Coca-Cola Collectibles for Sale – Cash in on a Classic
Do the words Coca-Cola Collectibles for sale get you all excited? The stars of TV shows Pawn Stars and American Pickers, always collect them and so do many other people all over the world. Yes, all over the world! Coca-Cola is a global brand, which means you can make serious money promoting their collectibles.
Antique Coca-Cola Machines
I was a bit envied as a little boy growing up in the 1960s & 70s because my father owned a vending business. I had free access to all sorts of candy and soda, or soda pop to some people. Another thing we had, one in the garage and one in our basement, were these now vintage Coca-Cola vending machines.
Back then they were not vintage but also not new either. The one thing great about them was that they worked. My father set it up that you would put a quarter in the coin slot, yeah only 25 cents, press the button or pull the lever depending on the model of the machine, to get your soda. Then your money would be returned in the change slot. Free Coca-Cola!
But nowadays those old Coca-Cola machines are sought after by collectors. The funny thing is, if I had a crystal ball as a kid, I would have made my dad keep them instead of selling them to the junk man for scrap metal. He did keep a real special one though, a prototype he helped build specifically for the USS Nautilus, the first U.S. nuclear submarine.
Vintage Coca-Cola Collectibles
Well enough of my stroll down Coca-Cola memory lane, and let me explain to you how and why you can make a lot of money in the narrowed down niche of Coca-Cola collectibles. Because this is a brand that is made and sold worldwide for many years, vintage advertising pieces are highly collectible. Even the reproductions of the vintage pieces are in demand.
You can create an easy website and build your affiliate marketing niche around this popular soft drink and all that is associated with it, both old and new. The great thing about this niche is the abundance of ways you can start as an affiliate marketer of collectible Coca-Cola products. In just a bit I will provide you with a link to an affiliate program you can join for free.
People go crazy for vintage Coca-Cola items, and many of them do not even drink the beverage. Even though I drank it as a kid, I no longer drink it as an adult, but I still have a desire for vintage advertising collectibles with their logo on it and so do many others. I even found a pair of old mini bottle Coca-Cola salt & pepper shakers at a garage sale for $4, that I turned around and sold on eBay for $44.
How to Spot the Good Stuff
Do your research into what kind of old Coca-Cola products are considered collectibles. This can be done in many ways online, and there are even collectible price guide catalogs that can offer help. But mainly look for anything old and authentic in good condition. One obvious item are glass Coca-Cola bottles, especially the ones that have the name painted on them.

Coca-Cola glass bottles with either raised or painted letters are great collectibles.
Another way to know that the glass bottle is an old original is if it has a light green color. Old Coke metal tin serving trays are another kind of collectible as are any type of metal advertisement signs. Pretty much anything that is not plastic, with the exception of the more modern variety, are the kinds of old Coca-Cola collectibles you will want to find.
And then there are the somewhat unusual items that people love having in their possession. Coca-Cola furniture is one of those collectibles that you probably never heard of, I know I didn’t, but they are a hot commodity with some collectors. No matter what it is, if it is original or branded with the Coca-Cola logo, people will want to have it.
How to Make Money on a Classic Brand
You probably have a pretty good idea by now at just how intense some people are in anything with the Coca-Cola logo on it. There is no doubt that this soft drink company has a huge following of fans all over the world, either as loyal consumers, loyal collectors or both, and there are new interested people looking to become collectors too. This means great profits for you!
So how can you benefit from this? First you will want to learn about the different types of collectibles that are available. Don’t worry, you do not need to know about all of them. Frankly, you probably will not be able to, there are just too many of them. What I would do is start learning about the more popular kinds like the vintage and the obscure types of collectibles.
The next thing you will want to do is build a free website that is all about Coca-Cola collectibles. This is actually not hard to do at all and I will explain how in my “Action Plan” section below. What you will need to do with this website is not only write about the different types of collectibles, but give your potential customers a way to purchase them.

