The Best Work from Home Jobs Online – Start on a Low Budget
Would you like to know of the best work from home jobs online? I have successfully worked at home for 6 years and I will share with you the types of jobs that I know work, as well as warn you about those that do not.
Let me say up front so that there is no illusion of a get rich quick scheme here, that in order to be successful in any of the online job opportunities from home that I will share, you must put in an effort to make this work.

Work From Home in Comfort
I Challenge You – Prove me wrong
I am sure you have seen websites, emails, and social media posts containing ads that claim you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars for some sort of easy deal online. You know the saying…If it sounds too good to be true,…
Well I am here to say that many of those claims are no more than marketing hype to get you to think that their system is the answer to your financial future. People that fall for that bait on a hook, are people that I believe suffer from shiny object syndrome.
I do not know or have heard of anyone becoming wealthy from misleading programs like the kind I mention above. If you are raking in the dough on a program like that, please comment below and prove me wrong. I am sure some programs can work but only after some significant time, money and effort.
The Best Opportunities have one thing in common
Obviously working hard is one of the commonalities of being a success in any of the online home jobs I list below. However the only way for you to be successful in every single one of these endeavors is to be educated in the process of how to make them work.
Education is the foundation to everything that requires knowledge for you to engage in. Think about that. Practically everything you do in life required you to learn how to do it. Everything from learning to walk to learning how to surf the internet so you can read this literary masterpiece.

Your Wealty Affiliate Education Can Make You Money!
How can I make money online?
Okay! Now that I have gotten that stuff out of the way let us get to the reason why you are here, to find out what is the best work from home job. The simple answer to that question is, any job that you enjoy doing that is solely your own. That is the simple factor of it all and let me explain why.
Simply put, if you do not enjoy what you are doing you will not be motivated to work hard at building up your business from scratch. This is still a job and you must work and put in a solid effort to get it going. There is no such thing as an easy push button, click this kind of business.
The following list are the 4 types of legitimate online jobs that I currently do. Having the knowledge to do the first listed job below will allow you to do the following two plus others I did not mention, only because I have yet to do them. I will at the very end of this post list those other job options. Now let us get started.
This by far is the easiest to set up and the most fun to grow and operate. Fun? There is a job that is fun? Yes, when engaged in “real” affiliate marketing it can be fun. Notice I put quotes around the word REAL. This is because there are many online scams that use the words Affiliate Marketing as part of their programs.
Real affiliate marketing is different than the way the scams portray it to be. With many scams, in addition to their membership fees, you have to pay an affiliate fee or have to purchase many upsells for the product you intend to sell. But with “real” affiliate marketing you do not have to purchase the products or pay for the affiliate program.
In real affiliate marketing you come up with a niche and you write articles and posts about the many aspects and products relating to that niche on your website. I am sure you are probably thinking to yourself, what the heck is a niche? The below video will explain what a niche is and how to find one.
You are probably also wondering how can you have a website if you are not a programmer or even a tech savvy person? In this day and age (2015) you do not need to be either to build and have your own website. The video on my Site Rubix blog shows you how easy it is to build a fully functional website.
As you have just seen a niche is simply a segment of the population or a group of people that are passionate about a particular product, service, hobby, or way of life. I am very much into natural health so my first niche website was on how to avoid the flu without getting a flu shot. My second niche website was on my love for video games and how to test them.
Basically real affiliate marketing is taking a passion or hobby of yours that others share an interest in and creating a website on it. Then you affiliate with major retailers like Amazon and promote products associated with your niche on your website.
Any sales that come from your website to Amazon by way of the affiliate ads Amazon gives you to place on your website, you get paid a commission. This is why I say it is the easiest to set up, grow and operate. Once it is up and running, the promoting / selling happens 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
How to Get Started in Affiliate Marketing with a Niche
If you watch the 3 minute video on My Site Rubix Blog, you will see how quick and easy it is to build a WordPress website within a couple of minutes, following a 4-step process and without knowing any kind of programming. It is so simple a non-tech savvy person can do it.
Being that you will have the simple knowledge in how to build a WordPress website from scratch and without programming using the Site Rubix website builder, you can easily create websites for other people who still believe that they need to know programming to build one.
By creating and building your own website you will gain knowledge in many aspects of WordPress website design. You can then take this knowledge and offer different services to other people. As I am stating here, the knowledge of website design is one aspect and the other is keyword research, SEO and content writing.
