Best Business Opportunity Online For 2020
Do you want to make 2020 the year you finally begin your own startup internet marketing business? I will reveal the best business opportunity online for 2020 where you choose what it will be about that doesn’t require buying and selling. Plus it is fun and inexpensive to operate.
This form of marketing is forever growing
There does not seem to be an end in sight for this form of digital marketing. Recent economic retail trends are showing a steady rise in profits that will continue to grow as more and more people make their purchases on the internet instead of in the stores. This will be good for you.
Seeing how this trend in how we are all going about shopping nowadays, it shines a light on how we can take advantage of ecommerce as a way to earn income. The explosion of growth in this genre of marketing will need millions of people to help it thrive and that is where you come in.
If people in traditional jobs like retail and manufacturing are to survive this ever-growing new reality of automation and artificial intelligence, they will need to change and adapt how they earn income. The easiest and least expensive way to achieve this is to be a part of the change.
Remember that saying, if you can’t beat them, join them? The sad reality is that many of the jobs we once thought as secure for generations to come, are now being replaced by artificial intelligence and other forms of technology. What would you do if you were laid off tomorrow?
If you already had invested in a second source of income within this new frontier of online marketing, you could survive the hit to your financial well being. Warren Buffet, known for his wise business sense has said, “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”
Are your New Year Resolutions really beneficial?
Did you make any resolutions this past New Years Eve? Every year people claim the same things over and over again. I am going to lose weight, find love, be a better person, and the list goes on and on. Though many are good, how many can actually improve your financial future?
Take Warren Buffett’s advice and invest in yourself. Create a second source of income, especially one that will run itself when you are asleep or on a vacation. Being part of the online retail marketing space is a fantastic way to generate that second and even third income.
Think of how great it would be on an ice cold snowy day to not have to get out of bed early in the morning and commute to work. Would it not be great to know that you can be making money 24-hours per day without having to talk to anyone face to face or have to buy and sell?
Many of the resolutions people make on New Years Day tend to go by the wayside before too long. You can always start losing weight, eating healthier, or find true love at any time, but investing in the security of your financial future needs to start sooner rather than later.
When you are dealing with something that is going to become at least your financial safety net and at most your own business, getting it going before a financial hardship strikes is absolutely vital. Something like this requires time to plan, build, grow and maintain to produce income.
Tomorrow is not yesterday
The way these times we live in are changing at an accelerated pace, people can lose their jobs even if the company is not going out of business. When you go to the supermarket or a big box store, how many more self-checkout counters do you see? There are obviously less cashiers.
Uber and Lyft are testing self-driving and self-flying drone taxis starting this year 2020. Some delivery companies are now using smart AI delivery robots. Automation and Artificial Intelligence has already started replacing the human workforce. You can even make money flying drones.
The time is now for making a change to the security of your financial future. Starting an online marketing business is not only a low cost and low risk investment, it can be quite profitable, even enough to quit your day job. If you had the ability to earn 24/7, why stay at your 9-5 job?
The best business opportunity online for 2020 and beyond is Affiliate Marketing. All of the statistics are showing a steady rise in both popularity and profits. Many well-known retail and service companies are embracing affiliate marketing as it increases their sales and profits.
Unlike other forms of marketing you may have heard of like Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and Network Marketing, in Affiliate Marketing making money is easier. It doesn’t require you to meet anyone face to face, nor to buy and sell any products. Everything happens over the internet.
Why Affiliate Marketing is a good return on investment
One of the many reasons affiliate marketing is so popular is for its low cost, making it a good return on your investment. More and more companies that have online stores also have affiliate programs because they know that a huge chunk of their revenue will come from internet sales.

With exception of the crash in 2009, Affiliate Marketing has been the best business opportunity online.
As an affiliate marketer you can join these popular programs for free, promote the products these companies sell, and earn a commission for every sale that your promotions generate. It should be no surprise that one of the largest affiliate programs online belongs to Amazon.
The Amazon Associates Program, as it is called, has helped tens of thousands of everyday people to generate thousands of dollars in monthly commissions. One thing I like about their program is how you can earn even more money based on how much someone buys.
