Is GoFounders and ONPASSIVE a Scam – In My Opinion YES
I have exposed online scams like CGP, MOBE and others on this website. Today I will answer the question, is GoFounders and OnPassive a scam? Most times I will join money making opportunities to see first hand what is going on, but this time there were way too many Red Flags.
NOTE: This is an in-depth review revealing lots of facts and food for thought.
If you are thinking of joining GoFounders – DON’T – Read what I have found
My first experience with being my own boss was when I joined Amway in the early 1980s shortly after I graduated high school. My sister was already making money and she recruited me when I expressed an interest. I knew at a young age that becoming a success would take time.
She mentored me in how Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) worked and how I needed to understand the process so I could build a sales team. At first I found it exciting but quickly learned that not everyone would want to be a sales person. I struggled and didn’t make as much as I spent.
I eventually quit and started a career in software, but I still had that desire to be my own boss. This time it was 2001 and the internet was the way to earn a lucrative income. One thing that has never changed and never will is the amount of effort you have to put in to be successful.
Fast forward 12 years and I started this website where I help people to avoid scams and offer legitimate online job opportunities. Then one day a couple of my Facebook friends tried to get me to join ONPASSIVE. It sounded a little too good to be true so I decided to do some research.
At first there wasn’t much to see. What was visible looked promising but wasn’t enough to make me want to join. Even though the raves of the ONPASSIVE compensation plan by my Facebook friends sounded great, I know from experience to never let money be the sole reason for joining.
Recently I did a Google search and went to the ONPASSIVE website. I was impressed with the graphics but its initial message was a BIG Red Flag. It said, “100% Hands Free Completely Done-For-You Automated Online Success”, which sounded a lot like what MOBE had claimed.
Many scams use the terms “Hands Free” and “Done-For-You”
Even though certain aspects of building and achieving your online success can be automated by using certain building tools, there is no such a thing as “completely done-for-you.” Every time I have seen an online income at home opportunity make that claim, it has been a scam.
Building a business of any kind takes lots of work on your part, there is no getting around that. Just because ONPASSIVE is touting the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), does not mean they have a cutting edge ahead of the curve business building platform. Their website is proof of that.
Have you noticed everything I’ve said so far is about ONPASSIVE and not GoFounders? That’s because ONPASSIVE is the product that GoFounders are and will be promoting. It has been in pre-launch for 2 years, yet they have a live website where GoFounders is listed as a product.
If ONPASSIVE is supposed to be “The Best AI Platform for Business” as their website claims in a Google search, then why would GoFounders be one of its products? Another Red Flag, see image below. Perhaps the ONPASSIVE website is being used as a funnel to build GoFounders?

Is the ONPASSIVE website really just a funnel for GoFounders?
If that is so, why bait people with all of these hyped-up non-information videos of products that haven’t been developed yet just so they can join GoFounders? I clicked to register and I then got a really simple looking signup page that didn’t seem to fit the slickness look of the website.
I was finding more Red Flags with ONPASSIVE and GoFounders
Now I go back to the ONPASSIVE side of the website since accessing GoFounders is a no-go and look to see if I can find out who owns these companies. I come across success story testimonials. How can you have success stories of a product that hasn’t been launched yet?
That is really strange so I read the five that are posted. I see three of them giving thanks to Ash Mufareh. Whoa! BIG Red Flag with that name! Do you know who Ash (short for Ashraf) Mufareh is? He has been involved with different work at home endeavors that have been shut down as ponzi schemes.
In 2010 Mufareh started a recruitment-based matrix scheme called AshMax. That endeavor didn’t last long. In 2012 he became involved with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax. TelexFree had legal troubles in Brazil. In 2014 the SEC shut it down revealing TelexFree U.S. investors lost in excess of $3 Billion.
A couple of years later Ash Mufareh became involved with another ponzi scheme based out of Brazil called PayDiamonds. That endeavor didn’t last long either and in mid-2018 it was closed down. This is when Ashraf Mufareh started ONPASSIVE. His track record speaks for itself. Would you trust him this time?
Now he has started ONPASSIVE as this new money making AI infused MLM with an incredibly lucrative four tier 3×10 matrix compensation plan. I was impressed with the figures as shown in the below image. Who doesn’t like seeing big dollar earnings in a “100% Hands Free” system?

The four level 3×10 matrix GoFounders / ONPASSIVE Compensation Plan
I found it to be smoke & mirrors with vague and empty information
First off, to their credit, the GoFounders promoting ONPASSIVE will at times say that the dollar amounts are examples of what “could” be earned and that ONPASSIVE does not promise anything. Even at the bottom of the compensation plan image there is a disclosure in fine print.
The Disclosure says…
- DISCLAIMER: Earnings vary depending on each individual affiliate effort.
- The Income Claims presented are not intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead they are designed to give you an idea of what’s possible.
- As with any business, success with ONPASSIVE requires Hard Work, Commitment, Leadership & Desire.
That is a good way to cover yourself, like the drug companies do when they rattle off all of the negative side effects of the drug they are trying to sell you. Put an income disclosure in fine print that most people will not take the time to look at and spend 99% of the time hyping the product.
For the past year I have been keeping tabs on the supposed progress of both ONPASSIVE and GoFounders, reading blogs and watching videos. The information in some of the blogs written mostly by Jeffrey Morlock tend to be wordy and not very clear as to how things will work.
As for the videos, these are mainly done by a man named Mike Ellis of ONPASSIVE Nation. I have also seen other videos by Mike Williams and Marty Degarmo. It seems that the videos by Mike Ellis are the most hyped up positive and motivational ones I have seen. He is good!
ONPASSIVE Nation is one of the original teams set up by Mike Ellis as a GoFounder. Another original team I have kept tabs on is by Jeffrey Morlock of ONPASSIVE United. Where Mike is more motivational, Jeffrey explains the technical aspects quite well in his southern accent.
The reason it has taken me a year to write this ONPASSIVE GoFounders scam review is because of the videos Mike & Jeffrey put out. Like I said, both are good at communicating. If I didn’t have a keen sense in spotting opportunities that could be scams, I would have joined.
More scammy Red Flags are revealed
Seeing how the ONPASSIVE and GoFounders domain names were first registered in mid 2018, I started reading the blogs promoting this vague opportunity in March 2019. At first all of my scam senses were going off every time I read blogs or watched videos from other GoFounders.
Normally whether an MMO (Make Money Online) opportunity is legit or not, there will be at least some transparency as to who the owner is beyond just a name. Absolutely none of the ONPASSIVE videos will show footage of Ash Mufareh. Below is a video from his YouTube channel.
You would think that if someone was creating the next best thing, that person would want to get out there and promote his new creation. He wouldn’t have to reveal it all but at least make yourself known. Every online opportunity has the owner pitching his or her new product.
David Wood and David Sharpe, owners of Empower Network and Matt Lloyd owner of MOBE were transparent. Steven Bransfield owner of Rookie Profit System and Shaqir Hussyin owner of Wealth Academy is transparent. Why is Ashraf Mufareh hiding from public view?
Common sense and logic will tell you to never join a program where you have to pay them, if there is no way to hear from the owner / creator. Ash Mufareh is like the wizard behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Everyone has heard of him, yet no one has seen him.
I had seen a video on YouTube entitled “ONPASSIVE Bangalore Office Inauguration.” It was an office building in India with about 24 people sitting within the various wide open areas of the building. In the beginning of the video you see an ONPASSIVE sign next to the front desk.
After filming the sign there are scenes of the area outside, then a close up of the outside entrance, and a shot of that same front desk. But wait! Where did the ONPASSIVE sign go? It is almost like the sign footage was added to the beginning of the video like an ad teaser.
When you look at the footage again of the scene outside the building at its front entrance you notice that it says 91 Springboard, which has several locations. 91 Springboard is a coworking office building and here is a link to the exact address where ONPASSIVE claims to be located.
