exactly or as close as possible, this is a set up for many people to fail. If an opportunity does not have some kind of flexibility, there is not room for people to expand their possibilities. In essence you become a follower instead of a leader.
Necessity is the mother of invention
What if I told you that there was a way for you to make a full time income from home and even more than full time without ever having to get dressed? You would not have to leave your house or even meet anyone face to face. Heck you would not have to meet anyone, but where is the fun in that?
You would not be required to buy any products or even sell any products, yet would get paid at any time during the day or night by real companies you have actually heard of and even shopped at. These companies all have a need, they need ordinary people like you to help them make money and they will pay you for your efforts.
Back when the internet was young these companies, and there are thousands of them, had a necessity that needed to be filled and the invention was called Affiliate Marketing. This form of legitimate online marketing is quite simple. Just promote the company’s products and they pay you a commission for it.

In Affiliate Marketing you get paid to promote, not sell, other people’s products.
With flexibility comes creativity
One of the great things about this kind of marketing is the flexibility one has in choosing the products they wish to make money on. When a person has a choice in how they will earn revenue, it can spark different forms of creativity. You can then scale your business more easily than a business where you have to follow a set plan.
Imagine being able to choose the type of online marketing business that you wish to make money on. You do not need, nor should you want, some turn-key system that touts you can gain wealth through their system. If you cannot choose something that you enjoy you will lose interest pretty fast.
But if you were able to choose a hobby, an interest, or even a passion and be able to build a profitable business around it, why would someone else’s business plan be right for you? The obvious answer is that it would not be right for you because it does not offer any kind of flexibility in personal choice.
Instant results do not apply here
Okay, so I just mentioned one of the reasons why people fail when it comes to starting an online business, not having the flexibility to be creative in choosing their own path. But now I wish to touch on another reason why people fail, and I think this is a big league reason why people are not successful.
In this day and age of technology, people expect many things to be quick and instant. We now have the ability to instant message people from anywhere in the world. We can get in touch with friends and relatives at any time of the day and at any place from our smartphones. Things happen quickly now.
But when it comes to making money online in a new startup business, people seem to think that it too will be a quick endeavor. Is it because we are so accustom to having things done instantly or are our expectations too high? Regardless of the reason, success in an online business takes lots of time.
It is important that you set some smart goals when thinking of starting in an internet business of any kind. Realize that it will take you months before you even start to make money and plan for any problems that may come up. I personally gave myself six months to start making some money and did it in five.
You fail because you quit
How long does it take a person who just is learning to be a chef to open up their own restaurant? You may think that is an unfair comparison but it is still relevant to either succeeding or failure. If you were to look at all of the successful online entrepreneurs, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg and others, none of them made a lot of money right away.
Though they are billionaires now they were poor and struggling their first year or two of their online businesses. Why are they billionaires now? Because despite of the learning curve they had to go through and the countless days of setbacks, they have one thing in common – they did not quit.
If you want to know why people fail to make money online, even after choosing a proven opportunity like affiliate marketing, it is because they quit when the going gets tough. If you do not want to fail when starting your own internet business you MUST realize that this journey is a long-term endeavor.
Do yourself this favor
Being able to work from home in your PJs or whenever you wish to on your own time requires you to make a commitment and an investment in time and hard work. Do not get distracted by those online scam opportunities that say you can obtain great wealth with little time and effort.
Realize that success will come to you if you choose an online business that gives you the flexibility to create your own path. Success will also follow when you work hard, put in whatever time it takes to achieve your goals, to learn what is needed, and to apply what you learn.
Approach your future online success with long-term goals in mind, because if you think you can quickly achieve wealth as a short-term goal, you will be setting yourself up for a disappointment. Making a lot of money online takes time, just like it does in the offline world.
One more tip to save you aggravation
If you truly want to start your own online business do not wait until you are unemployed or almost out of money. Starting an internet marketing business at this stage in your life would make it close to impossible for you to achieve success. If you cannot give yourself at least a year on work and investment, success may not happen.
On this website I offer many ways to earn money online from home. I have tried the majority of these ways and can speak from experience. Though all have earned me money with a good amount of elbow grease, I would have to say that affiliate marketing is the easiest and most fun way.