Obviously to have access to all of this and the amazing website builder program, you will need to be a member of the Wealthy Affiliate online training community. To know more about how you can join for free, read the information I provide on the Wealthy Affiliate review blog post on this website.
One of the main things that you will do with an affiliate marketing website is write content. Some people get afraid of the term “writing content” but they really shouldn’t because they write content all the time. Writing content is nothing more than communicating in typed out words rather than spoken.

Writing Content Online is Another Form of Communication
When you write website and blog content, you are mainly just communicating your thoughts. The way I approach writing my content is by imagining myself sitting across the table from a best friend or family member and I am explaining to them whatever it is that I wish them to know. But instead of speaking these words I am typing them out on the computer keyboard.
There are loads of companies both large and small that are looking for people to do writing gigs for them. Many companies employ one or two in-house editors but get the bulk of their writing and blogging from Freelance Writers working remotely from anywhere.
Writing is something we all do at some level. Do you write emails, messages on social media, or texts? These are all forms of content writing. But when you can employ the knowledge you gain from the writing of your website content by using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and keyword research, your services as a content and blog writer are in more demand.
I have two links on my blog post about online freelance writing jobs that are a daily updated listing of individuals and companies looking for people to do writing jobs for them. Some jobs pay by the word or by the article. There are some jobs that are part-time as well as full-time.
I am currently doing an ongoing part-time job writing up descriptions for a company that has an eBay Store. They were looking for someone that has written eBay content before, which I have, see below, and also had an understanding of keyword research and SEO. I also just finished another writing job doing blogging content for a nutritional supplement company.
By having my own website and learning how to write SEO content that gets good Google rankings, many companies will gladly pay for anyone who can do this kind of writing. So do not be afraid of this kind of work because like everything else listed on this page, the more you do it for yourself, the better you become at doing it.

You can Drop Ship on eBay without DS Domination
Making money by SELLING ON EBAY
And last but not least I also make money selling on eBay. For some reason people think that it is hard to sell on eBay when it is actually quite easy. Taking pictures of items you wish to sell that you may have laying around the house, writing up a brief description, and then listing it for sale is not hard at all.
The hard part is getting people to want to buy what you have to offer. This is mainly due to the fact that most buyers on eBay will not feel comfortable buying from a Seller that has a low feedback score. A Seller’s feedback score is extremely important to not only help buyers feel comfortable to buy from you but it is also important for how well eBay ranks you.
I explain this entire process and give you 7 tips on how to overcome this in my blog, How to Make Money on eBay. In this blog I also provide a link to a free resource directory on Google that lists up to 1000 active wholesalers as well as approximately 70 drop shippers.
When you sell on eBay you should do a combination of drop shipping and shipping your own items. I find it best and more profitable to do both at the same time. Learning how to drop ship is very easy and it is free to learn. There is absolutely no need to join programs like DS Domination.
The people that join DSD do not realize that what they are teaching is NOT drop shipping and the high cost of the DSD membership fees will severely eat away at whatever profit margin you may earn. You can easily learn and operate in a drop shipping program for far less money. I explain why in my Is DS Domination a Scam review.
All you have to do is go to the websites of any of the drop shippers listed on the resource directory I mention above and just read their rules and instructions. Many of them are very simple to follow and will supply you with everything you will need. Plus your profit margins will be bigger than DSD.
Other Legitimate Online Jobs
So when it comes to finding the best work from home jobs online you always want to choose a job that you will enjoy. Don’t choose one that you think will be the most profitable because anything you really work at can be very profitable.

You Can Make a Lot of Money at Home Online
I chose Affiliate Marketing first and foremost because I knew that what I would learn could produce several other work at home jobs, with the first three of the four I mention above are prime examples. But it can also produce others as well. Here are the other online jobs that I have yet to try, but I will eventually try them.
• Providing Keyword Research for website owners and other companies looking to improve SEO
• In connection with the above, provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for existing websites
• Perform Social Media Marketing for businesses both small and large
• Teach / Coach WordPress website content creation techniques
• Resume writing, B2B and B2C Copywriting, Ghostwriting
• Creation of eBooks and other pay for information downloads
• PPC, email, and video marketing campaigns
• Providing photographs to photo stock agencies
The knowledge for the majority of these services / jobs can all be acquired from the training you can receive at Wealthy Affiliate University and from other research done online. You literally can start learning for free and even operate an online business for less than $50 per month.