============ AN EX-GOFOUNDER COMPLAINT #1 ============
The way this video is filmed is more like a marketing promotion for 91 Springboard, a shared coworking community of startups, freelancers and business owners with a startup mindset. If the ONPASSIVE India HQ is really here, it is in a confined area of the entire shared office building.
Though the address stated in the above image taken from Google says 4th Floor, the video ONPASSIVE is promoting as their India HQ shows more than just one floor. It’s like Ashraf or whomever wants you to think ONPASSIVE is the entire shared coworking office building.
FACTS about the ONPASSIVE HQ in Orlando Florida – NOT THERE
Since it is hard for me being in the U.S. to check the residents of the office building in India, I am able to check those of the office building in Orlando, Florida where ONPASSIVE claims to have their U.S. headquarters. In fact I already have checked and ONPASSIVE is not in that building.
NOTE: Ash Mufareh has also registered another Orlando, FL address for ONPASSIVE that is not the same as this office building. This other address is, 9924 Universal Blvd., 224-320, Orlando, FL 32819. When you Google that address it comes up as The UPS Store.
The videos of the India HQ and the Florida HQ are both promotional videos of available office spaces and not owned or leased spaces for ONPASSIVE. Anyone living in or at least familiar with Orlando, could very easily locate this office building. It is unique in its look and style.

An aerial view of an office building in Orlando, FL where ONPASSIVE claims is their U.S. HQ
Ash Mufareh is going to great lengths to make ONPASSIVE seem like it’s growing into an IT tech giant, yet it suffers from a lack of quality control. Example, the video says “In the heart of Disney Land.” First, Disneyland is one word and in California not Florida where Disney World is.
It is often said, when you want to create a facade, an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality, you will go to great lengths to achieve hiding your lie. If you are a GoFounder and visit Orlando, FL, see for yourself. Here is the address.

ONPASSIVE claims this is their “New State of the Art Office” in Orlando, FL. But it’s not. Go see for yourself.
Go to the front reception desk and ask which floor or suite belongs to ONPASSIVE or Ashraf Mufareh or GoFounders. I bet they will say, ‘Sorry, but we have no tenants with those names.’ I had a GoFounders member tell me on social media that they were in Suites 500-525. I checked the registry and they are not.
WAKE UP! This company is nowhere near being an AI IT giant like Google or Facebook. UPDATE: Now, July 7th, 2020, they are claiming that they are in an ONPASSIVE Soft Launch testing phase, but even that hasn’t launched yet. The “Launch to the World” goal posts keep moving with this company = BIG RED FLAG!
ONPASSIVE in Pre-Launch for 2 years – ANOTHER RED FLAG
The claims ONPASSIVE is making about being the best AI driven IT company to help you take your business to the next level, is bogus. Within two years they have collected at least $97.00 from every GoFounder that joined this “pie-in-the-sky” scam. How many GoFounders are there?
I have heard Jeffrey Morlock say in an April 2020 YouTube video there are at least 60,000 worldwide members. Ash Mufareh and probably those immediate members under him like Mike E., Mike W., Marty, Jeffrey and others must be making some money from this pyramid scheme.
Do the math. If GoFounders has at least 60,000 members who each spent $97.00, that is an income of at least $5,820,000.00 earned. Where has that money gone & when is launch? Has any of the GoFounder members been paid from this or only the big guys at the top like Ashraf Mufareh?
============ AN EX-GOFOUNDER COMPLAINT #2 ============
I bet some of that money is going into growing this ONPASSIVE facade with all of these slick motivational videos and blogs meant to capture those who do not know any better. I am sure those at the top just under Ash are going along with this charade just so they can get paid.
You would think that within two years, ONPASSIVE would have way more products available. They promote this ONPASSIVE EcoSystem of IT products that is supposed to be so revolutionary, yet anyone outside of GoFounders can get these for a lot less money, even free.
The ONPASSIVE EcoSystem of products
When you watch the videos and read the blogs of GoFounders promoting this so called money making opportunity, they talk about all of these great internet marketing IT and AI products ONPASSIVE will have. In the video below, Jeffrey Morlock explains what this EcoSystem is.
Oh LOOK what Jeffrey Morlock did. He deleted the video on the FAKE EcoSystem.
There really is nothing special that ONPASSIVE is offering from a technical aspect. Even if it does “launch to the world” as Mike Ellis says in his videos, the AI-driven technology products being offered will face stiff competition from products already in use for far less money.
Right now the only thing attractive about the opportunity is its claim of being “100% Hands Free Completely Done-For-You Automated Online Success” and the earnings in the compensation plan. If you apply some simple logic to their claim against your actions, it contradicts itself.
100% Hands Free Completely Done-For-You Automated Online Success
If that statement were true, why are GoFounders required to build teams? The GoFounders will be quick to say that ONPASSIVE is an IT company and not an MLM. If that is true, why is a matrix-based multi-level compensation plan used to build a team? Those are MLM hallmarks!

Sure looks like an MLM pyramid shape to me.
There are way too many RED FLAGS with this pyramid-shaped money making program that are screaming SCAM to me. This is my opinion from years of looking into and exposing scams after I myself became scammed. I would not recommend joining this because of all these Red Flags.
TWO YEARS and ONPASSIVE has yet to launch? Are all of you GoFounders making any money? I have been seeing more and more ex-GoFounders posting complaints of this being a scam and even Mike and Jeffrey are starting to address the doubts of certain members.
I have been earning an income on the internet for almost 20 years. NEVER has there been an opportunity that will do all the work for you. Yes, you can make a boat load of money marketing or recommending other people’s products online, I explain how below, but you must always put in a solid effort.
People ask me, what is My answer is, from everything I’ve seen in my opinion, it looks like a scam. I have posted images of comments from ex-GoFounders claiming that ONPASSIVE is a scam. Here is a link to the YouTube Channel of another ex-GoFounder.
As I have said, I have been keeping tabs and watching the videos of both Mike Ellis, Jeffrey Morlock and others for more than a year and they keep hyping the opportunity and saying this and that are only weeks and months away, but time goes by and NOTHING happens!
Even though GoFounders have said that ONPASSIVE products can be sold as retail, when? And how can a GoFounder sell them if ONPASSIVE has yet to go live? Too much information I’ve revealed in this review just doesn’t pass the smell test. If you want to waste $97, go ahead.
A recap of the RED FLAGS
Currently the way the compensation plan is set up you will make money from the sales and accepted invitations of others in your team below you. If making money only comes from the recruitment of others into your team, according to the FTC this is a clear pyramid scheme.
Though that alone should be enough to make those thinking of joining to rethink their choice, below is a listing of the Red Flags I uncovered in my year long investigation. Is GoFounders a scam? Is ONPASSIVE a Scam? I believe so, but you be the judge after reading my proof here.
- Owner Ashraf (Ash) Mufareh has had at least three prior scam companies
- The majority of GoFounders have never met or talked with Ash
- There is not one single video of Ash promoting his new company
- Ash is like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, hiding his true identity
- Top GoFounders say that Ash went to Harvard yet his LinkedIn profile says different

If Ash Mufareh went to Harvard as claimed by Jeffrey Morlock & Mike Ellis, why didn’t Ash say so here?
- Currently GoFounders is listed as a “Product” on the ONPASSIVE website
- ONPASSIVE has been in Pre-Launch for more than 2 years
- ONPASSIVE is not live to the world, yet their website is live to recruit GoFounders
- Five Success Stories posted to the website for a product not yet live to the world
- The Florida mailing address for ONPASSIVE is located within a UPS shipping store
- The Orlando, FL ONPASSIVE HQ is in a office building they are not a tenant of
- The ONPASSIVE HQ in India is at 91 Springboard, a shared coworking building
- 100% Hands Free Completely Done-For-You, yet you must work hard to succeed
- 60,000 paid GoFounders at $97 each = $5,820,000, no GoFounders have made money
- ONPASSIVE has no retail products for sale even though they claim that they have some
- A Pre-Launch Marketing Campaign for end of March 2020, still NOTHING in May 2020
- Jeffrey of ONPASSIVE United team keeps moving the goalposts of upcoming events
- Mike of ONPASSIVE Nation team keeps quoting Ash, yet Ash says nothing publicly
- ONPASSIVE and GoFounders complaints are growing, complaints sent to the FTC
============ AN EX-GOFOUNDER COMPLAINT #3 ============
Still not convinced of the GoFounders Scam? Here’s an Aug 2020 update
Since the publishing of this GoFounders ONPASSIVE Scam review at the end of May 2020, many ex-members are speaking out on how this is a fraud and people should not join it. I have provided more than enough evidence as proof to answer the questions, is GoFounders a scam and is ONPASSIVE a scam?