Coca-Cola used to make this real-life truck into a light-up collectible model up until the late 1990s
The Coca-Cola Store
The easiest way to get people excited and engaged in the process of buying Coca-Cola collectibles, is to not just write passionately about them on your website and blog, but to also give them a way to purchase really cool and authentic collectibles. The best place to do that is at the Coca-Cola store and other affiliate outlets. These places offer an affiliate program you can join for free and earn a commission.
Below is the information and link you would need to become an affiliate and to start earning money. As with all real online affiliate programs, you will need to have your own website and blog up and running. This way the affiliate program you are trying to join, can verify you as a legitimate website worthy of displaying their affiliate advertisements.
To learn more about one of the Coca-Cola free affiliate programs, see the information provided at the below link.
Coke Collection
They offer every kind of Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other soft drink collectibles and present day items such as different kinds and styles of cans, bottles, and much more. All you need to do is look through a Coca-Cola collectibles price guide and you will see just how much many items are worth for the millions of collectors around the world.
Action Plan to get You Started
In order to get started making big time profits offering Coca-Cola collectibles you will need to have a website that promotes these products. I am sure if you clicked on the link to the Coca-Cola affiliate program above, you probably noticed the area at the bottom of the join form for information about your website.
The majority of affiliate programs no matter what you are promoting/selling require a website/blog. This is how they can tell if you are serious about making money or just a curiosity seeker, and no one wants that type of person, would you? But to get your own website and blog is super simple and doesn’t require any kind of technical know-how.
In addition to this website you are reading this blog from, I have four other websites, all which I was able to build without programming in just a few minutes. If you would like to see how quick and simple it is, watch the three minute video on my Site Rubix Free Website Builder post. The basic building of a free WordPress website gets built within the 3 minutes of that video.
Where to Build Your Free Website
In order to make a lot of money online in affiliate marketing either selling/promoting Coca-Cola collectibles or anything else, you will first need to get your website built and established in the search engines. To do this and get free training in how to make money in affiliate marketing, you will want to become a member of the #1 affiliate marketing training program online.
I promise the training is easy, you can do it at your own pace, you will learn how to make money online from home in affiliate marketing, and build at least one WordPress website WITHOUT having to program any of them for free. Plus you will be able to get help and support 24/7. I know this sounds too good to be true but it is the truth. If it isn’t you can come back here and leave a complaint in the comments section below.
The name of this online business training community is called Wealthy Affiliate University or Wealthy Affiliate or just WA. They’ve been helping and creating online entrepreneurs for 15 years, since starting in 2005. You will not find a better and more helping community of internet marketers anywhere online. If they were not successful, do you think they would still be growing strong?
Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive community of all ages and educational backgrounds from all over the world. They offer a 100% free starter membership which includes the first 10 of 50 lessons and one programmed website. Absolutely everything you need to start making money online is here. To get started with the training and read what others are saying, click the below picture. Home JobsMoney Making Ideasaffiliate marketing online,Coca Cola collectibles for sale,Coca-Cola Store
I have always loved Coca-Cola. For me, It’s Coke, Fanta, Sprite etc over Pepsi 🙂 . It never even occurred to me that I could make money promoting Coca-Cola collectibles, much less digging deep to find an affiliate program.
This is a fantastic opportunity and a great niche choice you’ve just recommended. I find it extra admirable that you chose to share this, rather than work on it yourself. Thanks Robert.
Coca-Cola like other big named brands actually have a huge following of fans and thus collectibles. I will be doing more blogs in the future to offer these to more of my website readers. Though there are a few other affiliate programs that sell Coca-Cola items, it is the collectibles that will bring the most money and authenticity because it is from the brand’s own store. Definitely something people should consider.
Hey, Robert!
Good to see a new post come out. Honestly, I think you are a true businessman – I believe having a father being in vendor business, you learned a lot from him as a kid. I mean, seriously, you find something in the garage worth $2 and you sell it on Ebay for $37 years later. I mean I threw SO much stuff just like that that it’s not even imaginable. I really need to learn from you when it comes to Ebay selling or Amazon ( in my case).
