How to Start an Online Business for Free
I am going to tell you how to start an online business for free, then how to grow and run it for less than $50 per month. I’ve done this for 4 years and it was the best decision I ever made back in August 2013. With all of the make money from home online scams out there, I truly have found the opportunity that really works.
A Needle in a Haystack
Have you ever searched online for a way to start your own online business from home, but everything would cost you money to begin? Now logically it is impossible to build any business without some form of investment. However this is where the scam programs will take advantage of you and the opportunity I am offering will not.
The one characteristic that practically every work from home scam has, is that they make you think that starting and running a profitable online business is easy, fast, yet fairly costly with additional upsells in training courses. I am here to say that they are wrong. The only thing that is partially true is the easy part, but this only happens after some training.
The opportunity I am offering here is 100% FREE to start, learn, build and host one or two fully functional WordPress websites without programming them. In addition you will get 10 lessons on how to make money with these websites and how to rank highly in Google. This legitimate opportunity is truly a needle in a haystack full of online scams.
Work When and Where you Want
Think of how it would feel to not have to be part of the rat race anymore. No more waking up early to catch the bus or train to work. No more sitting in rush hour traffic going to and from work anymore. When you have the ability to work full-time at home on your own schedule, do you know what that gives you? Freedom!
When you are in total control of how, when and where you can make money, it gives you freedom to spend more time with family and friends. When you have the ability to work from home, you no longer have to spend money commuting to and from work in the form of gasoline, tolls, bus, and train fares. And if you are like me, you will save money on eating lunch because you can make your own.
My favorite part of working my own business from home other than the saving of money commuting to and from a job where I make someone else rich, is waking up when I want and even being able to work while still in bed. I have Wi-Fi in my home so I can use my laptop and tablet wherever I want. In this type of online business, all you need is a computer and an internet connection.
Where is This Opportunity and the Cost?
Starting your online business is totally free, you only have to provide a valid email address to begin, so don’t even think you will need a credit card. Then once you create your free membership you can go through the easy text and video training at your own speed. When you decide it is time to upgrade to the most you will ever spend it will cost you $19 for the first month and $49 every month afterwards.
The name of this opportunity program is Wealthy Affiliate (WA). They truly are in a class by themselves. No other work from home opportunity will give you so much resources, help and training for free. At WA you can operate your full time online business for $49 per month and this price includes EVERYTHING you will need, except $1.18 for a domain name and your determination.
Make Money Online Without Selling Your Own Products
With many of the online scams, they want you to think that you need products to make money, but this is untrue. Yes you can make money online without selling your own products. Matter of fact, you don’t have to buy any products either! All you have to do is provide information on any kind of product you have a passion or an interest in. It could be anything like making money playing video games or how to lose weight while juicing. Or for example, in the 5-steps below, let us say you like iPhones.
- You do some research and write a review on your website about an iPhone 6.
- At the end of the review you place an ad for an iPhone 6 being sold on Amazon.
- Now someone searches on Google for information on an iPhone 6, they click on your review.
- At the end of your review they click on your ad and purchase the iPhone 6 from Amazon.
- After Amazon ships the iPhone they pay you a commission on the total sale.
And that is the simple process to make money in Affiliate Marketing with practically every company that sells products online. Now you may be saying to yourself, I have never heard of this kind of marketing before, let alone major companies practicing it. Well it is true and every picture below is a screenshot of a major retail company’s affiliate marketing link.
Affiliate Marketing Programs of Famous Retailers

Thousands of Online Retailers like Apple iTunes have Affiliate Programs.
One of the features that people are attracted to when it comes to affiliate marketing is that you do not have to purchase or sell any products to make money. As long as you have a website or blog, you can do affiliate marketing and have it work for you while you sleep. Once you have a website set up with a bunch of content on what you are promoting, it can become passive income for years to come.

Write about and promote products sold by major companies and get paid
There are tens of thousands of companies that sell online and the majority of them have affiliate programs where they will pay you a commission for sending them customers from the promotions you do on your website. As seen in the above and below pictures, these are just a few of the companies both large and small that partake in affiliate marketing.

Approximately 80% of all companies that sell online will pay you for sending them customers.
Unlike other forms of internet marketing businesses, affiliate marketing basically will run itself 24/7 and 365 days per year, all without you having to buy or sell any products. As I described above in the 5-steps on how you could make money promoting an iPhone 6, once that promotion is live on the internet there is nothing more you need to do to make money on it. It will sell itself!