With many members jumping ship, Ash Mufareh in early July announced that a Soft Launch was going to happen soon. Mike Ellis in one of his weekly video updates, first said it would happen in a few days if not within hours. Then in another video changed the time to soon.

Will the OnPassive Soft Launch happen at the end of Sept 2020?
Everything is ALWAYS soon with this fake opportunity. So now, August 30, 2020 I am watching a video by Jeffrey Morlock where he says he was told that ONPASSIVE will launch in 2020 and the Beta Campaign (Soft-Launch) will be 60-90 days. Only 123 days left in 2020.
Let’s see if it will really happen. Mr. Morlock thinks it will be end of September to accommodate for the 90-days. If it’s 60-days then end of October 2020. Do you seriously believe any of this nonsense? I certainly do not! What does Ash Mufareh look like when he gets called out on a Live video?
There are far better options to make money at home
I have provided you with a lot of information based on facts from my year-long investigation, from complaints of former GoFounders, and from common sense logic on how REAL online marketing businesses work. I don’t do scam reviews too often unless they are obvious.
It is hard not to see that both GoFounders and ONPASSIVE have way too many Red Flags for anyone to believe this company is legit. I know there will be many who have drank the Kool-Aid that will say I am wrong. That is fine. You are entitled to your opinion just as I am to mine.
However, if you can honestly justify any of the Red Flags for not joining GoFounders I have listed above, leave those comments below. If you are looking for a real legitimate money making opportunity you can do from home that will give you a good return on your investment, I have options.
You can do what I do. I make money doing e-commerce drop shipping from one of my websites, I write content for other websites, and I get paid by major retailers like Amazon, Target, Apple, Walmart and others for just recommending their products in my blogs and on social media.
That last way of making money is my favorite because it requires NO recruiting teams, NO buying and NO selling. I just provide information about a product or service, direct my readers to where they can purchase said items, and the retailer pays me a commission. Passive Income!
A FUN way to earn an income that you choose
This form of marketing is known as online Affiliate Marketing and it is the only type of marketing that real well-known brand named companies and retailers will associate with. I list various kind of affiliate program opportunities on this website. Just click on the “Money Making Ideas” tab above.
Many of the products that ONPASSIVE claims to be in their EcoSystem is already a functioning part of the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) affiliate marketing training platform. In fact WA members learn how to harness the AI technology on Google and social media platforms.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches real profitable Affiliate Marketing. GoFounders and ONPASSIVE is offering an un-proven MLM scheme. You can see in the above Live Google Trends Graph at how much more popular Affiliate Marketing is compared to Multi-Level Marketing.
Do you really want to spend $97 to hold your place in a company that shows no sign of ever launching and waste your time waiting for false income? Or would you like to try Wealthy Affiliate for a 100% FREE, No Obligation, 10 Lesson Course on affiliate marketing?
If you like what you learn and enjoy building your first website within minutes, you can pay only $49 per month for additional training, tools, websites, hosting and support. If affiliate marketing is not for you, you do not have to continue, no money is needed to start for free.
NO hype and plenty of transparency
Unlike ONPASSIVE and GoFounders, Wealthy Affiliate has been in business since 2005, steadily creating five, six and seven figure income marketers. The owners as well as all of the approximate 1,000,000 worldwide members are available for mentoring and questions.
How much you can earn and how soon depends solely on your ability to learn the proper steps and implement those steps. I’ll be honest with you. It will take you about six months of consistent learning and building to start earning money. The more you do the more you make.
Considering all of the time wasted by those who have joined GoFounders and ONPASSIVE and have earned absolutely nothing, taking about six months to start seeing a return on your investment is well worth the wait. At least you will have an actual online business within months.
Regardless of whether you join GoFounders, Wealthy Affiliate or neither, always make sure that if you are required to pay for a money making opportunity, that you do your research. For those of you who do not know what to look for, I help you by doing the research for you here.
If you are a former GoFounders member and you would like to share your story and complaint to help warn others about this scheme, please leave you comments below. Help me to make the internet safer by exposing scams and offering legitimate jobs that can be done from home.
My brother recommended I might like this website.
He was once entirely right. This submit truly made my day.
You cann’t consider just how a lot time I had spent for this information! Thanks!
You are welcome.
very good logical review. just a spell check on speach should be speech.
will check out your affiliate marketing
Thank you Mark.
Thanks for sharing good information about the GoFounders and ONPASSIVE Scam. It was clear,concise and helpful for various issues.
You are welcome. I am happy it was helpful to you. I will check out your website info too.
To be frank, when I first heard of this program, my thought was that they offer legit services but I did not put any effort to sign up to them. I’m glad that scam companies like this are being known, and the more people are aware of how scammish they are, the more they are at the end of closing down their website. We really need to be careful especially with our friends or family unknowingly introducing us to something that may cost us our money or time. Thanks for this review.
A majority of people who have come across this company think that it is a legitimate place to earn passive income. However it is not. Unless people do their due diligence to find out the truth, that OnPassive is a scam and that none of its GoFounders have made any money in the two years the company has been in pre-launch, they will get ripped off of their $97 sign-in fee. This is why I dig deep into scam operations like this so that people do not have to.
A program and product whose owner cannot identify fully with their product and whose whose founder is known for promoting schemes that will not pass the test of time is better avoided. Ash Mufareh hiding away from the public is known for failed scheme. And on passive is not going to be differemy
Sorry for my late reply. I agree with you. Seeing how the owner of OnPassive, Ash Mufareh, is only occasionally visible to members and not out in public advertising and talking about his “soon to launch” company, makes this GoFounders and OnPassive scam seem more fake with each passing day.
Hi Robert;
Your online business background certainly gives you an advantage in being able to spot the red flags with online opportunities. And, it really gives you the edge in how to research to see if your suspicions of a scam are accurate.
It’s also great that you can use your own online platform to share your knowledge and what you uncover about online business scams so that less experienced people won’t fall prey to these questionable offers.
The fact that you found success stories about a product that hadn’t been launched yet is unbelievable. But I guess if people don’t move past the hype and check carefully, they won’t notice something like that.
Thanks for giving other people a heads up so they can make wise decisions about online business offers.
You are welcome Stella. One of the things I pride myself on when doing these scam reviews is to dig deep into the so-called opportunity and find inconsistencies that don’t match up to the hype. Like finding success stories for a product that has not gone live or started (launched) yet.
Scams like OnPassive and GoFounders will do this, thinking that the majority of the people will just accept what they are telling them without verification. I investigate every angle, including keeping up with updates from the scam operators on new ways they are using to rip people off.
For instance, Ash Mufareh the owner of OnPassive, is now pushing the term “Catmo” Completeness, Automated, Traffic, MOney. These four areas are supposed to be associated with OnPassive’s 4-Pillar areas of gaining wealth using their platform, which is just more empty hype.
A few months ago everyone in GoFounders was talking about the “Soft Launch” of OnPassive after 2-years of being in Pre-Launch, but now no one is talking about it. Again, these are all empty hyped up catch phrases to get people to join and suppress the Red Flags I and others have exposed.