Unlike direct sales and even drop shipping with wholesale suppliers, with affiliate marketing you do not have to sell anything. You also do not compete against the retail giants because you are actually their partners and they pay you to be their free affiliate.
To learn more about affiliate marketing and how you can make a full time income from it, check out my post on the easiest way to make money online. In this post I provide an example of an affiliate transaction I made money on, from a customer who purchased what I was promoting on Amazon.
I hope this post has helped you to realize that it is very much possible to succeed at earning a lot of money on the internet with your own business but only after you realize that this is a long-term journey. If you have any further questions, please leave it in the comments section below.
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Good Thought. This is good information for everyone who is doing some kind of working at home.
Thank you. When it comes to the real way that an online business is started, too many people think that they will get results quickly and easily. But starting an internet business, though it is easier today than it was 10 years ago, still takes time and effort.
Great post. I am currently relevantly new to affiliate marketing, and I am in the Wealthy Affiliate community. At certain times I often get discouraged and feel as if the best thing I can do is quit and act like I never tried. However, I realize that is NOT the way for me. No matter how down I may be feeling, I understand that sometimes patience is the biggest factor in success, hoping that I am right. Anyways, I will definitely be paying attention to these reasons as I do not want to be one of those people that quit, even though people around me doubt what I am doing. Thanks for sharing.
Every single successful online entrepreneur who operate a legitimate online business, has experienced those same discouraging feelings as you have. Starting, building, growing and operating any kind of business is not going to be a smooth operation. There will always be challenges, roadblocks and even failures. The ones who continue to overcome these and move forward will eventually achieve success.
The best thing you have going for you is being a member of the Wealthy Affiliate community. Not only do you have the absolute best online training in affiliate marketing, which is the easiest way to make money online, but you also have a huge amount of support from all of the other members going through the training as well as the owners and others like myself who have and are experiencing success.
This is so well written and speaks to many of the issues that abound when people start out on their journey to make money online. I think most people when first hearing about the work from home industry are taught that the millions will roll in quick and we all want to believe it! Of course, as my husband says…if that was true, everyone would be doing it!
I also like how you talked about the culture today and how everyone is used to getting things so quickly. With services such as Amazon Prime, one gets stuff delivered to their door in a crazy short amount of time!
Really well done. I’d love to have you as a guest poster sometime in the future 🙂
Thank you Marlena, I am happy you enjoyed the information I was sharing in this post.
Anyone who has the desire to start their own internet marketing or ecommerce business needs to fully understand that it will be a long term process. There has NEVER been a legitimate online business that has succeeded in making a lot of money within a year. The problem most people encounter is their false belief that the money will come rolling in quickly.
Only those with a true desire to be their own boss and work from the comfort of their own home, who are willing to do what it takes and as long as it takes, will experience success. There is nothing in life that turns out to be a long-term endeavor, that can be started and accomplished quickly. Everything takes a learning process and the implementation of what is learned before success can be obtained.
Got the point that we should anticipate working for a long term consistently and not quit until reach the goals. And we should choose to work in something we enjoy much to get success.The tittle of this article is intriguing, I learnt much from this.
I am happy you were able to learn much from this post Melani. There has never been an internet marketer who has ever become financially successful without putting in a lot of time, effort and determination. Having a no-quit attitude will go far in getting you to achieve your goals.
Wow you really hit the nail on the head! I find myself growing impatient and wanting to give up when I think about making money online but your article really made me think about the instant gratification we are so used to nowadays. Thanks! I will try and stick it out and be patient.
The preconceived notion that making a lot of money online is both easy and quick has been a problem with the approach many take when trying to make money from home online. Instant gratification only works for certain kinds of technologies in this day and age. It does not work when earning a lot of money in an internet marketing business. Steady effort and patience will always produce great results. A person’s mindset should always be that they will achieve their goals no matter how long it takes.
I like the thought of making money online, but the problem for me has always been knowing what system or program to trust. I stopped trusting anything I read, but when you tell me that I can put forth the effort and see results, I am certainly intrigued. I’ll keep an eye on your offer. Thanks for the info.
As someone who has successfully made money online for about 17 years now, the ONLY system, program and way to trust is a good solid work effort. Those that take the time to learn the proper steps, then apply those steps with a website, and is patient in seeing the results, will experience success eventually. That is the only system I know of that works.