Even the largest sports manufacturer in the world will pay you in their affiliate program
Passive Income for the Long Haul
The definition of Passive Income is “an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. It is closely related to the concept of unearned income”. This is the kind of income anyone can make with a successful affiliate marketing website. Wouldn’t you like to make money on auto-pilot from just promoting and writing about things you like?
Because affiliate marketing websites in various niche markets are extremely easy to set up with the help of the Wealthy Affiliate training and website building resources, many affiliate marketers have more than one affiliate marketing website making them money. Like I said above, once your website is set up, has the written content of what you are promoting, and has ads, it will sell itself 24/7/365.
This gives you the freedom of available time to create other passive income opportunities through other types of niche markets. Those who engage in affiliate marketing online never really have to deal with any products or customers. Just promote products and services you like on your website and the rest, including you getting paid, happens automatically.
How to Start an Online Business for Free
Despite what all of these other work from home online opportunities claim, remember that you can start your training and the foundation building of your online business with major online retailers for ZERO dollars only at Wealthy Affiliate. Then when it comes time to upgrade the most you will ever have to spend will be $49.00 per month.
The majority of online scams will charge you an upsell of about $99 plus, and then will make you think that if you invest hundreds of dollars more for advanced training, that you will be able to make more money. That is TOTAL BS! This is how the majority of the scams rip you off. They want you to believe that you need to spend more to make more.
At Wealthy Affiliate that will NEVER happen because frankly, there is no proof that spending hundreds of dollars will make you more money in the long run. For 10 solid years WA has never changed their prices and has continued to create very successful online entrepreneurs in the $1,000,000,000.00 per year online affiliate marketing industry.