Well definitely. I would agree with you. The fact that I was not too shocked or surprised by most things I have read in here also. One thing that stood out well enough for me was the fact that they offer bogus promises that are not delivered which is actually a very bad thing that limits their overall credence. So, yes! I’m against this too
Thank you Nath for your comment. It really should not take too much effort on anyone with a sense of skepticism when it comes to online money making opportunities, to see that this is a scam when no one has been paid anything in over two years. Always do research when joining an opportunity and especially on its owner or upper management’s past dealings.
Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I am sure this information here will be of great help to any one who come across it as it is to me. I immediately went to watched the youtube video of their office inauguration and I also noticed that the sign footage was somehow added to the beginning of the video. Thanks for sharing this with me.
You are welcome Joy. Any chance that I can shed light on an obvious scam and help others from being ripped off, I will do that to expose an opportunity that only benefits its creator. It didn’t take Facebook and other tech giants that OnPassive claims to be like, more than 2 years in a pre-launch. Just avoid GoFounders and OnPassive for now. If, and that is a BIG IF, they launch, you can always join then.
C’est toi qui ARNAQUE les gens.Vous êtes tous les mêmes vous critiquez une compagnie sans preuve pour détourner ses clients vers vôtre business. C’est démodé, tu ne m’a pas convaincu c’est du Bla Bla.
I am not the one scamming people. I am exposing the scams and so far my track record has been perfect. I have not criticized these companies without proof. I have provided plenty of proof and I have even more that I didn’t publish.
If you don’t believe the proof I have provided then go do a Google search for “Ash Mufareh Scams” and look at all of the other companies he has been involved with that were either shutdown by government agencies or went out of business.
Look at all of the complaints by ex-GoFounder members. Do your research with open eyes and you will see that GoFounders and OnPassive is a scam. More than TWO YEARS in a pre-launch and NO ONE has made any money other than Ash?
Thanks Robert for the extensive and immensely deep research you have done to uncover all the red flags in this gofounders scheme.
Another point of concern is how they are smart in ensuring that money is paid in form of crypto currency (keep in mind bitcoin payments have no trace} ;it is the most convinient way to rip off someone and ask them in their faces, “show me prove that i took your money”.
One word to everyone out there, there’s no shortcut to quick money, rather do thorough research identify one skill and perfect in it no matter how long it takes then start earning through your hard learnt skill.
You are welcome and thank you for this information and your insight. Your point of concern about GoFounders wanting payments to them be made in cryptocurrency doesn’t surprise me that much. In doing my research I came to find that Mike Ellis of the OnPassive Nation team is also a member of ICoin Market which trades dozens of different kinds of crypto.
There were other red flags I found that I didn’t mention but the payment in cryptocurrency would have been another. Thanks for sharing that. EVERYONE! Listen to what is said above and what I advocate on this website. There are no shortcuts to making money. You need to first get educated in how to create a business correctly and work hard to achieve legitimate success.
99% of payments are made using the FIAT currency of the countries involved. Get your facts right, you will grasp at anything in order to promote Wealthy Affiliate where only 3% at best make any money.. All those past members received a refund and good riddance. OnPassive do not need unknowledgeable negative people. Hope they are banned for life
The revelation of members paying OnPassive with cryptocurrency was not information I provided. It was the info supplied by the commenter above. I just agreed with him that it would not be a good idea to pay in that way because its high incidence of fraud abuse.
As for Wealthy Affiliate, I am sure it is far more than 3%. Like myself, the bulk of the money we earn does NOT come from Wealthy Affiliate but rather retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Apple, Nike, Disney, and thousands of other retailers large and small.
Regardless, I know more people are making money from the knowledge they gained from the Wealthy Affiliate Training Program, than all of the GoFounders combined. Plus, according to OnPassive complaints online, not all ex-GoFounders have received refunds.
OnPassive DO NOT WANT payments to be made in cryptocurrency as you stated, it is only a choice. A choice that less than 1% avail of. Those posts are misleading and by intention.
Ash is honoring the money back guarantee for life even though he should not. He has given refunds well past 30 days. Those that asked for a refund and and say they did not get it are telling lies or in the case of one person he cancelled his CC. He has probably received his refund since. A refund he was not entitled to as it was months past the 30 days.
I know 23 people that were in Wealthy Affiliate, none of them made a brown cent. 16 of them are now happy GoFounder members. They understand the company unlike you and your followers. Obviously you do not know Mike Ellis either. If you did you would not be writing such garbage. You will have some egg on your face when OnPassive launches.
I never said that OnPassive “WANTS” people to pay using cryptocurrency. The commenter above said that, not me. I said it would be a mistake to pay using cryptocurrency, it should not even be a choice.
If Ash is “honoring the money back guarantee for life” as you just stated, then that would negate any 30 days of limitation. You cannot have a refund “for life” that is only 30 days long. That makes absolutely no sense.
For the people claiming to not getting their refund, those are their thoughts and words, not mine. I am just posting the images of their complaints. If you have a problem with that, take it up with them.
I also know many people that were in Wealthy Affiliate that didn’t make any money because they didn’t apply the training. Just like any other school of business, if you do not learn the correct steps and apply what you learn, you will make no money.
There will always be people that think success comes without training and hard work. Anyone claiming otherwise, like OnPassive’s “Done-For-You” mantra, is just fooling you. Has anyone made money at OnPassive so far during the past 2+ years? NOPE!
Wealthy Affiliate has over One Million worldwide members in its 15 years in business. Many of us get paid by major worldwide & countrywide retailers. The products we get paid for are already on the market, unlike OnPassive’s which are still in Ash’s mind.
I never said anything about Mike Ellis that wasn’t true or “garbage” as you’ve said. I actually complimented him. Mike and others have been saying lately that OnPassive will launch in 2020. Only 113 days left. I hope you like eggs too.
OnPassive and GoFounders is a SCAM but HERE I’m NOT a scam artist like Ash just join my program Wealthy Affiliate and you’ll make money 😆😅😂🤔. Yea you PROVED NOTHING beside the fact that you can do a biased review about a person and business you know NOTHING about and you can come on ya PAID for scam review page to TRY and discredit somebody else’s platform just to grow yours like the pathetic marketer you are. IF there’s so many RED FLAGS then why do they NEED YOU to come on here and tell them if it’s SO OBVIOUS OnPassive is a scam? Why waste so much time and energy to go to such lengths to PROVE it’s a scam then throw ya Affiliate platform pitch in there so YOU can get signups and make money🤔😱? If you REALLY cared about these people you’re warning then why throw ANY kinda “join my system to make REAL money” at them why not just give them your FREE review without trying to SELL them your system? Because ya system isn’t FREE they HAVE to spend some kinda money to make money so you’re a BIGGER scam artist than you claim this Ash guy is?
How do we KNOW that’s REALLY Ash’s profile on Linkeden when ANYBODY can make a profile with another persons picture, and why can’t you PROVE he DIDN’T go to MIT or Harvard where’s ya PROOF besides a picture that ANYBODY can Photoshop to discredit somebody? How do we KNOW who you are? You could’ve been down with Ash and you got the BOOT for some reason and now you’re MAD and wanna do ALL you can to discredit him and his platform because if ANY of the BULL SHYT you just MADE up is REAL, I’m sure the FBI and what ever else scam division has him UNDER a microscope. OnPasive And GoFounders is registered with the BBB and ALREADY had 3 complaints that were RESOLVED(why you ain’t TELL that) go check the BBB and one person claimed it was a scam which I’m SURE the BBB HAS to report that to the proper scam authorities so your BULL SHYT investigation is NOTHING COMPARED to what the scam divisions in the FBI, and who ever else the BBB HAD to report that to will investigat.