Seriously, you probably spend more in gasoline or commuting costs every month just going to your thankless regular job. Think of how much money you can save and how great it can be to work a job you enjoy and that you can do from the comfort of your home.
But BEWARE! Do not fall for the online scams that will try to make you believe you can make great money from home for doing a little bit of easy work. ALL of that hype is nothing but their marketing ploy to play with your emotions. To become a successful and wealthy individual online takes time and effort.
If you would like to know more about how Wealthy Affiliate University can give you all of this knowledge for less than $50 per month, you can view my FAQ Page, my WA Review, or you can join for free at the banner ad above right and learn more without spending a penny. If you have any questions, please leave them below and I will return with a response. & 2015At Home JobsVideoaffiliate marketing,be your own boss,how to make money on ebay
Outstanding! This blogging website appears particularly like my aged one! This handles a totally numerous subject having said that this has essentially the comparable website web page style in addition to style. Fantastic option of tones!.
Thank you Michael. I wanted to use a simple yet effective looking WordPress theme that allows for customization. The less flashy the website theme the better it is in regards to loading speed, which is one of Google’s ranking factors.
Thank you for all the information you provide! I was thinking of giving DS a try but I’m sure glad I researched it before wasting any money.
No problem Johnny. Happy to have helped you out. If you still want to do drop shipping you can by yourself, it truly is not hard to do and it will cost you far less money than DSD. I explain how drop shipping works in my blog at the link below. Click on it and scroll down to where it says, How to do Drop Shipping, and read from there.
Thank you for the great insight. I was looking at a video I received in my email about joining the company. I for one do not like getting scammed. So that is why I came across your article because I always investigate before I invest.
You are welcome Gerald! The opportunity I offer at Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam and it truly is the best work from home online opportunity I have ever come across. Because of it I created this website to help educate people about it and to warn people about the other offers online that are scams. I don’t like being scammed, no one does, and with the information I provide here, hopefully I can present different ways to avoid scams online that many have not considered. I was brought up to help people and that is what I am doing here.
Hi Robert!
Great insights! A month ago, I for myself is finding the the best work from home jobs online. I bumped into several products tried it but it seems too complicated. One thing that frustrates me also is that there membership fee is too expensive.
That’s why I’m so glad that I learned Wealthy Affiliate. I mean, it doesn’t only give easy to understand training but it also gives so much support throughout the process.
Honestly, I am not computer savvy but Yeah, I managed to go through the first month and made my first website. For me that’s very exciting and somehow I find Wealthy Affiliate as the best work from home jobs online.
By the way, Affiliate Marketing seems really promising. Does wealthy affiliate offers courses on how to teach how to do affiliate marketing too?
Hello John, sorry for the late reply.
I too had tried many types of online work from home opportunities before arriving here at Wealthy Affiliate. Like you many of them were too confusing to understand, too expensive to start, or both. I was always finding it hard to get started into something where I could really enjoy what I was doing.
But Wealthy Affiliate is like a breath of fresh air when it comes to learning how to start an online business from scratch and grow it into a great money making website. With the training being so easy that a non-techie person can even understand it and the easy 4-step process in building a website, you will not find a better opportunity anywhere else online.
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate teaches you everything you need to know about affiliate marketing online. They are the industry leader when it comes to learning what to do and even what not to do for getting the best SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so your websites can get high rankings in Google and the other search engines. When doing affiliate marketing online it is vital to know how to do SEO because without it you will fail to make money online. This is yet another reason why there is no other place that can match what Wealthy Affiliate offers and for such a low monthly cost after a free start up!
many thanks, Robert for this tutorial on drop shipping
You are welcome Irene. I am happy you found the information I provided to be useful.
Hey, Robert!
I love your insights in to online work from home jobs 🙂 I enjoyed reading your article and also learned a few things myself here too.
After falling flat on myself so many times, I now hate shiny new object syndrome and also the ads that promise us the world with “little” work involved because it takes real hard work, dedication and commitment to get anywhere in the online world, and life in general. If we really want something, we must be prepared to go all out!
You have outlined any great online income generating methods in your post and I must say that affiliate marketing, WordPress website building and blogging are definietly my 3 favorite.
I’m sure I’ll explore other ways of making money online in the future, and this post will be valuable to a lot of people looking for online success.
Cheers! Neil
Thank you Neil!