Have you ever bought an item on Amazon and then saw something else you wanted to buy? The majority of people who buy a particular product wind up buying additional items. This would be of benefit to you seeing how your commission is based on the total purchase price.
With Amazon it does not matter if the person that your promotional efforts sends their way, winds up purchasing the product you are promoting or not. As long as that buyer enters the Amazon website through your affiliate link, no matter what they buy, you will earn a commission.
Earn money without working for it
With society becoming more automated, being able to earn money can also be automated. Once you have an affiliate marketing website up and running, earning an income from whatever you decide to promote will work for you 24 hours per day 365 days per year without much effort.
Look at it in this way. If you were to have an actual store in your town or city, people can only buy from you while your store is open. However when you have an affiliate marketing website, people from all over the world will have access to what you are offering at all hours of the day.
This means you can literally earn money any hour of the day or night. Your online shop remains open and never closes. Plus, being that you are only the affiliate marketer or promoter, the actual sales transaction occurs on the website you are affiliated with. You are the middleman.
How to Become Financially Stable in 2020 and Beyond
Can you see why this is the best online business opportunity? The bulk of your work happens in the beginning with your planning and building out of your website content. Once that is done and you are running on the internet, your workload can be cut in half as the website will work for you.
Another nice perk to earning money this way is that it’s disaster proof. No fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, or even a pandemic can shut your money making business down. You earn commissions and get paid via the internet. The only thing that can stop that is if your website goes offline.
Affiliate Marketing by the numbers
Did you know that of the three types of popular independent work at home marketing methods, affiliate marketing is the most widely profitable worldwide? Earning is easier and without human contact. The current updated stats below show you how much better it is in comparison to other forms of marketing.
Globally by the end of 2019, affiliate marketing is a 12 Billion Dollars per Year Industry! Though it is most popular in North America (Canada & U.S), in the UK and in Europe, affiliate marketing is operated in every country with free and unrestricted access to the internet. Plus there is plenty of room to grow.
IN 2019
- The U.S. was the biggest contributor with 4.5 Billion Dollars per Year in sales
- The UK was the second largest with 1.7 Billion Dollars per Year in sales
- Europe, mainly Germany, came in third with 1.3 Billion Dollars per Year in sales
- The rest of the world combined for a total of 4 Billion Dollars per Year in sales
- EACH with a fluctuation of generally +.1 Billion Dollars per Year in sales
If you have been paying attention to TV and online marketing advertising, especially during the 2018 and 2019 holiday seasons, you probably heard of a company called Rakuten. They own many different internet marketing shopping portals and track the amount of sales figures.
Rakuten LinkShare is an affiliate marketing service provider network for affiliate programs with many of the big fortune 500 companies as well as smaller ones. When it comes to the tracking of sales figures across the entire affiliate marketing spectrum, they have the knowledge.
Rakuten has predicted based on current exploding trends, that affiliate marketing will be at least a 6 Billion Dollar per Year Industry in the U.S. alone in 2020 – THIS YEAR! That is a 1.5 Billion Dollar per Year gain from the previous year and growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
The way we live and do business is quickly changing
This is why you need to start earning money from the comfort of your home in affiliate marketing now! The longer you wait, the shorter your window to secure your financial safety net from the current retail economic change that is already underway. This change will only come quicker.
Many retail outlets we have purchased from since we were kids are closing, downsizing or going completely out of business. In 2019 alone across North America, at least 6,616 retail stores closed down. Shopping for anything online is the growing normal way of purchasing.
If you haven’t seen this coming for the past several years you haven’t been paying attention. You may not be in a job that is directly in retail sales or some kind of service provider, but automation and artificial intelligence is steadily growing in almost every industry.
Many of these require 5G technologies and there are already 50 5G networks up and running around the world with many more coming online in 2020. Eventually, whatever industry you work in, this brave new world of automation and AI will have an impact on you in some way.