They have the CORRECT resources to INVESTIGATE Ash, OnPassive, and ANY scammer. By the way OnPassive now has about 120,000 members that equates to over $11 million dollars in SCAMS which equals a LOOOOOT of federal PRISON time for Ash and whoever else is scamming all those people so he’s a REAL FOOL if he’s scamming people and I’m 100% SURE he would have been caught by now because if you CLAIM it’s a SCAM by your investigation, and you DON’T have a career investigating scammers for a LIVING like the people the BBB HAS to report to does, IMAGINE what they would come up with after 2 years of investigating this so called SCAM? BUT I DON’T SEE HIM ARRESTED, and they’re CONTINUING to get new PAID members and you THINK the FBI’s scam division and the authorities the BBB HAD to report that too would let him CONTINUE to ROB American citizens if this WAS a scam after 2 years of not launching but promising to? You’re a bigger FOOL than I thought you was for writing this FAKE ass review if you believe they would do NOTHING. Were you in any webinars that they did to CLAIM Ash doesn’t speak nor has shown his face? It’s sad how you have to discredit the next man so you can get signups to your Wealthy Affiliate platform. I’ve come across PLENTY of review pages like YOU MADE UP and you people are PATHETIC and NEED to discredit the next man to get signups to YOUR income stream.
Here’s more FAKE NEWS from so called Robert Prescott(FAKE NAME by the way he’s Indian like the Guy Ash he’s TRYING to discredit😱) so this guy can get you to JOIN his “Wealthy Affiliate”(UNDER HIM). If you CAN’T see this guy wants your $$$ AFTER you join his FREE system UNDER HIM then your BLIND.
These are Robert Prescott’s words QUOTED from above now see if this MAKES SENSE.
“In 2010 Mufareh started a recruitment-based matrix scheme called AshMax. That endeavor didn’t last long. In 2012 he became involved with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax. TelexFree had legal troubles in Brazil. In 2014 the SEC shut it down revealing TelexFree U.S. investors lost in excess of $3 Billion.
A couple of years later Ash Mufareh became involved with another ponzi scheme based out of Brazil called PayDiamonds. That endeavor didn’t last long either and in mid-2018 it was closed down. This is when Ashraf Mufareh started ONPASSIVE. His track record speaks for itself. Would you trust him this time?”
Y’all NOTICE he CLAIMS Ash was in these SCAMS but MIRACULOUSLY Ash NEVER was arrested and somehow the FBI just LETS Ash CONTINUOUSLY scam American people and they don’t arrest him 🤔😱😆😅😂. $3 BILLION PONZI SCAM and he’s STILL FREE?
Here’s PROOF Robert Prescott(NOT HIS REAL NAME) is a LIAR and con artist by this article from
(CN) – Two men – one of them a lawyer – were sentenced Thursday to long prison terms and ordered to pay $64 million in restitution to victims of a Ponzi scheme they ran under the names Learn Waterhouse, Wealth Builders Club and Qwest International.
Randall Treadwell, 51, of Savannah, Ga., was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
25 years in PRISON for scamming people out of $64 million. BUT Ash WALKED FREE for scamming people out of $3 BILLION(46 times the amount of Randall Treadwell) huh Mr Prescott 🤔? Mr. Prescott WHY wasn’t Ash ARRESTED after that $3 BILLION scam but he was allowed to CONTINUE to scam Americans🤔? CAN YOU ANSWER THAT🤔?
SEE PEOPLE I NEED not go into ANY more examples of prison time with Ponzi scams, which OnPassive would be at this time, because I just PROVED Mr. Robert Prescott😆😅😂( a guy from India named Robert Prescott) smh is a con artist and a LIAR who’s ONLY trying to get you to sign up under his FREE(to join ONLY) Wealthy Affiliate system under him. He LIED about OnPassive and this Ash guy to further his money making agenda.
Nice try LIAR. They ARREST people here in America for $3 BILLION PONZI scams I don’t know what planet your on😆😅😂🤔😱✌️. Better luck next LIE.
Wow! Did you have to use such fowl mouthed language? Makes me wonder who you really are hiding behind a random picture and using my name. But no matter, I forgive you. So let me address your complaints so everyone can learn the truth. First off like I said in the beginning of this review, I have exposed scams on this website many times before but I mostly offer legitimate solutions that actually work and do not require you to buy, sell, or recruit any people.
Secondly, Wealthy Affiliate is not a money making program in the way you are thinking. Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive education and website business building platform that teaches people how to build, grow and operate an online affiliate marketing business in absolutely any niche market a person desires and get paid by major retailers like Amazon, Target, Walmart, Apple, Best Buy, Abercrombie, Sony, Rakuten and hundreds more.
I personally feel that anyone can become financially successful if they have a solid education in how to create their own business from the ground up that does not rely on the recruiting and pyramid shaped aspect of an MLM. Anyone can join Wealthy Affiliate with just a valid email address. You do not have to give your name and you do not have to give them any money. It is totally 100% FREE to take your first 10 lessons and build your first website.
Will I make money if someone joins under me and becomes a Free Starter Member? NO. I DO NOT get any affiliate commission unless that Starter Member decides that what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer is right for them and they decide to upgrade to the Premium Membership at $49.00 per month. This right here is why I promote them as a legitimate option for making money in your very own internet marketing business that is fully flexible generating passive income.
OnPassive on the other hand is an MLM that relies on recruiting a team at $97.00 per person right now, and offers them nothing of value. No education in WordPress website design, no keyword research, no SEO (Search Engine Optimization), no basics in affiliate marketing, and no free lessons. OnPassive is asking for money to reserve your spot in a dream business that has been in pre-launch for two years and no one, except Ash, is making money.
I proved a lot in this review. It is the GoFounders of OnPassive that have proved nothing. Seriously, how long do you think people will wait for OnPassive to “launch to the world” so they can start getting paid. There better be retail products available for people outside of GoFounders to purchase. If not, you can bet the FTC will investigate. Maybe they are already? The FTC sent an undercover agent to join MOBE for about a year to gather evidence.
If Ash Mufareh or anyone else wants to prove me and all of the other people who have done scam reviews wrong, LAUNCH OnPassive! Two years in pre-launch? Now on June 29, 2020 Mike Ellis of OnPassive Nation says that the OnPassive Soft Launch will happen within hours or at most a few days. It is now July 14, 2020 and Mike says the soft launch is coming “this week.” How much do you want to bet that in another 5 days the soft launch will still be on hold?
This is why I do these scam reviews. People get so hooked on the amount of money they MIGHT make and ignore the real way all legitimate online entrepreneurs became successful, through education and hard work. I know what it is like to be scammed, wishing on a dream, thinking that everything is hands free and autopilot, and never making more than you spend if any at all. I share my opinions based on the facts I find because most people would not take the time.
You asked, How do we KNOW that’s REALLY Ash’s profile on Linkeden. You can just Google Ash Mufareh LinkedIn and see for yourself. I have included the link here. For the record I never said he didn’t go to MIT. I said he does not show Harvard as his school/courses in his Education Profile, yet I hear GoFounders claim he went there without providing any proof. You ask, who am I? I am the owner of this website. Who are you?
You are hanging your defense on the registration with the BBB? GoFounders and OnPassive are both NOT BBB ACCREDITED and both are NOT RATED BY THE BBB. The FBI rarely gets involved with internet scams that promote an MLM recruitment style with no real retail products. That is handled by the FTC who WILL JOIN these MLM programs to secretly investigate. This means Ash would most likely NOT go to prison but only be sued by the FTC. Matt Lloyd was sued for over $300 Million and he is not in jail.
I could go on and on to bust holes in your complaint here. If this is not a scam and it truly launches to the world with these supposed great AI and IT products, I will gladly write a blog to admit I was wrong and delete this review. But my experience is telling me that I am not wrong and I am keeping tabs on the snail’s paced progress of OnPassive. One question for you…You asked who I was and then claimed I am Indian. How do you know that? Better luck next rant. LOL
Thank you for this article.I must confess, these red flags that have been mentioned here is enough to conclude that Gofounders and Onpassive is a scam and it’s best they’re avoided. I feel sorry for those that have fallen victims. Thank you for bringing into our knowledge that this two are scam.