As for Coca-Cola – thanks for bringing sweet childhood memories to me haha. It’s wonderful to know that there are so many opportunities available out there and we can use so many things to turn into a cash flow.
You always have great ideas and thank you for sharing those with us!!!
Thank you Zarina for your comment.
I just happen to like collectibles of all kinds and I know from experience that Coca-Cola collectibles are highly sought after by many people like myself that grew up being treated to a Coke every once in a while. It wasn’t as readily available when I was a kid, even though my father sold them. Unlike in this day and age, having a “Coke and a Smile” was something one would have as a treat.
Since this soda pop has been around for more than a century, it has a huge fan base, with some real die hard collectors looking for obscure collectibles like Coca-Cola furniture and vintage signage, even working vending machines. I wish I was able to keep one of my father’s old working vending machines, they would be worth a lot of money right about now.
So for anyone who wants to make some decent money promoting collectibles for Coca-Cola, they can make money from home online providing a way for people to satisfy their passion for Coke products both old and new. There really are so many money making opportunities in affiliate marketing, you just need to search for them.
This is pretty damn awesome. Fans and followers of the Coca-Cola brand will find this extremely profitable.
It shows the true power of affiliate marketing, anything can be turned into a business.
Thanks for the quick guide.
You are welcome Julius. As with most of the big name brand products that have been around for more than 100 years, Coca-Cola has an enormous fan base and their collectibles are the most sought after. I do not know of many people who have not heard of Coca-Cola and because of this popularity, people have an easy way to make money from it.
Joining the Coca-Cola store affiliate program will allow anyone with a website and blog to monetize their site and make money from the comfort of their home 24/7. There will always be Coca-Cola collectors and this is a great and popular niche to get started with.
Those old vending machines look wonderful don’t they?
It never even occurred to me that Coca Cola would have an affiliate program.
Those old Coca-Cola vending machines have such as classic old look and with the colors of red and white with some shiny chrome, they look super. They really bring back fond memories of my childhood as they do for many others, and which is why many like collecting them. I knew that millions of people like collecting Coca-Cola products, so I checked and sure enough, they have an affiliate marketing program. So I though it would be great to let people who like Coca-Cola know that they could also make money from the things they like to collect.
Great article Robert
There certainly are a few good options in regards to making some extra income on-line. Your idea is great! Let’s face it Coca Cola has been around for a long time and has an interesting history surrounding it. Thanks again
Coca-Cola has been around since the late 1800s which means we all of us have experienced it as children growing up and I know for me, I love collecting items from my childhood and Coca-Cola is one of those types of collectibles that many want. Being able to offer these to people online is a great way to start an easy affiliate marketing business from the comfort of your home.
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I think you did a great job of explaining what WA has to offer. I had my website up in running within minutes, just as you described. Wealthy Affiliate changed my life and I am so happy that I gave it a chance.
Hey Rachel! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Wealthy Affiliate definitely is an amazing opportunity that works for everyone who applies what they learn in their training. Being able to take any idea or passion/hobby and turn it into a full-time online business, is something anyone can do and do for very little money. Now anyone who likes things like Coca-Cola collectibles can create a full-time internet business from the comfort of their home and that is what I talk about in the post above.
You sure know your Coca Cola AND affiliate marketing!
I was definitely a Coca Cola fan growing up as a child. I loved those glass bottles, and a nice cold Coke was always a treat on a hot summer day.
One summer I was a foreign exchange student to Bogota, Colombia. There you could buy Coke from stands sitting in various locations, but the Coke was tepid (not chilled at all!). Plus, if you wanted to buy the Coke “to go,” rather than drink it then and there, in some places you had to bring your own empty bottle to trade for the full one! Coke bottles were not easy to come by, and to stay in business, the stands kept all their bottles.
Anyway, I can see why Coke collectibles are so desirable. They are very attractive! I remember there was a Coke poster with a Santa Claus on the front that always epitomized my imagination’s notion of what Santa MUST look like!
I love how you give the entire story of why Coca Cola collectibles, where to get started (without even having to purchase any!), and the program to use to do it!