How to start for free while the competition is still low
The purpose of this post is not to scare you into thinking a scenario like the movie Terminator is about to take shape. However its purpose is to wake you up to the coming change you will have to face sooner or later. To relieve financial stress of this change, it is best to prepare now.
What can you do about this today? Start an affiliate marketing website in absolutely any niche you desire. Think of something you have a great interest in or would love to recommend to other people. Find a company that sells this product or service and become their free affiliate.
The simple concept of making money in affiliate marketing is to provide information about someone else’s products, promote them via your affiliate links to the website of the seller, and when that company completes the sale you get paid a percentage of the total purchase price.
Though the money making process is simple, you will need to spend the time to get everything set up so it can run itself. Once your business is automated and operating on its own, you can either sit back and earn or start another affiliate website business and earn even more money.
I highly recommend learning affiliate marketing from the #1 Rated Affiliate Marketing Online Training Platform known as Wealthy Affiliate. They have been in business for 15 years since 2005 and are the premier affiliate marketing business community on the internet.
Would you like to Earn while you Learn?
I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2013. Thanks to their easy made for beginners online training, I have created a few different affiliate marketing website businesses. I also create training tutorials and provide freelance service from the knowledge gained through the training.
Do not be lazy and let 2020 go by without you making a change. Every member has the same earning potential. All you have to do is just make up your mind to “Just Do It!” The low cost of the entire training program along with all of the programmed for you websites, is no more than $49.00 per month.
Some of the links I have above are to a couple of Wealthy Affiliate blogs I have written with relevant information to what I have discussed in this current post. If you wish to create a Free Starter Account at Wealthy Affiliate you can do so from within these blogs or click here.
You do not need to give your full name or any kind of credit/debit card information to join. All you need is a valid email address for your 100% Free Starter Membership. This membership will give you FULL ACCESS to the first 10 of 50 lessons so you can get an idea of what is needed.
Take advantage of this No-Risk and Low-Cost opportunity for the best online business for 2020 and beyond. Affiliate marketing is how ordinary people all over the world are creating a second source of income, building the financial safety net for their future and retirement.
Learn how to get paid for promoting other people’s products whether it be an Apple iPhone, an LG HD TV, travel packages to Disney World, CBD oil, or anything else you can think of. If you have any questions now please leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you. Home JobsVideoartificial intelligence in the workforce,best business opportunity online,ways to earn income at home
I recently know about affiliate marketing. Now I know this is why we need to start earning money from the comfort of our home in affiliate marketing now! The longer we wait, the shorter our window to secure our financial safety net from the current retail economic change that is already underway. This change will only come quicker. Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .I would definitely like to thank you for discussing the Best Business Opportunity Online
Yes. The longer we wait the more competition there will be. With retail stores closing by the thousands every year, those stores that are embracing affiliate marketing will thrive. As affiliate marketers we have a golden opportunity to get involved now while the market is still in its early growing expansive phase.
You blog helped a lot to know about the best opportuinties. Affiliate marketing is today’s new thing and might be tomorrow’s old. I mean, who knows the type of marketing that will come up with tomorrow? I entered into Affiliate Marketing. I joined Wealthy Affiliate and the rest is history. Earning a passive income and also an income from Local Marketing. Yes, we get taught Local Marketing inside W.A. too. It was a life-changer for me. Thanks for sharing such useful guide.
You are welcome Lalita. It was my pleasure to share this information with you. Fortunately for us affiliate marketers, industry trends are showing nothing but steady growth in this industry. Even when the economy collapsed back in 2008/2009, affiliate marketing did not collapse like the stock market did. It did slow down but it did not fold like many other forms of marketing, which makes affiliate marketing the way of the present and future.
You have done a great job with this article. It will guide beginners like me on affiliate marketing. By opening opportunities that we never knew existed before. A great method of earning money online.
I just joined Wealthy Affiliate, I will be honest it is not totally easy but it is very doable. For some, it could be a slow process and for some, it could be fast but it depends on your niche and your way of advertising but all in all it’s a method that works for sure.
Thanks Robert.