You are welcome Leslie. I am happy to have provided this information to warn people about this so-called money making opportunity that has not even launched to the world yet after 2-years in pre-launch. I also feel sorry for those who have joined, especially in the beginning, thinking they would be making money within months but then finding out that there are no real products and no one but the owner is making money.
Hi Robert, awesome review!!
And you’re a better person than me, lol. I couldn’t make it through the video…
I don’t understand why anyone would be interested in a business like this, with so many obvious red flags. But I suppose if someone doesn’t do any research, they’ll only see what they want to see.
And there lies the opportunity for people like Ashraf Mufareh to take full advantage. He knows that many people are lazy, greedy, whatever, and makes them think this is the next BIG thing to make them rich. I mean who wouldn’t want to make money while being “hands-off”.
I’m just surprised he isn’t in jail yet! I was once part of an MLM company, and like you, struggled with recruiting people. After leaving, the FTC closed them down and seized all the assets of the upper levels.
At least that company had products to sell. It sounds like OnPassive has nothing despite all its claims. I’m disappointed it’s been allowed to go on for 2 years already.
Thank you for your thorough research and detailed review. If any of your readers still think this is legit after reading your review, well… what can I say and not sound harsh? haha.
Thanks again,
Thanks Suzanne for your comment. The OnPassive scam is in a continual pre-launch phase, though I believe they are starting to get nervous from reviews such as this exposing their secret. Now they claim to be in a “Soft Launch” which is NOT the actual launch that all of the people who have joined are waiting for to start making money.
After more than a year of researching this so-called money making program, they keeping hyping the opportunity without providing any facts. Now one of their Team Leaders named Mike Ellis of OnPassive Nation is claiming that there is an OnPassive Soft Launch taking place right now for the testing of the developed products before it launches to the world.
I have developed many successful video games for Nintendo back in the late 1990’s, early 2000’s and you NEVER do any kind of launch before everything is fully tested. So when I see them now say that people need to join now because of this Soft Launch, it just sounds like another smoke screen to get people to join and keep moving the launch goal post.
I don’t think Ashraf (Ash) Mufareh will go to jail but I can see him being investigated by the FTC. Hopefully my review here will save people from getting scammed with GoFounders and OnPassive. Though they claim to have products, they would have to be retail to non-members, but so far that is not the case and that is a real big Red Flag.
These are Robert Prescott’s words QUOTED from above now see if this MAKES SENSE.
“In 2010 Mufareh started a recruitment-based matrix scheme called AshMax. That endeavor didn’t last long. In 2012 he became involved with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax. TelexFree had legal troubles in Brazil. In 2014 the SEC shut it down revealing TelexFree U.S. investors lost in excess of $3 Billion.
A couple of years later Ash Mufareh became involved with another ponzi scheme based out of Brazil called PayDiamonds. That endeavor didn’t last long either and in mid-2018 it was closed down. This is when Ashraf Mufareh started ONPASSIVE. His track record speaks for itself. Would you trust him this time?”
Y’all NOTICE he CLAIMS Ash was in these SCAMS but MIRACULOUSLY Ash NEVER was arrested and somehow the FBI just LETS Ash CONTINUOUSLY scam American people and they don’t arrest him 🤔😱😆😅😂. $3 BILLION PONZI SCAM and he’s STILL FREE?
Here’s PROOF Robert Prescott(NOT HIS REAL NAME) is a LIAR and con artist by this article from
(CN) – Two men – one of them a lawyer – were sentenced Thursday to long prison terms and ordered to pay $64 million in restitution to victims of a Ponzi scheme they ran under the names Learn Waterhouse, Wealth Builders Club and Qwest International.
Randall Treadwell, 51, of Savannah, Ga., was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
25 years in PRISON for scamming people out of $64 million. BUT Ash WALKED FREE for scamming people out of $3 BILLION(46 times the amount of Randall Treadwell) huh Mr Prescott 🤔? Mr. Prescott WHY wasn’t Ash ARRESTED after that $3 BILLION scam but he was allowed to CONTINUE to scam Americans🤔? CAN YOU ANSWER THAT🤔?
SEE PEOPLE I NEED not go into ANY more examples of prison time with Ponzi scams, which OnPassive would be at this time, because I just PROVED Mr. Robert Prescott😆😅😂( a guy from India named Robert Prescott) smh is a con artist and a LIAR who’s ONLY trying to get you to sign up under his FREE(to join ONLY) Wealthy Affiliate system under him. He LIED about OnPassive and this Ash guy to further his money making agenda.
Nice try LIAR. They ARREST people here in America for $3 BILLION PONZI scams I don’t know what planet your on😆😅😂🤔😱✌. Better luck next LIE.
Robert Prescott is definitely NOT your name. You are just hiding your identity. Perhaps you are the one from India because I certainly do not live there. If I did I would have visited the 91 Springboard office in Bangalore, India to see if OnPassive really had people working there. But I did check out the supposed Orlando, FL OnPassive HQ at 7380 Sand Lake Rd, Suites 500-525. Guess what? OnPassive is not there! Thanks for the support Robert or whomever you are.
I joined GoFounders a year ago and till this day, all they did was make a new website. They offer a trim URL tool (to stay complaint) a tool which is free, lookup Tiny URL.
They are always in the “we are almost ready to launch” stage. When I first joined, I did not know they were in prelaunch for a whole year already…..had no clue, wouldn’t have joined if I knew that. It was when I tried to recruit a friend that I found out.
He told me he was in the GoFounders for 6 months and Ash kept on stalling the launch so he quit and got his money back. I would listen to Ash Mufareh’s webinars and when anybody asked about the launch date they would either get ignored or bashed…..every time.
I started to suspect this program was a scam when Ash was showing a DEMO of the new website. On the DEMO, in the bottom right corner, it kept saying welcome this person, welcome that person, it was showing names of new sign ups!
HOW CAN A DEMO HAVE NEW GOFOUNDER SIGN UPS??? This told me our founder member count was fake! Ash now has 85,000 GoFounders…..I don’t believe this for 1 second. After 2 years …..OnPassive has not launched.
Ash is still collecting GoFounder money $97.00 promising to launch soon. He has had most members sign an NDA, Non Disclosure Agreement….I think to not get sued or get a refund.
I am giving a strong warning for anyone who wants to join GoFounders, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck……it’s most likely a DUCK!
Thank you so much for your story. It is good to see someone who was an actual GoFounder member of ONPASSIVE post their warning on my review. I hope others will read this and post their own experiences so that this scam review can help prevent people from blindly giving $97.00 to an opportunity that will never launch.
I myself was scammed many years ago before finding the legit opportunity that has allowed me to earn tens of thousands of dollars promoting products that everyone enjoys buying. I certainly did not like getting scammed, so I created this website to help people like yourself to avoid being scammed and offer many different legit solutions.
After researching GoFounders and ONPASSIVE for about a year, everything I discovered makes me believe this is a scam. Now with your testimony and the three others I have shown in three images within this review, I am sure there will be many more who will soon learn the truth about Ash Mufareh and the others in GoFounders.
Don’t second-guess your reason for seeking a refund. The majority of the time your first impulse to take a step back, ask for a refund and wait or search elsewhere, is usually the correct thing to do. No one has ever done this? Sure they have, but maybe not with a 2+ year waiting period before even launching and showing the world what they offer.
These are Robert Prescott’s words QUOTED from above now see if this MAKES SENSE.
“In 2010 Mufareh started a recruitment-based matrix scheme called AshMax. That endeavor didn’t last long. In 2012 he became involved with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax. TelexFree had legal troubles in Brazil. In 2014 the SEC shut it down revealing TelexFree U.S. investors lost in excess of $3 Billion.
A couple of years later Ash Mufareh became involved with another ponzi scheme based out of Brazil called PayDiamonds. That endeavor didn’t last long either and in mid-2018 it was closed down. This is when Ashraf Mufareh started ONPASSIVE. His track record speaks for itself. Would you trust him this time?”