I think many people who are looking to start their own online business go into it thinking that it will be an easy and quick experience. This is mainly because of the garbage these so called work from home online gurus tell people all the time.
If you look at any of the successful online entrepreneurs, none of them became successful overnight. They all took years to get to where they are today. I always use the story of my online business mentor Jeff Bezos, the Billionaire Founder & CEO of Amazon. It took him 2 years of solid work every day to make enough money just to break even and then another 5 years to become 100% profitable.
Starting any kind of legitimate work from home jobs online will require years of dedication and a lot of patience. I have been making money online for many years and I felt that I should share my experiences with this post here to help others who may be thinking of starting their. I am happy you liked my post. Thanks for your comment.
Thank you for sharing this post! I hope this post help people who is searching how to work from home! There are many ways to work from home and I learned a lot form your post! Have a nice day!
You are welcome Yoko. I too hope this will help many people to think about starting their own work from home jobs online. There are many different legitimate ways to make money online from home and I will not post anything on my website that I haven’t actually tried and/or are currently doing. This way I know that I am offering quality information for my website readers.
Thanks for all this info Robert – particularly for being so honest and for highlighting the scams and how to recognise them.
Working from home is hugely rewarding, but yes it does take hard work and commitment. I think that the people who fall for the get rich quick schemes have been onto a downer from the moment they took on the idea.
But as Jim said in his comment – it’s actually a great feeling sitting at 10 o’clock at night, working away, because you know you’re doing it for YOU and not to line someone else’s pockets. Then again, it’s also great to be able to meet friends for a long lunch or sit on the patio with a beer on a sunny afternoon 🙂 So it’s swings and roundabouts. But well worth it 🙂
I agree Jyl. Though working from home sounds luxurious and easy, it is still a job and one that you need to work hard at. But like you have said, as others have, when you are working hard late at night, you do not get as tired because the work you do will directly benefit you and not someone else. One of my favorite parts about working from home is that I can work when I want, even when I am doing freelance.
Though I need to be available during the day when my client is at their job, I can still take an extra hour for lunch or take a break here and there. As long as I get my work done on schedule everything else is cool. Plus the fact that my work is done online, I can take my laptop with me when I go out and work from where ever there is an internet connection. Working from home (or anywhere) is the best way to work and I hope more people will read this and want to experience it too.
I have searched for quite awhile trying to find legitimate work at home opportunities and all I have to show for it is an email inbox filled with emails trying to sell me all types of things. Some I have purchased but I was still no closer to making money than before.
Is drop shipping really a legitimate opportunity?. Are there minimum monthly quotas that need to be met?
Thank you Forrest for your reply. Yes, drop shipping is a legitimate opportunity as long as you take on the responsibility of joining REAL drop shippers and not join these “drop shipping member programs” like DS Domination. DSD is not a legitimate opportunity because what they teach is not drop shipping, though they claim it is.
But real drop shipping is legitimate and in some cases free to participate. Most do require you to pay a yearly membership fee but you can make that back in profits easily. These drop shippers provide everything you need to get started and many have personal representatives you can actually call and get support from. As for quotas, there may be some that do, but I have never experienced any personally.
Thanks for a very detailed explanation of the different directions working from home can lead to. I have been working from home for 3 years, and I have to say that the freedom is beyond what I thought it would be. Many 9-5 jobs have you exhausted by 5:00 and wanting nothing more than to go home. I often work into the night loving every minute of it! Because I have the freedom to make my own schedule. I will never go back to working for someone else!
I totally agree with you Jim! Once you get past the initial set up of your work from home online job and things start getting into the creation and growing stages, it becomes fun watching it grow and it motivates you to do more. But with a 9-5, like you said, you are exhausted by 5:00. This is mainly because you are working a job that you do not really love doing and are only doing it for the paycheck.
So if people are feeling that way about their jobs, I want to help them to start their own online jobs at home so that one day when their online businesses are making money, they can quit their 9-5 and start making their own hours. This is one of the many great aspects of being your own boss with your own online business that works 24/7 for you. Like you, I will never go back to work for someone else.
It is great to read a post about Work From Home Jobs with such honesty. You are right. Working from home is not all fun and games it does take a lot of work. Thank you for providing such a valuable resource.
You are welcome Valerie. Yes, though many people are attracted to the pleasure of working from home, it is still a job and one that you must work hard at in order to grow and succeed. In many ways you have to work harder because you are not guaranteed a paycheck if you do not put in an effort to make it work for yourself.