Thank you Michael for your comment and all the best as a new member of Wealthy Affiliate. Starting any new venture into the learning process of building a solid and legit internet business will not be easy at first. If it were everyone would be rich. It takes hard consistent work and effort along with failures to be a success online. Fortunately Affiliate Marketing is the easiest and least expensive way to reach your financial goals.
Hey, thanks for sharing this informative article with us
Really you wrote a great made an excellent description of Best Business Opportunity Online For 2020. Your article really helps them who want to do business in online. I also do affiliate marketing. because It seems too easy for me. Thanks for recommended Wealthy Affiliate. I am a premium member of a wealthy affiliate. I also do work with a wealthy affiliate. This website gives us many opportunities for affiliate marketing and there are free training arrangements for affiliate marketing. They have many videos and articles about affiliate marketing and it’s totally free. they give us free tools and support and also you can make a free website from the Wealthy Affiliate website. In my opinion, this is a great website for learning affiliate marketing and getting started.
You are welcome. I am happy you liked the information I shared here. Wealthy Affiliate is the #1 destination for beginners to start a successful online affiliate marketing career. You are definitely a member of a quality training and website building community.
Thanks for this nice article. I have joined wealthy affiliate and I am a premium member, I have also started a new free website and I am looking for ways to drive huge organic traffic to my website. I think affiliate marketing is good for me. I have also registered for amazon affiliate marketing program, I will soon be advertising their products on my website. I like the details on this article, although it is too elaborate and takes too much time read, in the end the information you are passing is clear. Thanks once again for this wonderful information you have decided to share with others.
You are welcome. The content is elaborate for a reason. Google wants people to write elaborate long content full of much information. These are the types of articles they like to rank higher than content that is thin and light on information.
Hi, Robert
Thank you very much for your nice review. Your review is full of new content. I have learned some new things which I have never learn from anywhere. You have posted the online business opportunities that is really helpful for freelancer. I am working in the affiliate market for two years. Iknow the benefit of online business. Online business has a lot of opportunities to earn money. I will encourage people to see your post. And they should engage them in online business.
Thank you again for the nice post. I will share it with other freelancers. I hope soon they will come to this market. They will surely share their opinion with you soon.
You are welcome and thank you for sharing my post here with others. Online affiliate marketing is not only a growing and popular way to earn money from anywhere but many retail companies are beginning to adopt its way of making money. Though the process of making money is easy, the hard part is spending the time and effort to get it going before earning your first dollar.
Hello, Your guide is very useful for me. I recently joined wealthy affiliate and doing my training in wealthy affiliate. Now I am getting best results also. But I didn’t applied yet for Amazon associate program. Soon I will apply and hope my revenue will also start increasing soon. Now I know that money making process is simple,we will need to spend the time to get everything set up so it can run itself. Once our business is automated and operating on its own,we can either sit back and earn or start another affiliate website business and earn even more money.
That is great to hear Bai. The training program at Wealthy Affiliate is the best in the industry and the success rate of all its members is high. Just follow Kyle’s guidance, do not rush through it, be patient, work hard and you will experience success. It will take time but it definitely will happen.
Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .I would definitely like to thank you for discussing the Best Business Opportunity Online .I have been working in affiliate marketing for a long time and I am a successful affiliate marketer .Affiliate marketing has given me the best business opportunities in the online world .Through affiliate marketing, I’ve been able to take my website to a good level and I’ve learned a lot from it and been able to implement it. And I think your guide to Article A is really great for everyone .At the same time, I think the best way to make money online is to affiliate marketing .
Lastly, I hope that through your articles everyone gains important knowledge and will share their new experiences with you .
Thank you Shanta for your comment. It is always great to meet another successful affiliate marketer. When it comes to the best online business opportunities for 2020 and beyond, there is no doubt that affiliate marketing is the easiest and least expensive way to go. Even all of the marketing gurus are saying this. I hope you will be blessed in your own online business.
Hello Robert, You have done a grate work for beginners by finding the best business opportunity online to earn good money. While reading I found your guide on earn while you learn. Then I started with affiliate marketing and get awesome result from it. Now I am still learning and implementing my ideas on my website. Then my website get more traffic from search engine and I got more results from my ads. Your guide is awesome for everyone.