Y’all NOTICE he CLAIMS Ash was in these SCAMS but MIRACULOUSLY Ash NEVER was arrested and somehow the FBI just LETS Ash CONTINUOUSLY scam American people and they don’t arrest him 🤔😱😆😅😂. $3 BILLION PONZI SCAM and he’s STILL FREE?
Here’s PROOF Robert Prescott(NOT HIS REAL NAME) is a LIAR and con artist by this article from
(CN) – Two men – one of them a lawyer – were sentenced Thursday to long prison terms and ordered to pay $64 million in restitution to victims of a Ponzi scheme they ran under the names Learn Waterhouse, Wealth Builders Club and Qwest International.
Randall Treadwell, 51, of Savannah, Ga., was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
25 years in PRISON for scamming people out of $64 million. BUT Ash WALKED FREE for scamming people out of $3 BILLION(46 times the amount of Randall Treadwell) huh Mr Prescott 🤔? Mr. Prescott WHY wasn’t Ash ARRESTED after that $3 BILLION scam but he was allowed to CONTINUE to scam Americans🤔? CAN YOU ANSWER THAT🤔?
SEE PEOPLE I NEED not go into ANY more examples of prison time with Ponzi scams, which OnPassive would be at this time, because I just PROVED Mr. Robert Prescott😆😅😂( a guy from India named Robert Prescott) smh is a con artist and a LIAR who’s ONLY trying to get you to sign up under his FREE(to join ONLY) Wealthy Affiliate system under him. He LIED about OnPassive and this Ash guy to further his money making agenda.
Nice try LIAR. They ARREST people here in America for $3 BILLION PONZI scams I don’t know what planet your on😆😅😂🤔😱✌. Better luck next LIE.
Hey thank you Robert Bot for having my same name to hide behind and pasting your totally false and misunderstood rant on all of these comment replies to further boost my word count and SEO. I appreciate you.
Thanks for sharing this review of gofounders and onpassive. It’s amazing how much information you’ve pulled out. I agree, there is too many red flags pointing out that this might be a scam and best to be avoided. Which is exactly what I’m going to do. Thanks a lot once again. Keep up the good work.
You are welcome Ivan. I never join anything without first doing my research and I am happy from the looks of it, that you were researching to see if GoFounders and OnPassive was a scam or not. Yes, they have many Red Flags. It is always a pleasure to be able to save someone the headache of finding out that they are wasting their time by joining an opportunity that will rip them off of their hard earned money. Thank you for your comment.
Hi Robert,
Reading your article, it reminded me of when I joined MOBE in 2015. The fact that at the very top of your review, that you say “If you are thinking of joining GoFounders – DON’T”, I completely agree.
Any MLM company since I was scammed by MOBE just screams to me SCAM. I will never try an MLM company again. I am sure there are some really good ones out there but they are far too expensive to start with and it feels like they are laughing at you behind your back while taking all of your money. I found that the training of MLM companies was pretty rubbish too.
It is far better to start your own online business either through affiliate marketing like Wealthy Affiliate, or start something with your own idea, product or service.
That is my account of MLM and it’s great that you have exposed these GoFounders.
Thank you for sharing and keep up the amazing work on your site.
All the best,
Thanks Tom. Sorry to hear you got caught up in that MOBE scam, but happy you were able to get out without losing all your money. I had joined them when they were known as My Online Business Empire back in 2014, just so I could investigate them at the request of a good friend of mine. I quickly learned they were a scam and only lost $49.
It is not a good feeling to know that you have been scammed regardless of how much money you lose. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth and taints your view of all the other opportunities, including the legit ones. Like you I agree that the training of MLM companies, as well as their high costs, are a total waste of time and money.
I helped a lot of people avoid MOBE and I am doing the same with Shaqir Hussyin’s Wealth AcademyShaqir Hussyin’s Wealth Academy. He markets himself as a great millionaire marketer but doesn’t tell people he made his millions from MOBE. So I am exposing that truth. Now I am exposing the truth of ONPASSIVE and GoFounders to warn people of their misleading ways.
These are Robert Prescott’s words QUOTED from above now see if this MAKES SENSE.
“In 2010 Mufareh started a recruitment-based matrix scheme called AshMax. That endeavor didn’t last long. In 2012 he became involved with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax. TelexFree had legal troubles in Brazil. In 2014 the SEC shut it down revealing TelexFree U.S. investors lost in excess of $3 Billion.
A couple of years later Ash Mufareh became involved with another ponzi scheme based out of Brazil called PayDiamonds. That endeavor didn’t last long either and in mid-2018 it was closed down. This is when Ashraf Mufareh started ONPASSIVE. His track record speaks for itself. Would you trust him this time?”
Y’all NOTICE he CLAIMS Ash was in these SCAMS but MIRACULOUSLY Ash NEVER was arrested and somehow the FBI just LETS Ash CONTINUOUSLY scam American people and they don’t arrest him 🤔😱😆😅😂. $3 BILLION PONZI SCAM and he’s STILL FREE?
Here’s PROOF Robert Prescott(NOT HIS REAL NAME) is a LIAR and con artist by this article from
(CN) – Two men – one of them a lawyer – were sentenced Thursday to long prison terms and ordered to pay $64 million in restitution to victims of a Ponzi scheme they ran under the names Learn Waterhouse, Wealth Builders Club and Qwest International.
Randall Treadwell, 51, of Savannah, Ga., was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
25 years in PRISON for scamming people out of $64 million. BUT Ash WALKED FREE for scamming people out of $3 BILLION(46 times the amount of Randall Treadwell) huh Mr Prescott 🤔? Mr. Prescott WHY wasn’t Ash ARRESTED after that $3 BILLION scam but he was allowed to CONTINUE to scam Americans🤔? CAN YOU ANSWER THAT🤔?
SEE PEOPLE I NEED not go into ANY more examples of prison time with Ponzi scams, which OnPassive would be at this time, because I just PROVED Mr. Robert Prescott😆😅😂( a guy from India named Robert Prescott) smh is a con artist and a LIAR who’s ONLY trying to get you to sign up under his FREE(to join ONLY) Wealthy Affiliate system under him. He LIED about OnPassive and this Ash guy to further his money making agenda.
Nice try LIAR. They ARREST people here in America for $3 BILLION PONZI scams I don’t know what planet your on😆😅😂🤔😱✌. Better luck next LIE.
As I have already said, Ashraf (Ash) Mufareh was not an owner of the two ponzi schemes, TelexFree and PayDiamonds, that got busted by the SEC. I said he became “involved” with them just as many other members became involved with them. The Feds do not put members in prison unless they refuse to honor a lawsuit against them. The article you linked to is in reference to prison terms for the owners of ponzi schemes, NOT members of a ponzi scheme. Ash was a MEMBER, not an OWNER.
Today, I got an invitation from my Facebook friend for joining, but before joining I wanted to research the opinions of this company. Thanks a lot for your research and comments. The way one person is giving defending arguments in childish style is proof that this company is a scam. In the invitation, my Facebook friend has mentioned its office in Hyderabad, whereas it had earlier shown its office in Bangalore. This was the indication that they are just renting the premises for few months and then they leave it for another address. The date of launching the product has not been done as of today(27 January 2021). This is really a surprising matter. I am going to share your website in India for the benefit of my other friends.
I am happy to have exposed the truth about the GoFounders and ONPASSIVE scam. About 90% of the online reviews are being written by GoFounder members, which is why there are many positive views of the company even though NO ONE has made any money from their investment.
In fact, I just published another review called GoFounders Scam Continue, exposing the complaints from several employees of ONPASSIVE India from both Bangalore and Hyderabad. Check it out and please do share it with people in India so they do not get ripped off and lose money.
You and I apparently think alike. I am ALWAYS preaching that anything that makes claims of “Done For You” is a let down waiting to happen. You simply can’t just plug into a system where you’re thinking you’re going to do little to no work and succeed with it. Great thorough review here with plenty of red flags exposed. I plan on rewatching these vids as well. Nicely done.