Thanks so much! And I can understand why you were envied as a kid, getting free candy and Coca Cola!
Thanks Roger! I think many of us can always think back to our childhood and think of a memorable moment where Coca-Cola was involved in some way or another. I know for me it was that ice cold treat on a hot day and also because my dad used to sell in his vending machines. Because Coke is a generational product known all over the world, even in places like where you were in Bogota, it has touched the lives of so much of the world’s population and in a good and pleasing way. This creates a huge fan base and eventually collectors.
Now being able to tap into that desire for owning collectibles, whether it be old originals or authentic replicas, will help to make the affiliate marketer a lot of money. When people see Coca-Cola collectibles for sale in postings online, they flock to the website or sale listing. I know I used to search Craigslist for garage sales that where listing Coca-Cola collectibles, and if you didn’t get there as soon as they started you would never find them, because the hardcore collectors would always get there first. With this affilaite program it will be easier to cash in on a classic brand.
Wow this is a great idea! I’ve watched Pawn Stars as well as other similar shows that make a killer profit on vintage Coca-Cola items. They would just either get people to bring them in or they would find them at garage sales and get them for super cheap and flip them for a big profit.
Those shows are based in the US where it’s probably easier to find. I live in Canada and don’t think I’ll have much opportunity finding any at garage sales here but the affiliate program sure does sound interesting. Since they already have products I won’t have to waste any time looking around for any. All I’ll have to do is refer people to the product and I get money! Simple! I like that.
Thanks for this post! I will definitely be looking at the affiliate program.
You are welcome Andy! This was one of the reasons why I did this post. Because Coca-Cola is known around the world and most of the original old collectibles are here in the U.S., being able to join the Coca-Cola affiliate program from anywhere in the world will give every person the ability to make money on Coke collectibles. But if you should come across any at a garage sale by you and you can get it for a good price, definitely buy it! You could always flip it for more money to a collector on eBay or elsewhere.
The ability to join the affiliate program not only will help you to have access to whatever collectibles Coca-Cola is offering, but also the access of the popular pop culture Coke items like coolers, signage, clothing, Coca-Cola furniture, kitchen and table top accessories, and even their famous Christmas specific collectibles. People go crazy for this stuff and this affiliate program will be quite profitable for those who wish to get involved.
For a company as historical is this it does not surprise me to see so many collectible, I remember watching a YouTube channel that was dedicated only to Coca Cola collectibles, awesome post.
Thank you Sam. It is crazy how popular Coca-Cola collectibles are. There is a very big nostalgic feel to there collectibles because not only have they been in business for so long, but because they are well known the world-over. Big-named and popular companies that are global like Coke and that have been around for generations, tend to have a HUGE following of fans.
Mnay people when they think of Coca-Cola will be able to think back to their childhood, and that is why certain products are highly collectible. I am sure if you were to look up other big-named brands of things that have been around since before we were born and then look to see if they have an affiliate program, it would make a great money making website business to start up.
I always knew that there was a market for collectibles like toys and such, but I never even considered coca-cola items being collectible. I definitely think i’ll keep an eye out for such items myself. There’s always yard sales and garage sales around where I live, and I bet if I looked hard enough I wonder if other brands like Pepsi would have as big a following like Coke does. I’ll keep an eye out for both anyway. Thanks!
Definitely Pete, most times many of the big-named brands that have been around for decades, since before we were born, will always be collectible. Though not as big as Coca-Cola, Pepsi is also quite collectible, but I am not sure if they have an affiliate program or one as robust as Coke.
If you have an eCommerce website or you are selling on eBay where you will be selling actual physical items, then yes, going to garage sales and sales of that kind can be great for finding old Coca-Cola collectibles. Many times people will sell them for dirt cheap prices because they do not know the real value of what they could actually get for them.
But when it comes to the many kinds of collectibles, old advertising collectibles of either big famous companies that are no longer around or multinational companies that are still around like Coca-Cola, these are the types of collectibles that are highly sought after. Your customers will not just be from the U.S. but from all over the world.