Thank you Parveen. I am happy you have enjoyed my post and that you too are experiencing success with online affiliate marketing. Being an affiliate marketer is an ongoing learning experience but fortunately it is really easy to earn while you learn.
Affiliate marketing is today’s new thing and might be tomorrow’s old. I mean, who knows the type of marketing that will come up with tomorrow? Let’s just enjoy today’s and get the best of this affiliating environment. Besides, it truly works for income. I beleive it is important to take on new opportunities.
Thank you Linda for your comment. Though I agree that marketing will change at some point, current trends show no signs of affiliate marketing going away anytime soon. In fact it keeps growing by the billions of dollars in sales worldwide every year.
With more and more brick and mortar stores closing as I mentioned in my post about why affiliate marketing is profitable, this form of internet marketing is going to explode in sales growth. Now is the time to get in while the getting is good.
Reading this article is a real good pep talk. It is so true all the New year’s resolutions I made have fallen to the wayside. To be honest I never keep my resolutions. Most people I know don’t really keep there’s neither. Haha, I am still starting that diet tomorrow never comes..
If there is one thing I have learned is. Affiliate marketing for me is so much easier than MLM. I was with two MLM companies spanning over two and a half years. I paid for the monthly products which in all essence is a monthly subscription. Please believe me when I say if I didn’t have to pay monthly, I had to get the group sales up so I was forever buying products I didn’t need or want. As a matter of fact, all I ended up doing was been a product buyer. I didn’t earn a penny not a single cent. I ended up out of pocket.
Not long after I entered into Affiliate Marketing. I joined Wealthy Affiliate and the rest is history. Earning a passive income and also an income from Local Marketing. Yes, we get taught Local Marketing inside W.A. too. It was a life-changer for me.
It is so scary. So many high street shops closing down. Mothercare and Thomas Cook two very long-standing high street chains in the UK just closed shop just like that. That is only two companies but there are many more. More and more people are shopping online.
With Amazon too. Lot’s don’t realize that you get commissions for other things people buy via their affiliate link. Even if it wasn’t the product they were looking at.
I have to admit that Affiliate marketing is so much easier than MLM. Not only that I save money because in MLM there is always selling to be done. Meaning traveling to meet up with new sponsors. Home parties. None of that is cheap and it is extra stress on the pocket. I have hosted my own parties before. I have supplied food and drinks and to be honest, that took a whole chunk out of my own pocket. Not great if you are on a budget.
This article is fabulous. So very true too. Thank you for writing it.
Brilliant thank you.
Thank you Deborah for your comment. I too started my entrepreneurship in an MLM. I am sure you have heard of Amway, yep that is the MLM I got involved with. Like you and many other MLMs I had to buy a certain amount of products every month just to qualify to earn a commission. That quickly became a problem as I had all of this product and only one person in my downline, one of my best friends. I am so glad he didn’t hold that against me and has remained as one of my best friends.
Affiliate marketing is a totally different way to make money from home without having to buy any products and without having to recruit any people in order to get paid a commission. Not having to meet people in person to make money is also great in that you do not suffer from any fear of rejection which happens so often in an MLM. What is worse is when that MLM is an illegal Pyramid Scheme. Many skirt that gray area between a legit MLM and an illegal Pyramid Scheme.
That being said, another reason why affiliate marketing is the best business opportunity online for 2020 and beyond is being boosted by how people shop nowadays. The majority of well-known retailers that have a website e-commerce store has an affiliate program to pay commissions to those who promote their products. With most of the world shopping online for practically everything, affiliate marketing is soaring and brick and mortar stores are shrinking. Now automation and AI will accelerate job losses.
In order for the human workforce to survive this new way of doing business, those who have lost their jobs and maybe soon to lose it by way of automation, need to invest in themselves and start their own affiliate marketing internet business. This is something that is low cost and can be quite fun in building it. However it will take months before the money will start rolling in and when it does it will be small at first. This is why people need to start now before unemployment sets in, so their finances do not take a big hit.