Thank you Eric. Nice to meet someone else that is smart enough to know that it takes an effort to succeed in earning money online. These scammers know that people are lazy and are looking to get rich with little effort. That is not based on any level of reality.
With these platforms, Ashraf Mufareh thinks that by including Artificial Intelligence as a selling tool will convince people it will work. AI will make things easier but it will NOT replace a marketers need to work hard for success.
Great way to do your homework. Thank you for taking the time to learn as much as you could about this scam. I would have given up a long time ago, so good job with all of your persistence.
You are welcome. I am quite happy I waited this long to write this review, using the one year time to gather evidence that this opportunity is nothing but fraud. Doing research into this I hope will save a lot of people from wasting their money and prove to them that both ONPASSIVE and GoFounders are not legit companies.
I have heard of them before, but it’s the first time that I am reading a scam review of these two platforms. It is very easy to say that they are nothing but a scam here. It is a sad thing though, that they do not work as they have said and people would put their hopes high on them. I think that would be a great thing if it really worked for the people who joined but hopefully they get their money back. Thank you for the info.
Thank you for your comment. I agree that if this was not a scam and it worked like they claim, it would be a great thing for those who joined. Another reason why I waited so long to write this review was to give these platforms time to prove they were legit. But after a year of no real information, I knew it was a scam, especially after learning how Ash Mufareh is a scam with his other failed companies prior to these.
These are Robert Prescott’s words QUOTED from above now see if this MAKES SENSE.
“In 2010 Mufareh started a recruitment-based matrix scheme called AshMax. That endeavor didn’t last long. In 2012 he became involved with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax. TelexFree had legal troubles in Brazil. In 2014 the SEC shut it down revealing TelexFree U.S. investors lost in excess of $3 Billion.
A couple of years later Ash Mufareh became involved with another ponzi scheme based out of Brazil called PayDiamonds. That endeavor didn’t last long either and in mid-2018 it was closed down. This is when Ashraf Mufareh started ONPASSIVE. His track record speaks for itself. Would you trust him this time?”
Y’all NOTICE he CLAIMS Ash was in these SCAMS but MIRACULOUSLY Ash NEVER was arrested and somehow the FBI just LETS Ash CONTINUOUSLY scam American people and they don’t arrest him 🤔😱😆😅😂. $3 BILLION PONZI SCAM and he’s STILL FREE?
Here’s PROOF Robert Prescott(NOT HIS REAL NAME) is a LIAR and con artist by this article from
(CN) – Two men – one of them a lawyer – were sentenced Thursday to long prison terms and ordered to pay $64 million in restitution to victims of a Ponzi scheme they ran under the names Learn Waterhouse, Wealth Builders Club and Qwest International.
Randall Treadwell, 51, of Savannah, Ga., was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
25 years in PRISON for scamming people out of $64 million. BUT Ash WALKED FREE for scamming people out of $3 BILLION(46 times the amount of Randall Treadwell) huh Mr Prescott 🤔? Mr. Prescott WHY wasn’t Ash ARRESTED after that $3 BILLION scam but he was allowed to CONTINUE to scam Americans🤔? CAN YOU ANSWER THAT🤔?
SEE PEOPLE I NEED not go into ANY more examples of prison time with Ponzi scams, which OnPassive would be at this time, because I just PROVED Mr. Robert Prescott😆😅😂( a guy from India named Robert Prescott) smh is a con artist and a LIAR who’s ONLY trying to get you to sign up under his FREE(to join ONLY) Wealthy Affiliate system under him. He LIED about OnPassive and this Ash guy to further his money making agenda.
Nice try LIAR. They ARREST people here in America for $3 BILLION PONZI scams I don’t know what planet your on😆😅😂🤔😱✌. Better luck next LIE.
First off notice that I NEVER said that Ash Mufareh owned both TelexFree and PayDiamonds ponzi schemes. I said he was “involved” with them, just like many others were involved. Secondly, not all owners of scams busted by the Feds will go to prison. Just look at what is happening to Matt Lloyd the owner of MOBE. He is being sued by the FTC but he has not been sent to prison.
Your rant here is so full of holes because I never said Ash owned these companies nor did I say he robbed anyone of 3 Billion Dollars. Ash was just another member, not an owner. The link you provided proved nothing against what I have shared in this review. Would you like me to share who owned both TelexFree and PayDiamonds? I guarantee Ashraf (Ash) Mufareh didn’t own either.
Wow Robert. Loved this review! You really did your homework and gave us all the gos to make an informed decision. I really appreciated the list of red flags to tick off in my head how bad this company is.
Obviously, with a 3 time scam operator like Ash Mufareh I would have backed off immediately but I didn’t know who he was and I would never had joined the dots. It’s such a shame that there are people like this using the internet to dupe people, not once but many times.
I guess the lesson you teach is that there isn’t an easy way to build a business, it all takes work, so find someone who will help teach you and get stuck in.
Only a person who has been around the internet for so long would have such a great big picture view. New players like me need to pay attention or lose their shirts.
Once again thank you
You are welcome Lily. It was my pleasure to post this OnPassive and GoFounders scam review. Even though when I was pitched this opportunity by some Facebook friends a little more than a year ago, it didn’t seem right to spend money to join something that was not yet operational. So instead I decided to wait and watch.
After a few months when I kept seeing no real answers as to when will OnPassive launch, I knew my original gut feeling of this being an OnPassive scam was true. Unfortunately I had seen many people, mostly not in the U.S., joining this scam and not knowing what was really going on. This reminded me a lot like what I had seen with the MOBE scam.
So I started taking notes of what certain GoFounders were saying and researching into the past scam exploits of Ash Mufareh. I looked into many of their claims when it came to offices and their products. Fortunately I have insights into this kind of tech already and was seeing that too many red flags were presenting themselves.
I figured that now with people looking for money making opportunities they can do from home because of Covid-19, it was time to publish this review and make it as informational as possible. Taking advantage of people under normal circumstances is bad enough, but doing it when people are financially hurting really grinds my gears.
He DID HOW by showing photo shopped pictures of a LinkedIn page and telling lies with no proof😆😅😂? How many people do you know that has done a $3 BILLION ponzi scheme and DIDN’T go to PRISON? This guy is a LIAR
You obviously didn’t read what I said. I said “In 2012 he became INVOLVED with a ponzi scheme called TelexFree using his TelexMax.” Notice I said “involved” and did not say he owned it. There were many people like Ash who became involved and did not go to prison because they were NOT the Owners. – As for the image of Ash’s LinkedIn page, it is not photo shopped. You can view his education status directly from where I got it from here.
You keep shouting the same stuff over and over, without actually answering any of the concerns/red flags that the real Robert Prescott has brought up in his informative blog post. And what’s with copying his name? Legitimate people use their real names or a decent nickname, they have nothing to hide.
I’m a teacher by profession and as a sideline, I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for several years now. I’ve also followed and been helped by Robert’s informative posts at Wealthy Affiliate for years. He’s a lifeline of good information in a confusing industry, and he’s proven himself to be trustworthy.
I”m an educator, so I appreciate how well Wealthy Affiliate teaches the average person how to build an online business. They are a training platform, and they deliver. They are constantly upgrading and improving their products and education videos. Robert is an experienced affiliate marketer. Why wouldn’t he promote a platform that delivers in his blog posts? He’s looking to help people, not squeeze money out of them.
Robert is doing his due diligence and sharing his research with the public. While you, sir, just rave on and on about nothing. I don’t think you are aware of who looks foolish here. You certainly don’t realize that your protests look like you’re hiding something.
It strikes me as odd that anyone would pay a company money for products that don’t seem to exist. If they existed they would have been released by now. That is the definition of a scam – getting people to recruit other people to pay for something that doesn’t exist.
And Robert is right, building an online business cannot be done for you by someone else. It takes dedication and hard work. Any company that promises otherwise is lying, and most likely A SCAM.