Affiliate Marketing online is mainly operated by work from home individuals.
You Have Nothing to Lose and Much to Gain
The only way you will ever become a successful work from home online entrepreneur is to have the determination to become successful. Starting an online business of your own will take plenty of time and hard work. Achieving success is cumulative in nature, meaning that what you succeed in doing now will pay off in the future.
Too many people are under the impression that online success is quick and lucrative, when in actuality it is slow and lucrative. The one thing to notice is that it IS lucrative but only after you put in several months of effort. Every single successful online entrepreneur, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg and others all became extremely wealthy after many years of hard work.
By joining Wealthy Affiliate you will not only have everything you could possibly need for success, except your determination, but you will also have the ability to start your own online business and the training to succeed for FREE! By spending zero dollars you have nothing to lose and much to gain in the start of a rewarding online business. Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate and let me help you succeed today! Just click on the Wealthy Affiliate University banner above right and follow the onscreen instructions. Leave any of your comments below. Home JobsVideoaffiliate marketing,wealthy affiliate,work at home jobs
Hi Robert,
I’m a work at home mom and already have many open & ready to use wholesale/dropship suppliers. I see how they all provide different options for using their product(ie. simple copy/paste products/descriptions, download files, push button to a platform, or offer turnkey sites already set up for use) Can you tell me if there are any “tools” (?) or “software” that are either free or don’t cost as much as what I’m finding, or are they all expensive?
All REAL wholesale drop shippers are free to use. If you are being asked to pay a membership fee to use their service, then do not join them because they are not legit wholesalers and you will more than likely lose money with them. However in order to find legitimate free drop shipping wholesale suppliers will take some days of research.
This can be done by yourself if you know where and what to look for or you could use a resource directory of all certified free suppliers. Check out a blog I recently wrote on this particular subject at this link here.
Hi Robert great site
I know this will sound like a silly question but once you join as a free member of WA can you earn commission from your referrals or do you need to upgrade first?
Hello Stephen,
Yes, a free member can earn commissions from referrals. Once you upgrade the amount of the commission doubles. Example, a free member will earn a $11.75 commission per referral and a paid premium member will earn a $23.50 commission.
Hi there! I have no experience with the working from home but willing to learn! I have a smartphone and always have plenty of data, I have computer literature, and MS Word so if there is a work for me from home, to make money online, I would appreciate it!
All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and the desire to learn how it is done. The training is super easy and you do not need to know a lot about computers. If you can log on to the internet, follow step by step instuctions that are also shown to you on videos, and ask any questions you have so you don’t get stuck in your progress, you will do just fine. I know people in their 60s and 70s with no experience in computers who have created their own online businesses using this easy online training.
The best part is you do not need any experience to start and the first 10 lessons are absolutely free. To begin you will need to create your free starter membership. Again, no experience or credit card is required. Just click on the picture of the roll of One Dollar bill money up above on the right under the words “Be your own boss now!” Once you join, just click the green button and follow instructions. I will also send you a message to your profile screen that will help to get you started and I will also answer any questions you may have, you just have to ask.
All the best,
Hello! Does this program work for spanish speaking people? I’m from Mexico and interested in something like this, but I suppose that all the affiliates come from english speaking companies, right? Thanks!
Yes Jessika, this program works for Spanish speaking people. It will work in any language because the concept is practiced all over the world and in every country. The only thing that is in English is the training program itself. But you can create your own website promoting products from any affiliate in the world and write your website content in Spanish. I know a woman from Colombia who created a website on raw fruit and vegetable diets and made the website all in Spanish. She even found some Spanish affiliates to use.
Hi Robert,
This is Barbara aka bjdluna from WA. I’m trying to sign up for the paid viewpoint surveys but the phone number that it tells you to call or send a text to is no longer in service. Do you have an up to date phone number for this product? I would like to sign up since it pays every time.
I really like your site it’s really well done!
Thanks very much,
Thank you Barbara! I contacted PaidViewpoint about their phone problem and they advised me to tell you to contact them directly via their email support ticket and they will help you out. For security reasons they would not give the number to me.
To start your own affiliate marketing business has many advantages. Work when you want to, from where ever you want to but the big one for me is the overall freedom. You are in charge… and to be able to get started for free… well that would not happen with a brick and mortal business that`s for sure. Like you say you have very little to loose…
I enjoyed the article,
I agree with you Vicky. It is impossible to start a brick and mortar business on a $0.00 investment, or even a $47.00 per month investment. But for this reason and many others, is why I fully stand behind what Wealthy Affiliate is all about. Learning the correct way to make money from home online and not go broke at the same time. And I too like the freedom it gives me. Right now it is in the early morning hours and I am wide awake because I took a nap in the afternoon. There is not many, if any, businesses that allow you to take a nap during the afternoon and then work when you want. But with affiliate marketing you can work whenever and wherever you want. Now that is freedom!
The way that you describe all the benefits of how to start an online business for free and working from home, make me feel so excited, I just want to get going and be there! Over the years I, and I’m sure many people, have wasted loads of money on work from home scams. These experiences make one very weary of taking a chance with what might be yet another scam, but you make me just want to get going with Wealthy Affiliate! As you so accurately put it, finding a legitimate, free to start, honest online home business is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Well done! You have found that needle and generously share your knowledge with the masses of work from home wannabees.
Thank you John! It makes perfect sense to me that if something I know of will actually work and not scam people out of whatever little money they have left after being scammed by so many others, than not only am I going to share the opportunity but also the warnings of how these scams suck people in. Like you and many others, I wasted so much money on bogus do nothing pograms that only made the people who made the program rich.
Wealthy Affiliate is different! They give you the education, the tools, the websites, the resources, the community help and support 24/7, and all that is required is your hard work and dedication to succeed. If you do not put in the time to make anything work in life, you will never succeed at reaching you goal.
Hi Robert, great article!
That opportunity is tailor-made for me. I have looked for an opportunity to start my own business, to be my own boss, with very small investment for quite some time and doing it through Wealthy Affiliate seems to be an amazing opportunity.
Definitely have to check out the article on making money from video games too.
The Wealthy Affiliate program is perfect for anyone Cevin, regardless of where they live or educational background, because it is designed in such a way that a newbie can understand it and benefit from it. Anyone who claims that you need to invest a lot of money to start an online business is not telling the truth. I started with $0.00 and only invested $47.00 per month and now I work from home on a full-time basis.
If you like video games, especially Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, then you will love my post called how to make money playing video games at home. In it I have two videos of the game being played and give examples of how anyone could play the video games they like and make a full-time business writing reviews and making videos of the games they just played. I hope you enjoy it.
Great article. I did a good job recommending WA and affiliate marketing to people. I agree with Steen as well, there’s way too many people thinking that they’ll start earning hundreds after a month of work. You have to have a dedication for this type of work – there are no shorcuts to success.
Exactly Julius! The secret to making money online requires an education in how it is legitimately done and constant dedication on the part of the individual to bring it all to pass. Absolutely NO ONE has ever become rich quick online within a month or even a few. That is not how it works and anyone who claims that it does is a total scam artist. Unfortunately there are so many of them out there and they give a bad reputation to the legitimate programs that actually do work. There is a saying, Being broke is hard, being wealthy is hard. Choose your hard.
I think we all fear being cheated. But in most cases, so is the desire for quick success unfortunately much greater than common sense. I consider it to do business as a contest and I serve as a measure of how well I cope in the competition. What you learn in WA can be used for much more than just affiliate marketing. For me it is the most powerful educational platform I have ever met online perhaps also offline. Steen
I agree Steen. Many people expect to see quick results for success but fail to realize that in order to achieve success you have to build up a foundation from which that success can get a starting point at.
As you have said, what anyone will learn at Wealthy Affiliate is much more than affiliate marketing but will include sensible and realistic online business projections for success. Those who take the neccessary time of years and not months to achieve success will always find it. Those who are impatient will always fail at achieving success online in their own online business.